
主机:  主机名:localhost

客户端:  主机名:pxe99



[root@~ localhost]#yum install samba
[root@~ localhost]#rpm -ql samba
/usr/lib/systemd/system/nmb.service         #提供Windows共享
/usr/lib/systemd/system/smb.service         #Linux共享
[root@~ localhost]#systemctl start nmb.service smb.service                  
[root@~ localhost]#ss -ntlu
Netid  State      Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port               Peer Address:Port              
udp    UNCONN     0      0                 *:*                  
udp    UNCONN     0      0                 *:*                  
udp    UNCONN     0      0       *:137                 *:*                  
udp    UNCONN     0      0                 *:*                  
udp    UNCONN     0      0                 *:*                  
udp    UNCONN     0      0       *:138                 *:*                  
udp    UNCONN     0      0       *:52457               *:*                  
udp    UNCONN     0      0       *:68                  *:*                  
udp    UNCONN     0      0      :::15821              :::*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      50      *:139                 *:*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      128     *:22                  *:*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      100                  *:*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      50      *:445                 *:*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      50     :::139                :::*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      128    :::22                 :::*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      100       ::1:25                 :::*                  
tcp    LISTEN     0      50     :::445                :::*      
[root@samba localhost]#cp -av smb.conf{,.bak}
[root@samba localhost]#cp -av smb.conf.example{,.bak}
[root@samba localhost]#vim smb.conf.example
interfaces = lo eno16777736   #监听网卡
#interfaces = 127. 172.16.    #监听本地和172.16.的网段
#hosts allow = 127.  172.16.    #允许本地和172.16网段的客户端访问
# log files split per-machine:
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m   #日志文件不止一个,每个不同的客户端访问都会创建日志文件
# maximum size of 50KB per log file, then rotate:
   max log size = 50          #日志文件的大小,到达文件最大值值,滚动创建新文件
security = user      #用户必须是系统用户,即在/etc/passwd中
passdb backend = tdbsam     #密码单独加密保存
[root@samba localhost]#testparm
[root@samba localhost]#systemctl restart nmb.service smb.service
[root@samba localhost]#ss -ntlu | egrep "137|138|139|445"
[root@samba localhost]#useradd smbuser1
[root@samba localhost]#smbpasswd -a smbuser1
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user smbuser1.

[root@~ localhost]#yum install samba
[root@~ pxe99]#yum -y install samba-client
[root@samba pxe99]#smbclient -L
Enter root's password: 
Anonymous login successful
[root@samba pxe99]#smbclient -L -U smbuser1
Enter smbuser1's password: 
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.4.4]

    Sharename       Type      Comment
    ---------       ----      -------
    IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba Server Version 4.4.4)
    smbuser1        Disk      Home Directories    #共享文件  共享家目录
#-L :跟需要登录的sanba主机ip

[root@samba pxe99]#smbclient // -U smbuser1
Enter smbuser1's password: 
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.4.4]
smb: \> ls
smb: \> lcd /tmp           #切换到本地/tmp目录下



[root@samba localhost]#mkdir /data/samba/files -pv
mkdir: created directory ‘/data’
mkdir: created directory ‘/data/samba’
mkdir: created directory ‘/data/samba/files’

[root@samba localhost]#vim smb.conf
        comment = A test shared dir.        #注释信息
        path = /data/samba/files                #共享文件路径
        public = yes                                    #公开所有用户
        writable = yes                                #可写
#     write list = smbuser1   smbuser2                   #批量定义对共享文件系统可写的用户
        browseable = yes                            #可浏览查看
[root@samba localhost]#testparm
    comment = A test shared dir.
    path = /data/samba/files
    read only = No
[root@samba localhost]#systemctl restart nmb.service smb.service

[root@samba pxe99]#smbclient -L -U smbuser1
Enter smbuser1's password: 
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.4.4]

    Sharename       Type      Comment
    ---------       ----      -------
    myfiles         Disk      A test shared dir.
[root@samba pxe99]#smbclient // -U smbuser1
Enter smbuser1's password: 
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.4.4]
smb: \> ls
smb: \> lcd /etc/
smb: \> put issue
NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED opening remote file \issue

[root@samba localhost]#ll -d /data/samba/files/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  6 00:36 /data/samba/files/
[root@samba localhost]#setfacl -m u:smbuser1:rwx /data/samba/files/
[root@samba pxe99]#smbclient // -U smbuser1
Enter smbuser1's password: 
Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.4.4]
smb: \> lcd /etc/
smb: \> put fstab
putting file fstab as \fstab (18.2 kb/s) (average 18.2 kb/s)

[root@files localhost]#groupadd smbgrp     #创建系统新组
[root@files localhost]#setfacl -m g:smbgrp:rwx /data/samba/files/ 

[root@files localhost]#useradd -G smbgrp smbuser2
[root@files localhost]#useradd -G smbgrp smbuser3
[root@samba localhost]#vim smb.conf
        comment = A test shared dir.
        path = /data/samba/files
        pubic = yes
#       writable = yes
        write list = +smbgrp         #对共享文件系统给予组可写的权限
        browseable = yes
[root@samba localhost]#testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384)
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[myfiles]"
Unknown parameter encountered: "pubic"
Ignoring unknown parameter "pubic"
Loaded services file OK.

Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

    comment = A test shared dir.
    path = /data/samba/files
    write list = +smbgrp
[root@samba localhost]#systemctl restart nmb.service smb.service
[root@samba localhost]#smbpasswd -a smbuser2
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user smbuser2.
[root@samba localhost]#smbpasswd -a smbuser3
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user smbuser3.                        


[root@sbin pxe99]#mount -t cifs -o username=smbuser3,password=123456 
// /mnt
#-o 选项 :mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //, missing codepage or helper program, or other error (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program) In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so. 解决方案: [root@sbin pxe99]#ls /sbin/|egrep "mount.nfs.*|mount.cif.*" mount.nfs mount.nfs4 umount.nfs umount.nfs4 #故安装cifs-utils,然后挂载 [root@sbin pxe99]#yum -y install cifs-utils


[root@testdir localhost]#cd /data/samba/files/
[root@testdir localhost]#mkdir testdir
[root@testdir localhost]#setfacl -m g:smbgrp:rwx testdir/
[root@testdir localhost]#chown 1001:1001 testdir/
[root@sbin pxe99]#umount /mnt
[root@sbin pxe99]#mkdir /data/test -pv
[root@sbin pxe99]#chown user2 /data/test/
[root@sbin pxe99]#useradd user2
[root@sbin pxe99]#mount -t cifs -o username=smbuser3,password=123456 
// /data/test [root@test pxe99]#su - user2 Last login: Wed Jun 7 11:43:32 CST 2017 on pts/1 [user2@pxe99 ~]$ ls [user2@pxe99 ~]$ cd /data/test/testdir/ [user2@pxe99 testdir]$ cp /etc/hosts ./ #user2的ID为1001 [user2@pxe99 testdir]$ ll /etc/hosts -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 158 Jun 7 2013 /etc/hosts

