if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('tb_Menu') and type = 'U') drop table tb_Menu go /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: tb_Menu */ /*==============================================================*/ create table tb_Menu ( Id int identity, name varchar(50) null, twoname varchar(50) null, pId int null, level int null, state int null, sort int null, dt datetime null, url varchar(100) null, des varchar(1) null, cNum int null, constraint PK_TB_MENU primary key (Id) ) go
------------------------------------递归删除菜单---------------------------------------- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='proc_menu_P_delete') drop proc proc_menu_P_delete go create proc proc_menu_P_delete(@id int) as declare @count int,@tmpid int,@err int select @count=count(1) from tb_menu where pId=@id--通过父Id获得子集数据 if(@count>0)--判断是否存在子集数据 begin --根据父Id获得子集并将子集数据Id保存到游标中 declare ar_cursor cursor local for select id from tb_menu where pid=@id open ar_cursor--打开游标 fetch next from ar_cursor into @tmpid --取值 while @@FETCH_STATUS=0--是MSSQL的一个全局变量(0 FETCH 语句成功,-1 FETCH 语句失败或此行不在结果集中,-2 被提取的行不存在,@@fetch_status值的改变是通过fetch next from实现的,“FETCH NEXT FROM Cursor”) begin exec proc_menu_P_delete @tmpid--将游标中的子集Id作为参数调用存储过程(递归) --递归出来以后将游标中的下一个Id赋值给变量 fetch next from ar_cursor into @tmpid end close ar_cursor deallocate ar_cursor end delete tb_menu where Id=@id go ------------------------------------删除菜单---------------------------------------- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='proc_menu_delete') drop proc proc_menu_delete go create proc proc_menu_delete(@id int) as begin declare @cNum int,@pId int begin try begin tran select @cNum=-(CNum+1),@pId=pId from tb_Menu where Id=@id exec proc_menu_updatecNum @pId,@cNum--修改父节点的子节点个数 exec proc_menu_P_delete @id--删除自身及其子节点 commit tran end try begin catch rollback tran end catch end go ------------------------------------end------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------修改父节点的子节点数量----------------------------- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='proc_menu_updatecNum') drop proc proc_menu_updatecNum go create proc proc_menu_updatecNum(@pId int,@cNum int) as declare @tmpId int,@_pId int select @_pId=pId from tb_menu where id=@pId if(@_pId<>0) begin declare cor_CNum cursor local for select pId from tb_menu where id=@pId open cor_CNum fetch next from cor_CNum into @tmpId while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin exec proc_menu_updatecNum @tmpId,@cNum fetch next from cor_CNum into @tmpId end close cor_CNum deallocate cor_CNum end update tb_Menu set cNum=cNum+@cNum where id=@pId go -------------------------------------end--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------修改子节点的深度---------------------------------- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='proc_menu_updateLevel') drop proc proc_menu_updateLevel go create proc proc_menu_updateLevel(@id int,@level int) as begin declare @tmpid int,@count int select @count=COUNT(1) from tb_Menu where pId=@id if(@count<>0) begin declare cur_level cursor local for select id from tb_menu where pId=@id open cur_level fetch next from cur_level into @tmpid while(@@FETCH_STATUS=0) begin exec proc_menu_updateLevel @tmpid fetch next from cur_level into @tmpid end close cur_level deallocate cur_level end update tb_Menu set level=level+@level where Id=@id end go -------------------------------------修改节点顺序:针对Jquery的zTree控件------------------------------------- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='proc_menu_updateSort') drop proc proc_menu_updateSort go create proc proc_menu_updateSort(@id int,@newpId int,@sibId int,@dir int) as begin /** @id:被移动的节点,@newpId:新父节点,@sibId:新父节点下的兄弟节点,@dir:方向,移动目标前面:1,移到后面:-1 假设:原节点顺序为:5,4,3,2,1,@sibId及目标节点为3 情形1:将节点插到3的前面,那么需要修改5、4的值,加1 改变后的节点为:6、5、(插入节点=4)、3、2、1 情形2:将节点插到3的后面,那么需要修改5、4、3的值 加1 改变后的节点为:6、5、4、(插入节点=3)、2、1 **/ --修改原兄弟节点的顺序 declare @oldsort int select @oldsort=sort from tb_Menu where Id=@id update tb_Menu set sort=sort-1 where sort>@oldsort if(@sibId<>0) begin --修改新兄弟节点的顺序、修改移动后自己节点顺序 declare @newsort int,@sibIdsort int select @sibIdsort=sort from tb_Menu where Id=@sibId if(@dir=1)--移动到目标节点的前面 begin update tb_Menu set sort=sort+1 where pId=@newpId and sort>@sibIdsort update tb_Menu set sort=@sibIdsort+1 where id=@id end else if(@dir=-1) begin update tb_Menu set sort=sort+1 where pId=@newpId and sort>=@sibIdsort update tb_Menu set sort=@sibIdsort where Id=@id end end if(@newpId<>0) begin declare @oldpId int,@cNum int select @oldpId=pId,@cNum=-(CNum+1) from tb_Menu where Id=@id update tb_Menu set pId=@newpId where Id=@id exec proc_menu_updatecNum @oldpId,@cNum set @cNum=-(@cNum) exec proc_menu_updatecNum @newpId,@cNum update tb_Menu set sort=sort+1 where pId=@newpId update tb_Menu set sort=0 where Id=@id end end go -- 创建主键索引 -------------------------------------新增节点---------------------------------------------- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='proc_menu_add') drop proc proc_menu_add go create proc proc_menu_add(@name varchar(50),@pId int,@id int output) as begin begin try begin tran declare @pLevel int if(@pId<>0) begin select @pLevel=level+1 from tb_Menu where Id=@pId end else begin set @pLevel=1 end insert into tb_Menu(name,twoname,pId,level,cNum,state,sort,dt,url,des) values(@name,'',@pId,@pLevel,0,1,0,getdate(),'','') set @id=@@IDENTITY select @id update tb_Menu set sort=sort+1 where pId=@pId--兄弟元素排序加1 exec proc_menu_updatecNum @pId,1--修改父节点的子节点数量 commit tran end try begin catch set @id=0 rollback tran end catch end go select * from tb_menu; --exec proc_menu_delete 2@id int,@newpId int,@sibId int,@dir int exec proc_menu_updateSort 1,2,4,-1 select * from tb_menu;