
# 子查询

select * from student where borndate > (

select borndate from student where stuname='崔今生'




select * from student where studentno =(
select studentno from subject where studentresult =100 and subjectid=(
select subjectid from result where subjectname='JavaSE'


select max(studentresult),min(studentresult) from result
where subjectid=(
select subjectid from subject where subjectname ='HTML和CSS课程'
) and examdate =(
select max(examdate) from result where subjectid =(
select subjectid from subject where subjectname ='HTML和CSS课程'

# in子查询


select stuname from student where studnetno in (
select studentno from result where studentresult<60 and subjectid=(
select subjectid from subject where subjectname = 'JavaSE'

# where子查询


select * from s_emp where id =(
select max(id) from s_emp


select * from s_emp where dept_id =(
select max(dept_id) from s_emp


select * from s_emp where id in (
select distinct manager_id from s_emp where mangager_id is not null

# having和from子查询


select dept_id 部门编号,avg(salary)平均工资 from s_emp group by dept_id
having avg(salary)>(
select avg(salary) from s_emp where dept_id=32


select * from (
select * from s_emp where salary>1400 
) where id =5;

--小结:三个关键字支持子查询:where.../ having.../ from...

posted @ 2020-07-21 23:19  弹弹大魔王  阅读(17)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报