JS 中的类总结




① 什么是类,描述了一种代码的组织结构,一种在软件中对真实世界中问题领域的建模方法


// 非常简单的 mixin() 例子
function mixin(sourceObj, targetObj) {
  for (var key in sourceObj) {
    // 只会在不存在的情况下复制
    if (!(key in targetObj)) {
      targetObj[key] = sourceObj[key]
  return targetObj;

var Vehicle = {
  engines: 1,
  ignition: function() {
    console.log('Turning on my engine.');
  drive: function() {
    console.log('Steering and moving forward!');

var Car = mixin(Vehicle, {
  wheel: 4,
  drive: function(){
    console.log('Rolling on all ' + this.wheel + ' wheels!');


// 另一种混入函数,可能有重写风险
function mixin(sourceObj, targetObj) {
  for (var key in sourceObj) {
    targetObj[key] = sourceObj[key];
  return targetObj;

var Vehicle = {
  // ...

// 首先创建一个空对象并把 Vehicle 对内容复制进去
var Car = mixin( Vehicle, {} );
// 然后把新内容复制到 Car 中 mixin({   wheels: 4,   drive: function() {     // ...   } }, Car)



// 传统的 JS 类,Vehicle
function Vehicle() {
  this.engines = 1;
Vehicle.prototype.ignition = function () {
  console.log('Turning on my engine.');
Vehicle.prototype.drive = function () {
  console.log('Steering and moving forward!');

// 寄生类 Car
function Car() {
  // 首先, Car 是一个 Vehicle
  var car = new Vehicle();
  // 接着我们对 Car 进行定制
  car.wheels = 4;
  // 保存到 Vehicle::drive() 的特殊引用
  var vehDrive = car.drive;
  // 重写 Vehicle::drive()
  car.drive = function() {
    console.log('Rolling on all ' + this.wheels + ' wheels!');
  return car;
var myCar = new Car()


var Something = {
  cool: function () {
    this.greeting = 'Hello World';
    this.count = this.count ? this.count + 1 : 1;
Something.greeting; // 'Hello World'
Something.count; // 1

var Another = {
  cool: function() {
    // 隐式把 Something 混入 Another
Another.greeting; // 'Hello World'
Another.count; // 1


posted @ 2020-04-08 06:30  wzndkj  阅读(699)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报