<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <style type="text/css"> body, html{width: 100%;height: 100%;margin:0;font-family:"微软雅黑";font-size:14px;} #allmap {width:100%;height:500px;} </style> <script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.map.baidu.com/api?v=2.0&ak=你的钥匙"></script> <title>逆地址解析</title> </head> <body> <div id="allmap"></div> <div id="r-result">请输入:<input type="text" id="suggestId" size="20" value="" style="width:150px;" /> </div> <div id="searchResultPanel" style="border:1px solid #C0C0C0;width:150px;height:auto;"></div> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript"> // 百度地图API功能 var map = new BMap.Map("allmap"); //默认一个中心坐标 map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(107.164226, 31.859637), 5); map.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl()); map.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl()); map.addControl(new BMap.ScaleControl()); map.addControl(new BMap.OverviewMapControl()); map.addControl(new BMap.MapTypeControl()); //map.centerAndZoom("盐城", 15); // 初始化地图,设置城市和地图级别。 //map.setCurrentCity("盐城"); // 仅当设置城市信息时,MapTypeControl的切换功能才能可用 //定位拾坐标 var geoc = new BMap.Geocoder(); //开启滚轮缩放地图 map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); var geolocation = new BMap.Geolocation(); // 开启SDK辅助定位 geolocation.enableSDKLocation(); geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (r) { if (this.getStatus() == BMAP_STATUS_SUCCESS) { var mk = new BMap.Marker(r.point); map.addOverlay(mk); map.panTo(r.point); //alert('您的位置:' + r.point.lng + ',' + r.point.lat); var pt = r.point; map.panTo(pt);//移动地图中心点 geoc.getLocation(pt, function (rs) { var addComp = rs.addressComponents; }); } }); var myValue; //点击坐标事件 map.addEventListener("click", function (e) { var pt = e.point; //移除原有的标注 map.clearOverlays(); var pointMarker = new BMap.Point(e.point.lng, e.point.lat); // 创建标注的坐标 addMarker(pointMarker); geoc.getLocation(pt, function (rs) { var addComp = rs.addressComponents; myValue = addComp.province + addComp.city + addComp.district +addComp.street + addComp.streetNumber; G("searchResultPanel").innerHTML = "click<br /><br />myValue = " + myValue; G("suggestId").value = myValue; }); }); //添加标注 function addMarker(point) { var myIcon = new BMap.Icon("../../images/map-marker.png", new BMap.Size(25, 25), { offset: new BMap.Size(10, 25), // 指定定位位置 imageOffset: 0 // 设置图片偏移 }); var marker = new BMap.Marker(point, { icon: myIcon }); map.addOverlay(marker); } var ac = new BMap.Autocomplete( //建立一个自动完成的对象 { "input": "suggestId" , "location": map }); ac.addEventListener("onhighlight", function (e) { //鼠标放在下拉列表上的事件 var str = ""; var _value = e.fromitem.value; var value = ""; if (e.fromitem.index > -1) { value = _value.province + _value.city + _value.district + _value.street + _value.business; } str = "FromItem<br />index = " + e.fromitem.index + "<br />value = " + value; value = ""; if (e.toitem.index > -1) { _value = e.toitem.value; value = _value.province + _value.city + _value.district + _value.street + _value.business; } str += "<br />ToItem<br />index = " + e.toitem.index + "<br />value = " + value; G("searchResultPanel").innerHTML = str; }); var myValue; ac.addEventListener("onconfirm", function (e) { //鼠标点击下拉列表后的事件 var _value = e.item.value; myValue = _value.province + _value.city + _value.district + _value.street + _value.business; G("searchResultPanel").innerHTML = "onconfirm<br />index = " + e.item.index + "<br />myValue = " + myValue; setPlace(); }); function setPlace() { map.clearOverlays(); //清除地图上所有覆盖物 function myFun() { var pp = local.getResults().getPoi(0).point; //获取第一个智能搜索的结果 map.centerAndZoom(pp, 18); map.addOverlay(new BMap.Marker(pp)); //添加标注 } var local = new BMap.LocalSearch(map, { //智能搜索 onSearchComplete: myFun }); local.search(myValue); } function G(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } </script>
- BMap获取用户当前经纬度和详细地理位置
- 地图添加标注

