Study English Four


1.I have got a bit of headache!

2.Excuse me for a moment !


3.Whisky for this lady ,and put it on my tab!

    我们可以说 Could we have the bill, please? (请给我们账单好吗?)或 pay the bill(埋单),但记在某某的账上却不用 bill,而要用 put...on one's tab 表示。tab 小纸片的意思,因为过去小店的生意都是靠住在附近的老主顾,赊账时有发生,于是老板们通常把每个人的赊账情况记在各自的小纸片上,也就是 put...on one's tab,以防遗忘。渐渐地,该词组就成了一种习惯用法。

4.Know 与 know of  

         最基本的一个区别就是:know of 仅表示知道有这么个人,这件事但是没有什么交往;而know 则表示认识,层次比know of 要深。

5.A big shot  要人                
先从字面上来理解,a big shot 就是很大的子弹,很大的炮弹,再说好听一点,就是重磅炸弹,呵呵,引申出来,就是:重要的人物,简称“要人”。嘻嘻,不知道这样讲,大家会不会记得清楚一点。

6.Yes-man  和事佬                
我们的生活中总有这样一些人,很不喜欢对别人说“不”,他们信奉:以和为贵,凡事以不伤和气为最高准则,下次遇到这样的人,你就可以说他是个:yes- man

7.What’s the big deal!


8.Be angry at 生。。。气

         I am so angry at Bob for buying a new bike!

9.Big deal

 What is the big deal ?有什么了不起的

 It is no big deal !没什么了不起的

10.What’s the latest?


11.My shoulders are stiff.


12.Can I take a message


13.Don’t mention it.


14.At school, those guys always come to pick on me

英语中找某人的麻烦用短语 pick on sb. 它不仅表示挑剔某人、找某人的茬,而且还包含 tease(取笑、戏弄)或 bully(威胁、欺侮)的意思

15. How did you know this bug is female?
你怎么知道这只小虫是母的呢?话说有一次到学校的图书馆去借书, 结果不偏不倚一只美丽的小瓢虫就正好停在我的书本上. 那位帮我 Check out 这本书的美眉就兴奋地说, "Hey, look this lady bug." (, 看看这只瓢虫.) 我一听到 lady bug, 不经大脑思考就回她一句, "How did you know this bug is female?" (你怎么知道她是母的呢?) 结果她一边狂笑之馀, 一边跟我解释, lady bug 就是「瓢虫」的意思, 而非「母的」小虫.

16. I will play for your mother.
我会玩给你妈妈看.故事发生在年初,我一位韩国好友身上, 有一天老师没来上课, 因为他的妈妈因二度中风过世了, 我与那韩国友人购买了一张致哀卡片, 她写完慰问文句之后, 换我写. 我想先参考一下她怎么写, 看完后我觉得很奇怪, 就问她 "为什么你要玩给他已过世的妈妈看呢?" 她说"没有呀!" 等她再检查一遍后, 我俩大笑, 原来她把 pray 拼成play. 原文是: Mr. Bagnole, "I am so sorry. I will play for your mother."

17. I will see you in half an hour.
我半小时之后再见你.半小时在英文中要怎么讲? 我想有许多人直觉的反应就是 a half hour. 但事实上呢? 老美习惯上会讲 half an hour. 但我常常会把 half an hour 误会成是一个半小时的意思. 记得有一次跟一个老美约好要讨论功课, 他说, "I will see you in half an hour." 结果当我一个半小时后再现身时, 他早已不见踪影了, 后来仔细一想, 不好, half an hour 好像是半小时而不是一个半小时的意思耶! 怪不得他早已弃我而去.

