文字列大好きいろはちゃんイージー / Iroha Loves Strings (ABC Edition) (优先队列)
Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB
Score : 200 points
Problem Statement
Iroha has a sequence of N strings S1,S2,…,SN. The length of each string is L.
She will concatenate all of the strings in some order, to produce a long string.
Among all strings that she can produce in this way, find the lexicographically smallest one.
Here, a string s=s1s2s3...sn is lexicographically smaller than another string t=t1t2t3...tm if and only if one of the following holds:
- There exists an index i(1≦i≦min(n,m)), such that sj=tj for all indices j(1≦j<i), and si<ti.
- si=ti for all integers i(1≦i≦min(n,m)), and n<m.
- 1≦N,L≦100
- For each i, the length of Si equals L.
- For each i, Si consists of lowercase letters.
The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
N L S1 S2 : SN
Print the lexicographically smallest string that Iroha can produce.
Sample Input 1
3 3 dxx axx cxx
Sample Output 1
The following order should be used: axx
, cxx
, dxx
题解:大致意思是是对字符串排序然后顺序输出 尝试用了下字符串的优先队列 以为会哇一发 没想到居然过了
可是我用优先队列之后 感觉 L 这个数据就废了啊 也没看其他的做法 不知道有没有用它
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <algorithm> 3 #include <cstring> 4 #include <cstdio> 5 #include <vector> 6 #include <cstdlib> 7 #include <iomanip> 8 #include <cmath> 9 #include <ctime> 10 #include <map> 11 #include <set> 12 #include <queue> 13 using namespace std; 14 #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) 15 #define max(x,y) (x>y?x:y) 16 #define min(x,y) (x<y?x:y) 17 #define MAX 100000000000000000 18 #define MOD 1000000007 19 #define pi acos(-1.0) 20 #define ei exp(1) 21 #define PI 3.141592653589793238462 22 #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f3f 23 #define mem(a) (memset(a,0,sizeof(a))) 24 typedef long long ll; 25 ll gcd(ll a,ll b){ 26 return b?gcd(b,a%b):a; 27 } 28 bool cmp(int x,int y) 29 { 30 return x>y; 31 } 32 const int N=10005; 33 const int mod=1e9+7; 34 int main() 35 { 36 std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); 37 int n,l; 38 cin>>n>>l; 39 string a; 40 priority_queue<string,vector<string>,greater<string> >q; 41 for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ 42 cin>>a; 43 q.push(a); 44 } 45 while(q.size()>0){ 46 string b=q.top(); 47 cout<<b; 48 q.pop(); 49 } 50 cout<<endl; 51 return 0; 52 }