<template> <div> <!-- <label>消息管理</label> --> <div style="margin-top: 20px"> <div style="height:800px;"> <div id="all" style="height:100%"> <div class="posInput"> <el-input style="width:100%" id="tipinput" class="form-control input-style" type="text" placeholder="请输入搜索地址" prefix-icon="el-icon-search" v-model="formatAdress" > </el-input> </div> <div id="allmap"></div> <div class="posSubmit"> <el-form ref="form" label-width="85px" > <div class="btn_box" > <el-form-item label="经度:" > <el-input style="width:400px" disabled class="form-control input-style" type="text" v-model="longitude"> </el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="纬度:" > <el-input style="width:400px" disabled class="form-control input-style" type="text" v-model="latitude"> </el-input> </el-form-item> </div> </el-form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> //这里可以导入其他文件(比如:组件,工具js,第三方插件js,json文件,图片文件等等) //例如:import 《组件名称》 from '《组件路径》'; import { init, initScaleTools, searchAutocomplete, getAddressByLngLat } from '../uitils/map' export default { //import引入的组件需要注入到对象中才能使用 components: {}, props: {}, data() { //这里存放数据 return { map: null, marker: null, startSeacrh: [], stratInfo: {}, dprops: { zoom: 15 }, formatAdress: '', longitude: '', // 经度 latitude: '', // 纬度 }; }, //监听属性 类似于data概念 computed: {}, //监控data中的数据变化 watch: {}, mounted () { this.initMap() }, methods: { initMap () { const that = this init('allmap', that.dprops).then(AMap => { that.map = AMap that.map.on('click', that.clickHandler) // 地图点击事件 可获取经纬度等信息 initScaleTools(that.map, true, false) searchAutocomplete(that.map, 'tipinput', function (event) { that.handleStartSelect(event) }) }).catch(err => { this.$message.error(err) console.info(err); }) }, clickHandler (event) { console.log(event, '起点经纬度 [lng,lat]') if (event.lnglat === '') { this.$message({ type: 'warning', message: '该地点无经纬度数据,请输入具体一点的地点!', duration: 5 * 1000 }) return } if (this.marker) { this.map.remove(this.marker) this.marker = null } this.startSeacrh = [] this.startSeacrh = [event.lnglat.lng, event.lnglat.lat] this.marker = new AMap.Marker({ position: this.startSeacrh }) this.map.add(this.marker); this.map.setCenter(this.startSeacrh); this.longitude = event.lnglat.lng; this.latitude = event.lnglat.lat; let that = this; getAddressByLngLat(this.startSeacrh, function (status, result) { if (status === 'complete') { that.formatAdress = result.regeocode.formattedAddress let adrComponent = result.regeocode.addressComponent that.stratInfo = { district: adrComponent.province, address: adrComponent.district, name: adrComponent.township + adrComponent.street + adrComponent.streetNumber, fullAdr: result.regeocode.formattedAddress } } }) }, handleStartSelect (event) { console.log(event, '起点经纬度 [lng,lat]') if (event.poi.location === '') { this.$message({ type: 'warning', message: '该地点无经纬度数据,请输入具体一点的地点!', duration: 5 * 1000 }) return } if (this.marker) { this.map.remove(this.marker) this.marker = null } this.startSeacrh = [] this.startSeacrh = [event.poi.location.lng, event.poi.location.lat] this.formatAdress = event.poi.district + event.poi.address + event.poi.name this.longitude = event.poi.location.lng this.latitude = event.poi.location.lat console.log('long:'+this.longitude+";latitude:"+this.latitude) this.marker = new AMap.Marker({ position: this.startSeacrh }) this.map.add(this.marker) this.map.setCenter(this.startSeacrh) this.stratInfo = { district: event.poi.district, address: event.poi.address, name: event.poi.name, fullAdr: this.formatAdress } } }, beforeCreate() { }, //生命周期 - 创建之前 //生命周期 - 创建完成(可以访问当前this实例) created() { }, beforeMount() { }, //生命周期 - 挂载之前 //生命周期 - 挂载完成(可以访问DOM元素) beforeUpdate() { }, //生命周期 - 更新之前 updated() { }, //生命周期 - 更新之后 beforeDestroy() { }, //生命周期 - 销毁之前 destroyed() { }, //生命周期 - 销毁完成 activated() { }, //如果页面有keep-alive缓存功能,这个函数会触发 }; </script> <style scoped> #all{ position: relative; } #allmap{ width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 50px); font-family: "微软雅黑"; } .posInput{ position: absolute; z-index: 1; width: 80%; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 10%; } .posSubmit{ position: absolute; z-index: 1; bottom: 0; margin-left: 5%; width: 90%; display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: center; } .btn_box{ width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; ; align-items: center; } ::v-deep .el-form-item{ margin-bottom: 0 !important; } </style>

