题目:Given a list, rotate the list to the right bykplaces, wherekis non-negative.For example:Given1->2->3->4->5->NULLandk=2,return4->5->1->2->3->NULL.代码... 阅读全文
题目:Given a sorted linked list, delete all nodes that have duplicate numbers, leaving onlydistinctnumbers from the original list.For example,Given1->2-... 阅读全文
题目:Given a linked list and a valuex, partition it such that all nodes less thanxcome before nodes greater than or equal tox.You should preserve the or... 阅读全文
题目:Reverse a linked list from positionmton. Do it in-place and in one-pass.For example:Given1->2->3->4->5->NULL,m= 2 andn= 4,return1->4->3->2->5->NULL... 阅读全文