(function ($) { $.fn.extend({ /* * @description slider * */ slider: function (opt) { var that = this, opt = opt || {}, type = opt.type || 'fade', //动画类型 time = opt.time || 6000,//间隔时间 $list = $(that).find('.i'), //元素的dom $index = $(that).find('.index ul'),//索引的dom length = $list.length, //元素的长度 currIndex = 0, // slideFunc = getSlideFunc(type), runner = slideFunc ? setInterval(slideFunc, time) : function () { return false; }; appendIndex(length); //鼠标悬停事件 $(that).hover(function () { clearInterval(runner); }, function () { runner = setInterval(slideFunc, time); }); function getSlideFunc(type) { var slideFunc; switch (type) { case 'fade': slideFunc = function () { $list.eq(currIndex).fadeIn('normal').css('display', 'block'); $index.find('.on').removeClass('on').addClass('off'); for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i !== currIndex) { $list.eq(i).css('display', 'none'); }else{ $index.find('li').eq(i).removeClass('off').addClass('on'); } } currIndex = (++currIndex) % length; }; break; } return slideFunc; } //添加索引 function appendIndex(length) { var htmlStr = '<li class="on"></li>'; for(var i = 0; i < length-1; i++) { htmlStr += '<li class="off"></li>'; } $index.html(htmlStr); } } }); })(jQuery);
(function($){ $.fn.ckSlide = function(opts){ opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.ckSlide.opts, opts); this.each(function(){ var slidewrap = $(this).find('.ck-slide-wrapper'); var slide = slidewrap.find('li'); var count = slide.length; var that = this; var index = 0; var time = null; $(this).data('opts', opts); // next $(this).find('.ck-next').on('click', function(){ if(opts['isAnimate'] == true){ return; } var old = index; if(index >= count - 1){ index = 0; }else{ index++; } change.call(that, index, old); }); // prev $(this).find('.ck-prev').on('click', function(){ if(opts['isAnimate'] == true){ return; } var old = index; if(index <= 0){ index = count - 1; }else{ index--; } change.call(that, index, old); }); $(this).find('.ck-slidebox li').each(function(cindex){ $(this).on('click.slidebox', function(){ change.call(that, cindex, index); index = cindex; }); }); // focus clean auto play $(this).on('mouseover', function(){ if(opts.autoPlay){ clearInterval(time); } $(this).find('.ctrl-slide').css({opacity:0.6}); }); // leave $(this).on('mouseleave', function(){ if(opts.autoPlay){ startAtuoPlay(); } $(this).find('.ctrl-slide').css({opacity:0.15}); }); startAtuoPlay(); // auto play function startAtuoPlay(){ if(opts.autoPlay){ time = setInterval(function(){ var old = index; if(index >= count - 1){ index = 0; }else{ index++; } change.call(that, index, old); }, 2000); } } // 修正box var box = $(this).find('.ck-slidebox'); box.css({ 'margin-left':-(box.width() / 2) }) // dir switch(opts.dir){ case "x": opts['width'] = $(this).width(); slidewrap.css({ 'width':count * opts['width'] }); slide.css({ 'float':'left', 'position':'relative' }); slidewrap.wrap('<div class="ck-slide-dir"></div>'); slide.show(); break; } }); }; function change(show, hide){ var opts = $(this).data('opts'); if(opts.dir == 'x'){ var x = show * opts['width']; $(this).find('.ck-slide-wrapper').stop().animate({'margin-left':-x}, function(){opts['isAnimate'] = false;}); opts['isAnimate'] = true }else{ $(this).find('.ck-slide-wrapper li').eq(hide).stop().animate({opacity:0}); $(this).find('.ck-slide-wrapper li').eq(show).show().css({opacity:0}).stop().animate({opacity:1}); } $(this).find('.ck-slidebox li').removeClass('current'); $(this).find('.ck-slidebox li').eq(show).addClass('current'); } $.fn.ckSlide.opts = { autoPlay: false, dir: null, isAnimate: false }; })(jQuery);