<template> <div> <!-- <label>消息管理</label> --> <div style="margin-top: 20px"> <div style="height: 800px"> <div id="all" style="height: 100%"> <div id="allmap"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="routes-container"> </div> </div> </template> <script> // import AMap from "vue-amap"; //这里可以导入其他文件(比如:组件,工具js,第三方插件js,json文件,图片文件等等) //例如:import 《组件名称》 from '《组件路径》'; import { init, initScaleTools, searchAutocomplete, getAddressByLngLat, } from "../uitils/map"; export default { //import引入的组件需要注入到对象中才能使用 components: {}, props: {}, data() { //这里存放数据 return { map: null, marker: null, startSeacrh: [], stratInfo: {}, dprops: { zoom: 4, }, formatAdress: "", longitude: "", // 经度 latitude: "", // 纬度 pathName:"路线:北京-乌鲁木齐", TrackingData:[ [116.405289, 39.904987], [113.964458, 40.54664], [111.47836, 41.135964], [108.949297, 41.670904], [106.380111, 42.149509], [103.774185, 42.56996], [101.135432, 42.930601], [98.46826, 43.229964], [95.777529, 43.466798], [93.068486, 43.64009], [90.34669, 43.749086], [87.61792, 43.793308], // [120.68034640842014, 31.16948025173611], // [120.68399956597223, 31.139243706597224], // [120.04279758029514, 30.947743326822916], // [120.04279758029514, 30.947743326822916], // [119.15660725911458, 30.954883626302085], // [118.58166965060764, 31.13359076605903], // [118.58166965060764, 31.252462811790856], // [118.19280495018312, 31.252462811790856] ] }; }, //监听属性 类似于data概念 computed: {}, //监控data中的数据变化 watch: {}, mounted() { this.initMap(); }, methods: { initMap() { const that = this; init("allmap", that.dprops) .then((AMap) => { that.map = AMap; // that.map.on('click', that.clickHandler) // 地图点击事件 可获取经纬度等信息 initScaleTools(that.map, true, false); // searchAutocomplete(that.map, 'tipinput', function (event) { // that.handleStartSelect(event) // }) AMapUI.load(["ui/misc/PathSimplifier", "lib/$"], function (PathSimplifier, $) { if (!PathSimplifier.supportCanvas) { alert("当前环境不支持 Canvas!"); return; } var pathSimplifierIns = new PathSimplifier({ zIndex: 100, //autoSetFitView:false, map: that.map, //所属的地图实例 getPath: function (pathData, pathIndex) { return pathData.path; }, getHoverTitle: function (pathData, pathIndex, pointIndex) { if (pointIndex >= 0) { //point return ( pathData.name + ",点:" + pointIndex + "/" + pathData.path.length ); } return pathData.name + ",点数量" + pathData.path.length; }, renderOptions: { renderAllPointsIfNumberBelow: 100, //绘制路线节点,如不需要可设置为-1 }, }); window.pathSimplifierIns = pathSimplifierIns; //设置数据 pathSimplifierIns.setData([ { name: that.pathName, path: that.TrackingData, }, ]); function onload() { pathSimplifierIns.renderLater(); } function onerror(e) { alert("图片加载失败!"); } var pathNavigatorStyles = [ { width: 16, height: 24, content: "defaultPathNavigator", }, // { // width: 24, // height: 24, // //使用图片 // content: PathSimplifier.Render.Canvas.getImageContent( // "/static/飞机.png", // onload, // onerror // ), // }, { width: 16, height: 32, //使用图片 content: PathSimplifier.Render.Canvas.getImageContent( "/static/Truck.png", onload, onerror ), }, ]; function extend(dst) { if (!dst) { dst = {}; } var slist = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); for (var i = 0, len = slist.length; i < len; i++) { var source = slist[i]; if (!source) { continue; } for (var prop in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { dst[prop] = source[prop]; } } } return dst; } var idx = 0; //对第一条线路(即索引 0)创建一个巡航器 var navg1 = pathSimplifierIns.createPathNavigator(0, { loop: true, //循环播放 speed: 800000, //巡航速度,单位千米/小时 pathNavigatorStyle:pathNavigatorStyles[1] // pathNavigatorStyle: extend({}, pathNavigatorStyles[0]), }); navg1.start(); // function changeNavgContent() { // //获取到pathNavigatorStyle的引用 // var pathNavigatorStyle = navg1.getStyleOptions(); // //覆盖修改 // extend( // pathNavigatorStyle, // pathNavigatorStyles[++idx % pathNavigatorStyles.length] // ); // //重新绘制 // pathSimplifierIns.renderLater(); // } // setInterval(changeNavgContent, 500); }); }) .catch((err) => { this.$message.error(err); // console.info(err); }); }, }, beforeCreate() {}, //生命周期 - 创建之前 //生命周期 - 创建完成(可以访问当前this实例) created() {}, beforeMount() {}, //生命周期 - 挂载之前 //生命周期 - 挂载完成(可以访问DOM元素) beforeUpdate() {}, //生命周期 - 更新之前 updated() {}, //生命周期 - 更新之后 beforeDestroy() {}, //生命周期 - 销毁之前 destroyed() {}, //生命周期 - 销毁完成 activated() {}, //如果页面有keep-alive缓存功能,这个函数会触发 }; </script> <style scoped> /* #all{ position: relative; } */ #allmap { width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 50px); font-family: "微软雅黑"; } ::v-deep .el-form-item { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } </style>
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