Lesson Fifty-one A pleasant climateWhere do you come from?I come from Greece.What’s the climate like in your country?It’s very pleasant.What’s the weather like in spring?It’s often windy in March.It’s always warm in April and May,But it rains sometimes.What’s it like in summer?It’s always hot June, 阅读全文
Lesson Forty-one Penny’s bagIs that bag heavy, Penny?Not very.Here!Put it on this chair.What’s in it?A piece of cheese.A loaf of bread.A bar of soap.A bar of chocolate.A bottle of milk.A pound of sugar.Half a pound of coffee.A quarter of pound tea.And a tin of tobacco.Is that tea of tobacco for me?W 阅读全文
Lesson Thirty-one Where’s Sally?Where’s Sally, Jack?She’s in the garden, Jean.What’s she doing?She’s sitting under the tree.Is Tim in the garden, too?Yes, he is.He’s Climbing the tree.I beg your pardon?Who’s climbing the tree?Tim is.What about the dog?The dog’s in the garden, too.It’s running across 阅读全文
软件开发、维护的一些心得:一、在接到一个任务时,切忌在未看明白的时候匆匆编码。二、要先了解任务内容,然后看相关的代码。三、如果任务比较复杂,在编码之前,要先做设计,把要完成的功能进行划分,完成一步测试一步,不要急功近利。四、切忌通过不断的运行程序来检测程序的BUG,这样做的效率非常低(我现在就是这种情况)。在测试一个功能时出现BUG,应该在调试时找出该BUG,而不是退出看代码。到这一步还不行,应该多想想其它地方是否会有这个BUG,尽量少的运行程序。 阅读全文
Lesson Twenty-One Which Book?Give me a book please, Jane.Which book?This one?No, not that one. The red one.This one?Yes, please.Here you are.Thank you.Lesson Twenty-three Which glasses?Give me some glasses please, Jane.Which glasses?These glasses?No, not those.The ones on the shelf.These?Yes, please 阅读全文
Lesson Eleven Is this your shirt?Whose shirt is that?Is this your shirt, Dave?No, sir.It’s not my shirt.This is my shirt.My shirt’s blue.Is this shirt Tim’s?Perhaps it is, sir.Tim’s shirt’s whiteTim!Yes, sir?Is this your shirt?Yes, sir.Here you are.Catch!Thank you, sir.Lesson Thirteen new dressWhat 阅读全文
Lesson OneExcuse me!Yes?Is this your handbag?Pardon?Is this your handbag?Yes, it is.Thank you very much.Lesson ThreeMy coat and my umbrella please.Here is my ticket.Thank you, sir.Number five.Here’s your umbrella and your coat.This is not my umbrella.Sorry, sir.Is this your umbrella?No, it isn’t.Is 阅读全文
新建中间层:1.新建ActiveX中的Active Library工程2.新建Multitier中的Remote Data Module,为Module起个名Test。3.点击View->Type Library,在ITest接口下新建方法,在Parameters中添加输入和输出的参数。然后,更新->注册(在界面的菜单栏中),程序会自动生成ProjectName.dll。4.运行dcomcnfg命令,在COM+应用程序中新建‘空应用程序’。5.将dll拉入新建的COM+程序的‘组件’中。测试中间层:1.点击Project->Import Type Library,Add中间层 阅读全文
About Declarations and Statements(关于声明和语句)除了uses 子句(和划分单元不同部分的关键字,像implementation),一个程序完全由声明和语句构成,声明和语句被组织成块(block)Declarations(声明)变量、常量、类型、字段、属性、过程、函数、程序、单元、库和包的名称叫做标志符。(数字常量,像26057,不是标志符)标志符在使用之前必须声明,唯一的例外就是一些内置的类型、例程和常量,还有函数块中的变量Result,以及实现方法时的Self 变量,编译器能自动识别它们。一个声明定义一个标志符,并且在合适的地方为它分配内存。比如,var 阅读全文
1.About Expressions(关于表达式) (1)表达式是一个有返回值的语句构造。比如, X { 变量 } @X { 变量地址 } 15 { 整数常量 } InterestRate { 变量 } Calc(X,Y) { 函数调用 } X * Y { X和Y 的乘积 } Z / (1 - Z) { Z 和(1 - Z)的商 } X = 1.5 { 布尔 } C in Range1 { 布尔 } not Done { 布尔的否 } ['a','b','c'] { 集合 } Char(48) { 类型转换 } ... 阅读全文