

@echo off
rem This script assumes that REAPER is installed in C:\Program Files\REAPER
rem If you have it installed somewhere else, modify this next line to point to the right folder
rem OR pass it to the script like: reaper-to-usb.bat "d:\REAPER"
set REAPERDIR="C:\Program Files\REAPER"
if not '%1'=='' set REAPERDIR=%1

echo Welcome to the REAPER-TO-USB installation script
echo -
echo This will copy REAPER and your current REAPER settings to your USB drive.
echo -
echo Note: you may wish to make sure that you don't have any excess media 
echo       in your REAPER folder or it will be copied as well!
echo -
echo Enter the drive letter key where your USB drive or removable media is installed
echo (i.e. D: or E: or F: etc)
set dlet=
set /p "dlet=Drive letter (or ENTER to abort): "

if /I "%dlet%"=="" goto abort
if /I "%dlet%"=="A:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="B:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="C:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="D:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="E:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="F:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="G:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="H:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="I:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="J:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="K:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="L:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="M:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="N:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="O:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="P:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="Q:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="R:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="S:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="T:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="U:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="V:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="W:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="X:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="Y:" goto suc
if /I "%dlet%"=="Z:" goto suc

echo Bad drive letter entered, please try again!

goto tryagain


mkdir %dlet%\REAPER
xcopy /E /Y "%appdata%\reaper\*" %dlet%\REAPER
xcopy /E /Y %REAPERDIR%\* %dlet%\REAPER

if not exist "%dlet%\reaper\reaper.exe" goto fail

echo REAPER is now installed on your USB drive in the REAPER folder.
echo Just launch REAPER.EXE from your USB drive to use it. Have fun!
echo -
goto end


echo Copy aborted! You can now close this window!
echo -
goto end


echo -
echo Copy appears to have failed!
goto end



posted @ 2023-07-14 16:03  奥兰王子  阅读(55)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报