Given A,B,C, You should quickly calculate the result of A^B mod C. (1 include include include include include define sf scanf define pf printf define 阅读全文
求a^b(%mod) 如果是接近1e18的数字的快速幂,则会爆long long,这就要用快速乘; 阅读全文
The Sky is Sprite. The Birds is Fly in the Sky. The Wind is Wonderful. Blew Throw the Trees Trees are Shaking, Leaves are Falling. Lovers Walk passing 阅读全文
The Farey Sequence Fn for any integer n with n = 2 is the set of irreducible rational numbers a/b with 0 include include include include include defin 阅读全文
1.欧几里得原理是辗转相除法,用来求最大公约数的; 2.拓展欧几里得原理,可以用来解二元一次方程:A X+B Y=C; 模板 (返回值是gcd(a,b)) 因为用的是A X+B Y=gcd(A,B),所以结果x,y要乘上 c/gcd(a,b)!!!!! int ans=exgcd(int a,int 阅读全文