goods = [{"name": "电脑", "price": 1999} {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10}, {"name": "游艇", "price": 20}, {"name": "美女", "price": 998} ] dic={} l1=[]#购买的商品 l2=[]#商品数量 sum=0 for i in goods: print(goods.index(i)+1, i["name"],i["price"]) flg = True while flg: money = input("请输入资产") if money.upper() == "Q": flg = False continue elif money.isdigit() and int(money)>=0: flg1 = True while flg1: a = input("选择商品序号,或q退出或p返回上层") if a.upper()=="Q": flg = False flg1 = False break elif a.upper()=="P": flg = True break elif a.isdigit() and int(a) in range(1,len(goods)+1): l1.append(a) flg2 = True while flg2: b = input("选择购买个数,或退出或返回上一层") if b.upper()=="Q": flg = False flg1 = False break elif b.upper()=="P": break elif b.isdigit() and int(b)>=0: l2.append(b) flg3 = True while flg3: d = input("继续购买y或结账n") if d.upper()=="Y": flg2 = False break elif d.upper()=="N": for f in range(len(l1)): money1=goods[int(l1[f])-1]["price"]*int(l2[f]) sum+=money1 if int(money)>=sum: print("购买成功") print("花了%s,余额为%s" %(sum,int(money)-sum)) for f in range(len(l1)): print("购买了%s个%s" %(l2[f],goods[int(l1[f])-1]["name"])) flg=False flg1=False flg2 = False flg3=False break else: flg4=True while flg4: print("余额不足,是否充值Y/N") cho = input("--->") if cho.upper()=="Y": flag = True while flag: k = input("充值金额") if k.isdigit() and int(k)>0: money = int(money)+int(k) flag=False flg4=False break else: print("重新输入") continue elif cho.upper()=="N": print("欢迎再来") flg = False flg1 = False flg2 = False flg3=False flg4 = False break else: print("重新输入") continue else: print("输入错误重新选择") continue else: print("输入错误,重新输入") flg = False flg1=False continue else: print("商品序号不对重新输入") flg = False continue else: print("输入不正确,重新输入")