
The service does not automatically connect, free after a period of time, the first call will appear the following error, next to normal.

The program is based on.Net Framework, The Grpc.Core version is 1.4.1.

Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode=Unavailable, Detail="Endpoint read failed")
   在 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   在 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   在 Grpc.Core.Internal.AsyncCall`2.UnaryCall(TRequest msg)
   在 Grpc.Core.Calls.BlockingUnaryCall[TRequest,TResponse](CallInvocationDetails`2 call, TRequest req)
   在 Grpc.Core.DefaultCallInvoker.BlockingUnaryCall[TRequest,TResponse](Method`2 method, String host, CallOptions options, TRequest request)
   在 Grpc.Core.Internal.InterceptingCallInvoker.BlockingUnaryCall[TRequest,TResponse](Method`2 method, String host, CallOptions options, TRequest request)

The document says I can try again. Isn't this supposed to be implemented internally in grpc.core?



使用新版本试试:This issue looks stale and it is not clear what the intent was. Also 1.4.1 is pretty old, feel free to try with 1.12.0 and if you are still seeing a problem, file this as a new issue.


posted on 2018-11-08 16:40  王庆东mas  阅读(6469)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报