【Sql Server】Sql语句整理
use Person <--添加约束--> Alter table Student alter column Sno char(5) not null; Alter table Student Add constraint uq_sno unique(Sno); Alter table Student Add constraint C_sex check(Ssex in('男','女')); Alter table Student Add constraint df_Sage Default 20 for Sage; Alter table Student Add constraint PK_Sno primary key(Sno); <--要把字段设置为非空,sqlserver不允许空值列建立主键约束--> Alter table Course alter column Cno char(3) not null Alter table Course Add constraint PK_Cno primary key(Cno),constraint FK_Cpno_ foreign key(Cpno) references Course(Cno); Alter table Course Drop constraint FK_Cpno_; Alter table SC alter column Cno char(3) not null Alter table SC alter column Sno char(5) not null Alter table SC Add constraint PK_sc primary key(Sno,Cno),constraint FK_Sno foreign key(Sno) references Student(Sno),constraint FK_Cno foreign key(Cno) references Course(Cno) <--插入数据--> insert into Student(Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage,Sdept) values('08001','张力','男','18','cs'); select * from Course select Getdate() create table Student ( Sno char(5),//学号 Sname char(20),//姓名 Ssex char(2),//性别 Sage Smallint,//年龄 Sdept char(15)//系别 ); create table Course ( Cno char(3),//课程号 Cname char(30),//课程名 Cpno char(3),//先修课号 Ccredit Smallint//学分 ); create table SC ( Sno char(5),//学号 Cno char(3),//课程号 Grade int//分数 ) <--查询语句--> select Sno,Grade from SC where Cno='002' order by Grade desc; select * from SC ORDER BY Cno,Sno desc; select count(distinct Sno) from Student select AVG(Grade) from SC where Cno='002'; select max(grade) from SC where Cno='001' select Sdept,count(Sno) from Student Group by Sdept; select Cno,avg(Grade) from SC group by Cno; select Sno,avg(Grade) from SC group by Sno; <--查询选修了3门课程以上的学生的学号--> select Sno,Count(Cno) from SC group by Sno having count(cno)>3 ; <-查询所有成绩为优秀的学生的学号-> select Sno,min(grade) from SC where Sno not in(select Sno from SC where Grade is null) Group by Sno having min(Grade)>=90; <--等值连接:查询每个学生及其选修课程的情况--> select Student.*,Sc.* from Student,Sc where Student.Sno=Sc.Sno; select Sno,Cno from Student,Course; <--自身连接查询:查询每门课程的见解先修课--> select First.Cno,Second.Cpno from Course as First,Course as Second where First.Cpno=Second.Cno; <--自身连接查询:查询和刘晨在同一个系的学生--> Select S2.* from Student S1,Student S2 where S1.Sname='刘晨' And S1.Sdept=S2.Sdept; <--外连接查询-> Select Student.*,Sc.* from Student Left Join Sc On Student.Sno=Sc.Sno; <--复合连接查询:查询选修了002课程号且成绩大于90的学生情况--> select student.* from Student,Sc where Student.Sno=SC.Sno And Sc.Cno='002' And Grade>'90'; <--复合连接查询:查询选修了课程的学生姓名、课程名、和成绩--> Select Sname,Cname,Grade from Student,SC,Course where Student.Sno=SC.Sno And Sc.Cno=Course.Cno; <--查询所有成绩为优秀的学生姓名--> Select Sname from Student,Sc where Student.Sno=SC.Sno And Student.Sno Not in(Select Sno from SC where Grade is null) group by Sname having min(Grade)>80; <--子查询:查询未被学生选修的课程信息---> select * from Course where Course.Cno not in (select Distinct Cno from Sc) <--子查询:查询选修了课程名为数据库的课程的学生信息--> select Cno from Couse where Cname='数据库' select Sno from Sc where Cno in(select Cno from Couse where Cname='数据库') select * from Student where Sno in(select Sno from Sc where Cno in(select Cno from Course where Cname='数据库')); select Student.* from Student,SC,Course where Student.Sno=SC.Sno And Sc.Cno=Course.Cno and Course.Cname='数据库'; <--子查询:查找其它系中比IS某一系学生年龄小的学生信息--> select * from Student where Sage< Any(select Sage from Student where Sdept='is') And Sdept<>'is' Order by Sage Desc; <--相关子查询:查询比本系平均年龄大的的学生信息--> select * from Student S1 where Sage> (select avg(Sage) from Student S2 where S1.Sdept=S2.Sdept) <--Exists子查询;查询所有选修了001号课程的学生姓名--> select Sname from Student where Exists(select * from Sc where Sno=Student.Sno And Cno='001'); <--集合查询--> <--UNION运算符:查询计算机系的学生以及年龄不大于19的学生--> Select * from Student where Sdept='CS' Union Select * from Student where Sage<=19; Select * from Student where Sdept='Cs' Or Sage<=19; <--集合的交操作 Intersect:查询选修了课程001而且002的学生学号--> select Sno from Sc where Cno='001' And Sno In (Select Sno From Sc where Cno='002'); Select A.Sno from Sc A,Sc B where A.Cno='001' And B.Cno='002' And A.Sno=B.Sno; <--插入数据--> <--创建新表Deptage,保存每一个系的学生平均年龄--> Create table Deptage ( Sdept Char(15), Avgage Smallint ) <--对Student表按系别进行分组,求平均年龄,然后存入表Deptage--> Insert into Deptage(Sdept,Avgage) select Sdept,avg(Sage) from Student group by Sdept; <--修改数据--> <--把选修了课程名为'数据库'的课程的学生的成绩改为0--> Update Sc set Grade=0 where Cno in(Select cno from Course where Cname='数据库') <--删除数据--> <--删除所有学生的选课记录--> delete from sc; <--删除计算机系(cs)所有学生的选课记录--> delete from SC where Sno in(select Sno from Student where Sdept='CS') delete from SC where 'CS'=(select Sdept from Student where Student.Sno=Sc.Sno)