SCI论文写作--(2)Results and Conclusion

1. 写作的主要目的

1.1. result的主要目的


1.2. discussion的主要目的


2. 写作内容对比

2.1. 自己目前的写作模式

 自己的算法表现、其他算法表现,特别需要讨论或者说明的点
 算法实现的结果,和其他算法之间的差距
 说明数据集的特点,验证算法的优越性
 解释实验的意义,好的实验现象和不好的实验现象,各自的原因

2.2. 总结的写作方向

 解释实验:比较和分析结果,探讨结果是否达到预期,如果没有,说明原因。
 与主流发现的关系:与前人结果进行比较,如果结果相似,进一步说明二者的差别,如果不相似,不能轻易肯定自己否定他人。
 对结果的内在联系和发展规律进行阐释,利用结果和文献论证观点
 局限性:说明研究存在的问题,解释可能的原因或者研究方向
 重要性:新的理论和发现,支持、反驳或修正领域中现有的理论;新的应用价值,解决实际问题;扩展到其他领域,有助于理解更广泛的领域。

3. 改进方向

  • 写作时应该列出写作的重点
  • legend可以写的很简略,但是在result中写的尽可能详细。
  • 突出算法的效果不错,可以把具体的效果写入到括号中。
  • 提高写作的深度和广度—注意和前人算法之间的联系
     自己的想法,需要利用文献验证
     与主流之间的关系,利用文献验证
     扩展研究的重要性

4. 词句总结

is indicated as/ is denoted as/ is rewritten as被表示为
throughout the experiments 在整个实验过程中
is fixed to/ is set to 实验参数被设置为
keep the head position fixed 保持头部固定不动

have ascendancy over the conventional models in tackling the micro-expression recognition task超过原来的方法
direct replacement of A with B 用B替代A
provide/explore/bring insight into the 关于….的观点
the multi-grained scanning technique enables high representation ability with the design of the different number of sliding windows …..提供了….的能力
in avoiding the occurrence of the mentioned issues 避免之前提到的情况发生
in a similar fashion to the 和… 是相似的
regarding/for/about/considering/when/as for 关于
consist of/include/contain 包含
it is interesting to highlight that…/ interestingly 有趣的是
following the common fashion in the automatic micro expression recognition 使用微表情识别中最通用的方式
serve … as 使用… 作为
compare something(比较内容) to someone(比较对象) 和某人比较某事
the examples of benchmark methods 基线算法

Comparison of the MEs recognition performance of the benchmark, deep learning, and proposed methods is shown in Table3, in terms of Acc (Accuracy), UAR, UF1, Recall, Precision, and F1 when evaluated on SMIC, CASME II, and SAMM databases.

achieves unprecedented performances among all the methods, 在所有算法中实现最好的效果

whereby the accuracy attained is 90.28%, which is 6% higher than the second place (OFF-ApexNet) and is about 10% higher than the third-ranked algorithm (STSTNet). 比…. 算法高…..的效果,这个算法可以用排名+括号的方式说明

the entire curve fluctuates slightly as the batch size changes, and the maximum value is at 32 and 64,随着….波动较小,最大值是在

However, an insignificant impact appears in the merged dataset.

Future directions point towards a detailed investigation on solving the information lacking by the low-resolution pictures of the SMIC database.未来研究主要解决….的问题

it is observed/noticed/seen/revealed/shown/reported/notable/implied/discovered 从…可以观察到
it discloses/exposes/indicates/ draw out/ illustrates ….表示/展示
from the results it is clear that

confirm/demonstrate/highlight/point out/verified 证实结论
from the above figure, key findings emerge 得出一些结论
it poses a shred of convincing evidence to do 提出新的证据
it could be a clue that 成为…. 的线索

lead to/yield/exhibit/ 产生
other algorithm yet are of unsatisfactorily 效果不理想
algorithm is of great advantage/ is advantageous 是有优势的
… have been ranked second behand A 算法排在第二位
that outperformed/ defeat in all other methods 比其他算法好
tends to prevail over other algorithm by achieving an accuracy of …. 比其他算法好….
for the purpose of clarity, the following notations are first introduced
pose distinct/similar pattern/behavior 提出行为、模式
it is appropriate to be implemented in a real-time application适合成为实时应用
is coped with a real time application 处理实时任务

be further processed by / after processing by the forest classifier / the following process is
eventually 最终
additionally 另外地
Concisely 准确地来说
In a nutshell 简单来说
except for 除了
in the meanwhile 在此期间
nevertheless 尽管如此
as such 同样地
hence 因此

valuable 珍贵的
substantial 重要的
graciously 繁荣地
adaptively 适应地
relatively 相当地
unsurprisingly 不出意外的
apparently 明显地
resultant 结果的
occupy 花费,占据
along with 随着
is coped with
refers to/indicate 指代

posted @ 2020-06-16 18:11  小小小的程序猿  阅读(1649)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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