18. Can you give me some pepper?
能不能给我一点胡椒啊?这是在 New Orleans KFC 吃炸鸡时发生的事, 为了听懂店员的南方腔英文, 我已经很努力了噢! 还听懂她问我要烤的, 脆的要鸡胸还是要鸡腿. 好不容易点完了, 她又问我还要什么吗? 我看了看, 没有胡椒粉就跟她要pepper, 结果她拿了一叠餐巾纸 (paper) 给我. 我知道 pepper 是短音 paper 是长音可是为什么我说的在她耳里都是长音哩? 噜了半天, 只好请学长帮我要 pepper 这回,店员可听懂了pepper ... 从冰箱里拿了两条那种腌渍绿色的辣椒给我...(就是吃pizza会配的那种) 我想说没有我要的那种 pepper, 有这个也不错, 所以我就放弃了.
结果到了位置上才看到胡椒粉都是装在罐子里放桌上不是一小包一小包装起来的, 所以根本不用跟店员要, 当初如果说 ground pepper也许那位店员才知道我们要啥吧! 后来我只吃了一条小辣椒, 就辣到肚子热热的一整晚, 其实那味道还不错啦...

19. Are you going to a wedding tomorrow?
你明天要去参加一个婚礼?上个星期跟一群老美出去小酌一番, 三杯过后, 大家开始谈起最近的计划. 一个老美说, 他明天要去田纳西, 因为他的一个好朋友要结婚了. 这时我也不加思索, 脱口就问另一个老美, "Are you going to the marriage tomorrow, too?" 他笑著说, "No. I am not going to get married tomorrow; I am going to a wedding tomorrow." (我不是要去结婚, 而是要去参加婚礼) 这时我才会意过来, 原来 go to a marriage 是去结婚的意思, 而不是参加婚礼 go to a wedding 的意思.

20. Look. There are some "rotating wooden horses" over there.
大家看看, 那里有一些旋转木马.有一次一堆人去逛 mall, 眼尖的我一眼瞧见了不知是谁把整座的 "旋转木马" 给搬了进来. 这对童心未泯的我来说自然是件很兴奋的事. 结果我一说 rotating wooden horse, 立刻就发现了有两极反应, 所有的老中立刻会过意来, 知道我说的是 "旋转木马", 但跟我们同行的老美就一脸茫然了. 后来我指 "旋转木马" 给她看, 她才恍然大悟地说了, "Oh~ Carousel" 喔喔.. 街头暗号:咱们一起拽吧!原来旋转木马在英文里还有一个专用的名词 Carousel .

21. Do you want some green bean soup?
你要不要喝一点绿豆汤?有次招待一对美国夫妇去中国餐厅吃饭, 这家餐厅饭后的甜点绿豆汤十分有名. 所以眼见酒足饭饱, 我就问他们要不要来碗 green bean soup? 结果这对夫妇露出一副很不可思议的表情, 还连忙说不要不要. 我觉得很奇怪, 为何他们对绿豆汤如此感冒呢? 后来回家把我的那包绿豆拿出来一看, 才发现原来绿豆的英文叫 mung bean green bean ? 原来是四季豆的意思. 现在我终于能体会当时他们为何拒喝 "四季豆汤" 的原因了, 想想真的是蛮恶心的.

22. Do you have a pen knife?
你有没有美工刀啊?大家知不知道老美都比较喜欢用铅笔啊? (他们好像都不太喜欢用原子笔), 所以很多教室的墙上都有削铅笔机 (pencil sharpener) 结果有一次上课坐我隔壁的老美跟我说, "Do you have a pen knife?" 我摇摇头, 但我想他大概是要削铅笔吧, 我还好心地指著墙上的 pencil sharpener 对他说 "You can try this one." (你可以试试削铅笔机呀!) 他就露出一副很没力的样子.
后来他跟我解释道, pen knife 不是用来削铅笔的, (如果是削铅笔的, 也应该是叫 pencil knife 而不是 pen knife ?) 通常 pen knife 的形状通常都跟笔很像, 所以叫 pen knife. 所以我想想其实 pen knife 就是 "美工刀" (utility knife) 的意思, 而非削铅笔的小刀.

