
When I did a Shoot Game by Unity3d with the C#, one error occurred and it made me at a loss for long time. What the error is that how to make the characters which in the different clients synchronous. Which means that if I shoot a man in my client, meanwhile the bullets or the damage and so on should show not only in my client, but also it should show in the client of the man who be shot. My problem was that I could not make it vary well.

In order to solve the problem, I found some case which succeed to make it. And I compare their with my project. Then I understood that. First I should add some components which control the net. Then I made some bullet or other things in the components. In other word, the bullet have the attribute of the components. The last, I modified the scripts like the camera just in the specific client and the blood would reduce when be shot and they were synchronous.   

posted @ 2017-02-26 21:20  wyp_run  阅读(142)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报