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Lesson One hundred and twenty-one The man in a hat

I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago,

But I forgot to take them with me.

Who served you, sir?

The lady who is standing behind the counter.

Which books did you buy?

The books which are on the counter.

Did you serve this gentleman half an hour age, Caroline?

He says he is the man who bought these books.

I can’t remember. The man who I served was wearing a hat.

Have you got a hat, sir?

Yes, I have.

Would you put it on, please?

All right.

Is this the man that you served, Caroline?


I recognize him now.


Lesson One hundred and twenty-three A trip to Australia

Look, Scott.

This is photograph I took during my trip to Australia.

Let me see it, Mike.

This is a good photograph.

Who are these people?

They’re people I met during the trip.

That’s the ship we travelled on.

What a beautiful ship!

Who’s this?

That’s the man I told you about.


Ah yes.

The one who offered you a job in Australia.

That’s right.

Who’s this?


It’s not you, is it?

That’s right.

I grew a beard during the trip, but I shaved it off when I came home.

Why did you shave it off?

My wife didn’t like it.



Lesson One hundred and twenty-five Tea for two

Can’t you come in and have tea now, Peter?

Not, yet.

I must water the garden first.

Do you have to water it now?

I’m afraid I must.

Look at it!

It’s terribly dry.

What a nuisance!

Last summer it was very dry, too.

Don’t you remember?

I had to water it every day.

Well, I’ll have tea by myself.

That was quick!

Have you finished already?


Look out of the window.

It’s raining!

That means you don’t need to water the garden.

That was a pleasant surprise.

It means I can have tea, instead.


Lesson One hundred and twenty-seven A famous actress

Can you recognize that woman, Liz?

I think I can, Kate.

It must be Karen Marsh, the actress.

I thought so.

Who’s that beside her?

That must be Conrad Reeves.

Conrad Reeves, the actor?

It can’t be.

Let me have another look.

I think you are right!

Isn’t he her third husband?

No, He must be her fourth or fifth.

Doesn’t Karen Marsh look old!

She does, doesn’t she!

I read she’s twenty-nine,

But she must be at least forty.

I’m sure she is.

She was a famous actress when I was still at school.

That was a long time ago, wasn’t it?

Not that long ago!

I’m not more than twenty-nine myself.


Lesson One hundred and twenty-nine Seventy miles an hour

Look, Gary!

That policeman’s waving to you.

He wants you to stop.

Where do you think you are?

On a race track?

You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.

I can’t have been.

I was doing eighty when I overtook you.

Didn’t you see the speed limit?

I’m afraid I didn’t , officer.

I must have been dreaming.

He wasn’t dreaming, officer.

I was telling him to drive slowly.

That’s why I didn’t see the sign.

Let me see your driving licence.

I won’t charge you this time.

But you’d better not do it again!

Thank you.

I’ll certainly be more careful.

I told you to drive slowly, Gary.

You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.

Well, next time you’d better take my advice!


posted on 2012-02-26 09:20  星辰日月00  阅读(220)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报