Lesson One hundred and one A card from JimmyRead Jimmy’s card to me please, Penny.‘I have just arrived in Scotland.And I’m staying at a Youth Hostel.’Eh?He says he’s just arrived in Scotland.He says he’s staying at Youth Hostel.You know he’s a member of the Y.H.A.The what?The Y.H.A., Mum.The Youth H 阅读全文
Lesson Ninety-one Poor lan!Has Ian sold his house yet?Yes, he has.He sold it last week.Has he moved to his new house yet?No, not yet.He’s still here.He’s going to move tomorrow.When? Tomorrow morning?No. Tomorrow afternoon.I’ll miss him.He has always been a good neighbor.He’s a very nice person.We’l 阅读全文
向此程序员致敬: 做技术已经有二十多年,每天忙忙碌碌,开始还对自己的职业生涯有些思考,时间一长,习惯了,再也没想过。前几天在办公楼上认识了一个朋友,他在某知名IT招聘网站做专业职业顾问,聊天的时候,他告诉我的这些话,让我顿时清醒了许多,现在我决定给自己这么多年的工作方式和思维模式做个改变,应该还不算晚。不管你是学习技术为了找工作还是创业,你都要对技术本身有个清醒的认识,在中国还仅仅的停留在把软件技术人才当作人才机器来用的尴尬境地。 一。不要以为技术可以换来稳定的生活和高的薪水待遇,更不要认为那些从事市场开发,跑腿的人没有前途。 中国有相当大的一部分软件公司,他们的软件开发团队都小的可怜... 阅读全文
Lesson Eighty-one Roast Beef and potatoesHi, Crarol! Where’s Tom?He’s upstairs. He’s having a bath.Tom!Yes?Sam’s here.I’m nearly ready.Hello, Sam.Have a cigarette.No, thanks, Tom.Have a glass of whisky then.Ok. Thanks.Is dinner ready, Carol?It’s nearly ready.We can have dinner at seven o’clock.Sam a 阅读全文
Lesson Seventy-one He’s awful!What’s Rom Marston like, Pauline?He’s awful!He telephoned me four times yesterday,and three times the day before yesterday.He telephoned the office yesterday morningAnd yesterday afternoon.My boss answered the telephone.What did your boss say to him?He said, ‘Pauline is 阅读全文
5.使用括号(括号对齐) 为区分 SQL 语句的层次,通常需要使用括号;并应注意括号的对齐,这样将有助于对 SQL 语句逻辑的理解,方便对其进行阅读。 通常,书上介绍的方法只强调添加括号能够区分 SQL 语句的层次,但是没注意到括号的对齐问题。因此,当语句规模较大、层次较复杂时将不易找到对应的括号。建议使用如下的括号对齐方式。--例: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Course WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SC ... 阅读全文
本文出自:李 熹 1.利用大/小写 虽然SQL对大小写不敏感,但是可以利用大/小写变化来帮助我们区分语句不同的部分如:保留字、数据库的表名、视图和字段名等;这样有利于我们理解和组织SQL语句逻辑。 (1)保留字(大写全部字母) ,我的风格是小写。(2)表名、视图名(大写字母开头) (3)字段名(小写子母开头),后面的单词以大写开头。--例: SELECT sno , sname FROM Student WHERE sdept = 'IS' 注:在给数据库的表、视图和字段命名时,也保持这种统一的大/小写风格同样十分必要。 2.使用空格提高语句清晰度 SQL 语句中的许多地方适当 阅读全文
本文来自:万一unit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, DB, ADODB;type TForm1 = class(TForm) DBGrid1: TDBGrid; DataSource1: TDataSource; ADOConnection1: TADOConnection; ADODataSet1: TADODataSet; ADOC... 阅读全文
本文来自:万一//只要前五条记录procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin with ADODataSet1 do begin Close; CommandText := 'SELECT TOP 5 * FROM country'; Open; end;end;//去除重复procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);begin with ADODataSet1 do begin Close; CommandText := 'SELECT DISTINCTROW 阅读全文
本文来自:万一Group By本来 Group By 也可以根据多个字段分组("," 隔开), 但这个例子只有 Continent 字段适合分组, 也只有 Area、Population 字段适合统计.本例效果图:代码文件:unit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, DB, ADODB;type TForm1 = class(TFo 阅读全文