CM server的CCWEB目录权限应该怎么设?


建议使用"domain users" 和"clearcase"这两个组给所有用户赋权限,因为这只是给视图的权限,所以没必要控制太严。

重点:因为ACL支持(lives supports acls)必须是通过继承才生效,所以要在ccweb的父目录的安全选项中设置完全控制权限,这样ccweb就能继承了。


Note: On Windows, this may include the permissions set at the root of the partition as the ACLs are inherited.



// On Windows:
cd "C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\common\CM\scripts"
set WAS_BIN="C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\common\eWAS\bin"
%WAS_BIN%\wsadmin -profileName cmprofile
wsadmin> source teamAdminUtils.jacl
wsadmin> set t [getTeamServer]
wsadmin> set cc [$AdminControl getAttribute $t ccServerFactory]
wsadmin> $AdminControl getAttributes $cc
wsadmin> $AdminControl setAttribute $cc ccrcViewStorage d:\views\ccweb


posted @ 2010-02-10 14:42  ColorSea  阅读(320)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报