use [ElephantCredit] go begin transaction tran_bank; print '**脚本开始执行!'; declare @tran_error int , @negRuleId uniqueidentifier set @tran_error = 0; set @negRuleId = (select Id from [ElephantCredit].[dbo].[CreditRules] where [Provider]=N'CREDIT_PROVIDER_OPS' and [Code]=N'OPS_DOCTOR_RULE_N7_N') begin declare cursor_credit cursor scroll for (select CreditId from [ElephantCredit].[dbo].[CreditHistories] where RuleId = @negRuleId group by CreditId ) open cursor_credit; declare @CreditId uniqueidentifier, @FinalCredit int=0, @OldCredit int=0, @PeakCredit int=0 fetch first from cursor_credit into @CreditId; while (@@fetch_status = 0) begin --0.calculate the final credits/ignore these negative rule records. set @FinalCredit = (select case when (sum(cast([value] as int)))<0 then 0 else sum(cast([value] as int)) end from [ElephantCredit].[dbo].[CreditHistories] where CreditId=@CreditId and RuleId != @negRuleId) if (@FinalCredit is null) BEGIN --break; goto _out end --1.update credits principal using the latest credit set @OldCredit = (select AvailableValue from [ElephantCredit].[dbo].[Credits] where Id=@CreditId) set @PeakCredit = (select PeakValue from [ElephantCredit].[dbo].[Credits] where Id=@CreditId) update [ElephantCredit].[dbo].[Credits] set AvailableValue = @FinalCredit, UpdatedTime =GETDATE() where Id=@CreditId print '---creditId:'+ cast(@CreditId as nvarchar(50)) + ',重置成新积分值:'+ cast(@FinalCredit as varchar) +',旧值:' + cast(@OldCredit as varchar) + ',峰值:' + cast(@PeakCredit as varchar); --2.update groups principal update [ElephantCredit].[dbo].[Growths] set [Value] = @FinalCredit, UpdatedTime =GETDATE() where ExternalId=(select RefId from [ElephantCredit].[dbo].[Credits] where Id=@CreditId) print '---成长值同步更新完毕!' ; _out: fetch next from cursor_credit into @CreditId; end close cursor_credit; deallocate cursor_credit; --3.clear all the dirty data delete from [ElephantCredit].[dbo].[CreditHistories] where RuleId = @negRuleId print '清理全部脏数据完毕'; end if (@tran_error > 0) begin rollback tran; print '**脚本执行失败!已回滚'; end else begin commit tran; print '**脚本执行成功!'; end go --Helper: --select * from CreditHistories --select * from Credits --where Id='9416FEBA-C19F-4718-80D5-F01643D57DE5' --select * from CreditRules