将实验7(见原书)中Power idea 公司的数据按照如下格式在屏幕上显示出来。
;proc_name: ddtoc
;function: translate dword type data into a decimal string which
; ends with 0
;interface: (ax) = the low 16 bit of the dword type data
; (dx) = the high 16 bit of the dword type data
; ds:si points to the first address of the string
;return: void
ddtoc: push ax
push cx
push dx
push si
push bp
mov bp,sp
ddtoc_s: mov cx,10
call divdw
add cx,'0'
push cx
mov cx,dx
add cx,ax
jcxz ddtoc_next
jmp short ddtoc_s
ddtoc_next: pop ax
mov [si],al
mov cx,sp
sub cx,bp
jcxz ddtoc_ok
inc si
jmp short ddtoc_next
ddtoc_ok: mov al,0
mov [si+1],al
pop bp
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
;proc_name: divdw
;function: Division operation(avoid overflow)
; the dividend is dword type and the divisor is word type
; the result is dword type, the remainder is word type.
;interface: (ax) = the low 16 bit of the dividend
; (dx) = the high 16 bit of the dividend
; (cx) = divisor(word type)
;return: (dx) = the high 16 bit of the result
; (ax) = the low 16 bit of the result
; (cx) = the remainder
divdw: push dx
push ax
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,0
mov ax,[bp+4]
div cx
push ax
mov ax,[bp+2]
div cx
mov cx,dx
pop dx
pop bp
add sp,4
assume cs:code,ss:stack
data segment
db '1975','1976','1977','1978','1979','1980','1981','1982','1983'
db '1984','1985','1986','1987','1988','1989','1990','1991','1992'
db '1993','1994','1995'
;offset address range:0-53h. informations of the years
dd 16,22,382,1356,2390,8000,16000,24486,50065,97479,140417,197514
dd 345980,590827,803530,1183000,1843000,2759000,3753000,4649000,5937000
;offset address range:54h-0a7h. information of the gross income each year
dw 3,7,9,13,28,38,130,220,476,778,1001,1442,2258,2793,4037,5635,8226
dw 11542,14430,15257,17800
;offset address range:0a8h-0d1h.information of the number of the emploees each year
data ends
stack segment
db 256 dup(0)
stack ends
table segment
db 21 dup('year',0,'summ',0,'ne',0,'??',0)
;offset address range:0~14fh
db 20 dup(?)
;each line has 16byte space
table ends
code segment
main: mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,stack
mov ss,ax
mov sp,256
call load_info
mov ax,table
mov ds,ax
mov dh,0
mov bx,0
mov cx,21
s0: push cx
;print the year
mov si,bx
mov dl,12
mov cl,00000111b
call show_str
mov si,150h
;print the gross income
add dl,12
push dx
add bx,5
mov ax,[bx]
mov dx,[bx+2]
call ddtoc
pop dx
call show_str
;print the number of the emploees each year
add dl,12
push dx
add bx,5
mov dx,0
mov ax,[bx]
call ddtoc
pop dx
call show_str
;print the average income
add dl,12
push dx
add bx,3
mov dx,0
mov ax,[bx]
call ddtoc
pop dx
call show_str
inc dh
add bx,3
pop cx
loop s0
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push ds
push es
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,table
mov es,ax
;load the years
mov si,0
mov bx,0
mov cx,21
mov ax,[si] ;load the former 2 bytes
mov es:[bx],ax
mov ax,[si+2]
mov es:[bx+2],ax ;load the latter 2 bytes
add si,4
add bx,10h
loop load_info_s0
;load the gross income
mov si,54h
mov bx,0
mov cx,21
mov ax,[si] ;load the former 2 bytes
mov es:[bx+5],ax
mov ax,[si+2] ;load the latter 2 bytes
mov es:[bx+5+2],ax
add si,4
add bx,10h
loop load_infor_s1
;load the number of the emploees
mov si,0a8h
mov bx,0
mov cx,21
mov ax,[si]
mov es:[bx+0ah],ax
add si,2
add bx,10h
loop load_infor_s2
;calculate and load the average income
mov bx,0
mov cx,21
s3: mov ax,es:[bx+5]
mov dx,es:[bx+5+2]
div word ptr es:[bx+0ah]
mov es:[bx+0dh],ax
add bx,10h
loop s3
pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
;proc_name: ddtoc
;function: translate dword type data into a decimal string which
; ends with 0
;interface: (ax) = the low 16 bit of the dword type data
; (dx) = the high 16 bit of the dword type data
; ds:si points to the first address of the string
;return: void
ddtoc: push ax
push cx
push dx
push si
push bp
mov bp,sp
ddtoc_s: mov cx,10
call divdw
add cx,'0'
push cx
mov cx,dx
add cx,ax
jcxz ddtoc_next
jmp short ddtoc_s
ddtoc_next: pop ax
mov [si],al
mov cx,sp
sub cx,bp
jcxz ddtoc_ok
inc si
jmp short ddtoc_next
ddtoc_ok: mov al,0
mov [si+1],al
pop bp
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
;proc_name: divdw
;function: Division operation(avoid overflow)
; the dividend is dword type and the divisor is word type
; the result is dword type, the remainder is word type.
;interface: (ax) = the low 16 bit of the dividend
; (dx) = the high 16 bit of the dividend
; (cx) = divisor(word type)
;return: (dx) = the high 16 bit of the result
; (ax) = the low 16 bit of the result
; (cx) = the remainder
divdw: push dx
push ax
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,0
mov ax,[bp+4]
div cx
push ax
mov ax,[bp+2]
div cx
mov cx,dx
pop dx
pop bp
add sp,4
;proc_name: show_str
;function: output a string with one color in a certain postion
;interface: (dh) = row(0~24),(dl) = column(0~79)
; (cl) = color, ds:si points to the first address of the string
;return: void
show_str: push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push es
push si
mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
;set row
mov al,160
mul dh
mov bx,ax
;set column
mov dh,0
add dx,dx
mov di,dx
;output the string
mov ah,cl
show_str_s: mov al,[si]
mov ch,0
mov cl,al
jcxz show_str_ok
mov es:[bx+di],ax
inc si
add di,2
jmp short show_str_s
show_str_ok: pop si
pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
code ends
end main
这是什么鬼!怎么还有数据被”press any key to continue”覆盖掉了!