
hdu 4614


Alice is so popular that she can receive many flowers everyday. She has N vases numbered from 0 to N-1. When she receive some flowers, she will try to put them in the vases, one flower in one vase. She randomly choose the vase A and try to put a flower in the vase. If the there is no flower in the vase, she will put a flower in it, otherwise she skip this vase. And then she will try put in the vase A+1, A+2, ..., N-1, until there is no flower left or she has tried the vase N-1. The left flowers will be discarded. Of course, sometimes she will clean the vases. Because there are too many vases, she randomly choose to clean the vases numbered from A to B(A <= B). The flowers in the cleaned vases will be discarded.


  The first line contains an integer T, indicating the number of test cases.
  For each test case, the first line contains two integers N(1 < N < 50001) and M(1 < M < 50001). N is the number of vases, and M is the operations of Alice. Each of the next M lines contains three integers. The first integer of one line is K(1 or 2). If K is 1, then two integers A and F follow. It means Alice receive F flowers and try to put a flower in the vase A first. If K is 2, then two integers A and B follow. It means the owner would like to clean the vases numbered from A to B(A <= B).


  For each operation of which K is 1, output the position of the vase in which Alice put the first flower and last one, separated by a blank. If she can not put any one, then output 'Can not put any one.'. For each operation of which K is 2, output the number of discarded flowers.
  Output one blank line after each test case.





  1. 给定一个区间[x,y]和数f,如果里面的数为0,则变为1,变化一个数算一次,一共f次,不足f次则省去剩下的次数省去,输出第一次变为1的下标和最后一变为1的下标,一次都没有则输出“Can not put any one.”。
  2. 给定一个区间[x,y],输出区间和,并将区间内每个数置为0。


using namespace std;
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define MAXN 310000
#define N 50010
#define M 10007
#define endl '\n'
#define exp 1e-8
#define lc p << 1
#define rc p << 1|1
#define lowbit(x) ((x)&-(x))
const double pi = acos(-1.0);
typedef long long LL;
typedef unsigned long long ULL;
inline ULL read() {
	ULL x = 0, f = 1;
	char ch = getchar();
	while (ch < '0' || ch>'9') {
		if (ch == '-')
			f = -1;
		ch = getchar();
	while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
		x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (ch ^ 48);
		ch = getchar();
	return x * f;
void print(ULL x) {
	if (x > 9)print(x / 10);
	putchar(x % 10 ^ 48);
struct tree
	int l, r, sum,add;
int cnt, n, m;;
void pushup(int p)
	t[p].sum = t[lc].sum + t[rc].sum;
void pushdown(int p)
	if (t[p].add==1)  //标记为1表示要将区间置每个数为0
		t[lc].sum = 0;
		t[rc].sum = 0;
		t[lc].add = 1;
		t[rc].add = 1;
		t[p].add = 0;
	else if (t[p].add == 2) //标记为2表示要将区间每个数置为1
		t[lc].sum = t[lc].r - t[lc].l + 1;
		t[rc].sum = t[rc].r - t[rc].l + 1;
		t[lc].add = 2;
		t[rc].add = 2;
		t[p].add = 0;
void build(int p, int l, int r)
	t[p] = { l,r,0,0 };
	if (l == r) return;
	int m = l + r >> 1;
	build(lc, l, m);
	build(rc, m + 1, r);
void update(int p, int x, int y)  //将区间的数都置为1
	if (x <= t[p].l && t[p].r <= y)
		t[p].sum = t[p].r - t[p].l + 1;
		t[p].add = 2;
	int m = t[p].l + t[p].r >> 1;
	if (x <= m) update(lc, x, y);
	if (y > m)update(rc, x, y);
int query(int p, int x, int y,int c)  //求区间和,c==1表示还要将区间每个数置为0
	if (x <= t[p].l && t[p].r <= y)
		int a = t[p].sum;
		if (c)
			t[p].sum = 0;
			t[p].add = 1;
		return a;
	int sum = 0;
	int m = t[p].l + t[p].r >> 1;
	if (x <= m) sum += query(lc, x, y,c);
	if (y > m) sum += query(rc, x, y,c);
	return sum;
void insert(int a, int f)
	int fi = 0,last = 0;
	bool flag = 0;
	int l = 0, r =0;
	for (int i = a; i <= n&&f!=0; i++)
		l = i - 1, r = n+1;
		while (l != r - 1)  //二分查找从i开始往后第一个有花的位置
			int m = l + r >> 1;
			if (query(1,i, m,0) == 0)  //如果成立,说明i ~ m这段区间都是无花的,更新l = m
				l = m;
				r = m;
		if (l < i) //表示在第i个花瓶处有花,此时需要跳到i后面第一个无花的位置(没有这步会tle)
			l = i - 1, r = n + 1;
			while (l != r - 1)
				int m = l + r >> 1;
				if (query(1, i, m, 0) == m - i + 1)
					l = m;
					r = m;
			i = l;
		else  //如果第i个花瓶处无花,更新答案
			if (!flag)  //表示第一次插入
				flag = 1;
				fi = i;
				if (f > l - i + 1)
					f -= (l - i + 1);
					last = l;
					i = l;        //i= l 是要写的,反则答案会错,也会tle
					last = f + i - 1;
					f = 0;
				if (f > l - i + 1)
					f -= (l - i + 1);
					last = l;
					i = l;
					last = f + i - 1;
					f = 0;
	if (flag)  //如果不为0说明有答案
		update(1, fi, last);
		printf("%d %d\n", fi-1, last-1);
		puts("Can not put any one.");
int main()
	scanf("%d", &cnt);
	while (cnt--)
		scanf("%d%d", &n,&m);
		build(1, 1, n);
		while (m--)
			int a, b, c;
			scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);
			if (a == 1)
				insert(b+1, c);
				printf("%d\n", query(1,b+1,c+1,1));
	return 0;
posted @ 2023-04-04 21:31  魏老6  阅读(44)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报