

Not only dis she call a needless general election; she also led the poorest campaign in living memory, alarming loyal Tory voters and alienating everyone else. If she's now at the mercy of Arlene Foster, Jacob Rees-Mogg or Anna Soubry, that is very largely her own doing.




1.compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm 慈悲, 怜悯; 仁慈, 宽容

at the mercy of
completely in the power or under the control of任凭…的摆布, 完全受…的支配:
consumers were at the mercy of every rogue in the marketplace.顾客任凭奸商欺诈。

be thankful (或grateful) for small mercies
be relieved that an unpleasant situation is alleviated by minor advantages庆幸不利情况已略有改善。

have mercy on(或upon)
show compassion or forgiveness to宽恕; 对…有怜悯之心:
may the Lord have mercy on her soul.愿主宽恕她的灵魂。
leave someone/thing to the mercy of
expose someone or something to a situation of probable danger or harm听任…由(可能有危险或危害的形势)摆布:
the forest is left to the mercy of the loggers.森林任凭伐木工随意砍伐。
throw oneself on someone's mercy
intentionally place oneself in someone's hands in the expectation that they will behave mercifully towards one特意恳求(某人)宽恕


并列句一:Not only did she call a needless general election;

还原倒装: She not only called a needless general election



主干:she also led the poorest campaign in living memory


状语一:alarming loyal Tory voters 这就给保守党忠诚的支持者敲响了警钟

状语二:alienating everyone else 还使得其他所有人渐渐疏远


主干:that is vert largely her own doing

very largely 表示强调,在很大程度上


状语从句:If she's now at the mercy of Arlene Foster, Jacob Rees-Mogg or Anna Soubry 如果她现在受到Arlene Foster, Jacob Rees-Mogg 和 Anna Soubry 的摆布。


她不仅发起了一场毫无必要的大选。她还领导了这场人们记忆中最糟糕的选举活动,这就给保守党忠诚的支持者敲响了警钟还使得其他所有人渐渐疏远。如果她现在受到Arlene Foster, Jacob Rees-Mogg 和 Anna Soubry 的摆布,在很大程度上就是她自己咎由自取。

posted @ 2018-06-04 12:34  咸鱼爱学习  阅读(375)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报