23. We need a "hooker" back there.
我们需要一个 "钩子" 在后面.老美是蛮爱好水上活动的民族, 所以实常可以看到有人开车后面拖著一艘船行驶在路上. 有一次当我在开车时, 我的好友就说了, "I wish I had a boat." (我真希望我有一艘船) 我就接著说了一句至理名言, "But we still need a hooker back there." (但我们还需要一个拖钩啦!) 结果大家都在笑我. 虽然 hook 的确是指钩子的意思, hooker 在英文里却单指的是 "妓女" 的意思. 所以我这句话变成了, "我们需要一个妓女的意思."
其实就算这里我讲 hook 也不对, 因为 hook 是指像钓鱼用的那种小钩钩, 车后面的拖钩是不能叫 hook , 正确的用法是 hitch 这个字才是指拖钩.
上次去田纳西的 Ocoee River 泛舟 (rafting). 一上车导游就问大家, "How many of you haven't tried this before?" (你们当中有多少人是没有经验的啊?) 结果我跟一堆笨笨的老美就举手了. 导游一看, 就很幽默地说了一句, "Okay, it's quite simple." (放心, 这很简单) "Just remain in your seats and don't stick your heads or hands out the windows." (只要保持在你的座位上, 不要把头手伸出车外就可以了.)

A: How do you use an ATM card, Billy?

B: It’s easy grandpa. Insert your card into the machine here. Then wait a moment. OK. Now you enter your PIN. It should have four numbers.
A: Oh yes. I’ve got it written down here. Just a minute.
B: You really shouldn’t write it down. You should memorise it. You can change it to a more convenient number if you like.
A: OK, I’ve entered my PIN. There are several options on the screen. I guess I just choose which service I want, don’t I?
B: Yes. Choose the service you need to use. If you choose to withdraw money, the machine will ask you how much you want.
A: I can just enter the amount using the keys, right?
B: That’s right. Give the machine a moment to process your request. Then take your money.
A: These machines aren’t very difficult to use. In fact, I quite like them. They are much faster than dealing with a bank clerk.

A: Which service offered by your bank do you use most?
B: I use several services. Of course, I deposit and withdraw money quite often. I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account. I use my bank to exchange money from one currency to another. I often travel abroad, you see.
A: Do you ever ask your bank for traveller’s cheques? They are much safer than carrying lots of cash around.
B: I sometimes use traveller’s cheques, but sometimes I travel to countries where they are hard to exchange for cash.
A: Do you use your bank to pay your utility bills? I use direct debit.
B: Yes, I do. It saves me a lot of time. I also have standing orders for my subscriptions to magazines.
A: That’s a good idea. You don’t need to worry about missing an issue of a magazine if you do that. I suppose you have a mortgage too.
B: Yes. My bank offers very good terms and conditions on mortgages. There’s a lot of competition between banks nowadays. Each one is trying to offer better conditions and services than the others.
A: I have a deposit account with my bank. There are some restrictions on withdrawing money, but the interest rate is much higher.
B: I don’t have one. I prefer to buy shares. My bank also provides a share trading service. It’s cheap and easy to use.
A: That’s great, but I prefer to put my money somewhere where the returns are more certain.


1. I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account.
2. ATM’s are much faster than dealing with a bank clerk.
3. I deposit and withdraw money quite often.
4. Do you use your bank to pay your utility bills?
5. I’m overdrawn on my account.

借入,lend 借出,mortgage 抵押,loan 贷款,interest 利息,deposit 存款,withdraw 支取,overdraft 透支,overdrawn 透支,cash point/ATM 自动取款机,cheque/check 支票,currency 现金/流通货币,exchange rate 汇率,convert 兑换,transaction 交易,bank clerk 银行职员,bank account 银行账户,bank book 银行存折,interest rate 利率,bank manager 银行经理,direct debit 直接转帐,pay bills 付账,banknotes 钞票,coins 硬币,transfer 转账,traveller’s cheque 旅行支票,current account 活期存款账户,deposit account 定期存款账户,bank statement 银行帐单,bank charges 手续费,standing order 分期付款,balance 结余,cash a cheque 兑支票,open an account 开户,exchange currency 兑换货币,conduct a transaction 进行交易,make a withdrawal 提款,write a cheque 开支票,use an ATM card 使用自动取款卡,get an overdraft 可以透支,enter your PIN 输入密码,insert your card 插入银行卡,press the button 按键,use a credit card 使用信用卡

posted @ 2008-03-10 19:12  兴百放  阅读(605)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报