商务口语 - 总结自真实会议

  • Presentation
    • Speaker
      • 开始
        • Hello/Hi, everyone. Welcome to …
        • Hello, I'm xxx.
        • Hi, (you) all (again).
        • Hello, today I want to talk about ...
        • Ok. I can start.
        • Now I'm going to ...(show you ...)
        • share screen
          • (Yeah,) I'm showing/sharing my screen (now).
          • Let me share the screen first. (Just a second, ...)
          • Can you see my screen now? / Maybe you should see my screen now.
          • -Hope you can see my screen. -Great.
        • Now let me start.
        • Hello all again.
      • 承上启下
        • At first …
        • First of all, ...
        • And ...
        • And also ...
        • Then …
        • In additional, ...
        • Next topic, ...
        • So, ...
        • Yeah, ...
        • OK. Great.
      • 介绍功能
        • Today I will show you...
        • I will give you a overview of...
        • I will talk about .../ what we have done in this sprint
        • I would like to show ... / talk about ... / give some updates about ...
        • For this part, .../you will see ...
        • Then we will see ...
        • As you know, ...
        • As you (can) see, ... / you can ...
        • Also you can see …
        • And also ...
        • If you want to ...
        • If you'd like to …
        • I have already implemented ...
        • I will show … later on
        • I will talk about...
        • xxx can be seen here ...
        • For example, ...
        • You will have to …
        • Let's go to …(xxx page)
        • And I will go to xxx part, ...
        • If you look at xxx part, we will see …
        • By the way, I can show you all …
        • When …, ...
        • I don't want to spend/waste your time, so I already … in advance
        • Sorry, I couldn’t understand.../ I don’t get your meaning...
        • We will continue this topic in next sprint.
      • 结束
        • That's (actually) all from my side.
        • Thank you for listening.
        • If you have some comments, please share... Otherwise, I ...
        • I don't have any other shares. If you have something to share, please go ahead.
        • Thanks for all your participations.
        • Ok. Have a nice day/weekend. Bye.
          • You too. Bye bye.
        • Thank you everybody.
      • 提问
        • Do you have any (other) questions (about that)?
        • Any questions?
          • Just one(a) question.
          • I have (one question).
          • The second question, ...
          • And the other question is …
          • No for the very moment.目前没有
        • Sorry for the interruption. ...
        • Is there any question for this part?
        • If we don't have any question / If there is no question, we can continue/end the meeting.
    • Listener
      • Could you please show us ... again?
      • Can you ...?
        • Of course.
        • Wait a minute.
      • Let's do something (later) after the ... meeting.
      • Let's discuss ... later.
      • The reason why I ask this question is ...
      • Why don't we (just) ...?
      • I'm just asking for user sight ...
      • I'm confusd that ...
      • Thank you.
        • You're welcome.
    • Host
      • Today, we are going to talk about …
      • First of all, we will mention … And then xxx will continue to … And afterwards, ... That's all from my side. And xxx, you can start if you are ready.
      • 请下一个人开始
        • Xxx, if you are ready, you can start. Or we can wait for about ten minutes.
        • Xxx, are you ready?
        • XXX, are you ready for (your) representation?
        • XXX. It's your turn.
      • XXX will talk about ...
      • Let’s give him some time/seconds to make his microphone working.
      • Yeah. Please continue...
      • Thanks XXX.
        • You're welcome.
      • Thank you for your presentation and demo.
      • Great presentation.
      • Finally, XXX. Could you please show ...?
      • Do you have other words?
      • Thank you for all your joining.
      • If you have any more questions, we can continue ...
      • Who is the next?
        • I am.
      • Xxx will (continue to) talk about ...
      • xxx, you can start I think, if you are ready...
      • This is the conclude of today’s spring intervie. ...
      • OK. I think we can close this session.
      • Let’s close the meeting.
      • Maybe it's enough for today.
      • If there is not / we don’t have anymore subjects or comments, this is the conclude/conclusion today. (We can close the meeting.)
      • Thank you (all / very much) for (your) presentations, sharings and comments.
        • Thank you for join/joining us.
      • I think we have done all agenda (items).
      • See you. Bye bye.
  • Common
    • My proposal would be …
    • Just a second.
    • One more word, ...
    • Let's do it behind.
    • The other think is ...
    • I can explain ...
    • I don't want to go to too many details...
    • Thanks everyone.
    • Have a great weekend.
    • have a look at …
    • ..., something like that
    • xxx and other stuff
    • As you already know, ...
    • be (still) under construction:还在建设中
    • ... as well
    • There is no chance to do something
    • It/xxx can be seen here, ...
    • We can directly go to …
    • very tough thing:很困难的事情
    • As you mentioned, ...
    • As you know, ...
    • That's why we …
    • That would be fine.
    • It/That is ok/fine for me.
    • Somebody may be not available on Monday
    • every two weeks
    • we still have some problems about …
    • as soon as possible
    • Thanks to xxx, they …
    • For the xxx(security) perspective, ...
    • After that, we are very close to the production.在这之后我们已经很接近可以发布到生产环境了。
    • zoom in / zoom out:缩放
    • go through …(current bugs/issues) together:一起过/审查一遍...
    • prepare/take a demo/video
    • demonstration / demonstrate the project向产品经理等展示进行验证、确认
    • mention about:提到
    • leave more spaces for …为...预留更多的空间
    • be on purpose:故意的
    • leave … as this:让他先这样吧
    • (think / take care of) the cases that:考虑一下这样的场景...
    • get rid of
    • Actually it's a little confused for me. Sorry for that.
    • catch up to 70%达到百分之七十
    • work on ...正忙于...
    • as I guess
    • how can I say...
    • I‘m sorry. Can you repeat your question again?
    • I will take back the screen...我来拿回屏幕(用于展示)的控制权
  • Words
    • manipulation:手动操作、修改
    • criteria
    • scenario
    • serious issues
    • reach the milestones
    • circular:通知
    • integrity
    • benefit to
    • scenario
    • demonstration
    • the time line
    • divide .. to two parts
    • slash:斜杠
    • comma:逗号
    • dot:点、点号
    • resolution:分辨率
    • safety colleagues
    • visually:可见的
    • Mechanism:机制
    • Nope.没有...
    • unfortunately:不幸的是

Hello, everyone.

Thanks/Thank you.
You're welcome.

That's all from my side.
It's ok from my side.

If you have other questions. Please feel free to ask.
Do you have any questions?

Thanks for your hard/great work.

I would have one question.

Do you any additional/other updates/presentations/comments/suggestions/questions from China?

On public vocation.

Ok. That's all today/(from my side)/(for today's agenda).

Have a good day.
Bye bye.


by the way

as you see

my turn

I think so.

I'm really appreciate your (hard work)/help.

posted on 2019-11-25 17:08  碎羽love星谊  阅读(641)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
