- 进程:是并发执行的程序在执行过程中分配和管理资源的基本单位,是一个动态概念,竞争计算机系统资源的基本单位
- 线程:是进程的一个执行单元,是进程内科调度实体。比进程更小的独立运行的基本单位。线程也被称为轻量级进程
- 地址空间:同一进程的线程共享本进程的地址空间,而进程之间则是独立的地址空间
- 资源拥有:同一进程内的线程共享本进程的资源如内存、I/O、cpu等,但是进程之间的资源是独立的
- 一个进程崩溃后,在保护模式下不会对其他进程产生影响,但是一个线程崩溃整个进程都死掉。所以多进程要比多线程健壮
- 进程切换时,消耗的资源大,效率高。所以涉及到频繁的切换时,使用线程要好于进程。同样如果要求同时进行并且又要共享某些变量的并发操作,只能用线程不能用进程
- 执行过程:每个独立的进程有一个程序运行的入口、顺序执行序列和程序入口。但是线程不能独立执行,必须依存在应用程序中,由应用程序提供多个线程执行控制
- 线程是处理器调度的基本单位,但是进程不是
- 多线程可以更加充分的利用CPU的性能优势
- 实现异步编程
- 对于CPU密集型程序,多线程无优势
- 对于IO密集型程序,多线程有优势
- 在线程1中 request=Request()
- 在线程2中 request=Request()
- 在线程3中 request=Request()
想取线程1的request, 现在的情况下肯定无法做到
解决办法:全局变量改为dict, 每一个线程都有对应的自己的key, 并将request作为value存放。falsk的线程隔离技术也是基于类似的原理实现的。
siet-package/werkzeug/local.py 中的Local类:
1 class Local(object): 2 __slots__ = ('__storage__', '__ident_func__') 3 4 def __init__(self): 5 object.__setattr__(self, '__storage__', {}) # __storge__ 实现空的字典 6 object.__setattr__(self, '__ident_func__', get_ident) # get_ident是获取当前线程id号的 函数 7 8 def __iter__(self): 9 return iter(self.__storage__.items()) 10 11 def __call__(self, proxy): 12 """Create a proxy for a name.""" 13 return LocalProxy(self, proxy) 14 15 def __release_local__(self): 16 self.__storage__.pop(self.__ident_func__(), None) 17 18 def __getattr__(self, name): 19 try: 20 return self.__storage__[self.__ident_func__()][name] 21 except KeyError: 22 raise AttributeError(name) 23 24 def __setattr__(self, name, value): 25 ident = self.__ident_func__() # 取当前线程的 线程id号, 26 storage = self.__storage__ # 类本身的字典 27 try: 28 storage[ident][name] = value # 把当前线程id号存起来 29 except KeyError: 30 storage[ident] = {name: value} 31 32 def __delattr__(self, name): 33 try: 34 del self.__storage__[self.__ident_func__()][name] 35 except KeyError: 36 raise AttributeError(name)
1 from werkzeug.local import Local 2 import threading, time 3 4 my_obj = Local() 5 my_obj.b = 1 6 7 8 def worker(): 9 my_obj.b = 2 10 print('in sub thread b is:' + str(my_obj.b)) # 2 11 12 13 subthread1 = threading.Thread(target=worker, name='subthread1') 14 subthread1.start() 15 16 time.sleep(1) 17 18 print('my_obj.b is : {}'.format(my_obj.b)) # 1 19
1 class LocalStack(object): 2 def __init__(self): 3 self._local = Local() 4 5 def __release_local__(self): 6 self._local.__release_local__() 7 8 def _get__ident_func__(self): 9 return self._local.__ident_func__ 10 11 def _set__ident_func__(self, value): 12 object.__setattr__(self._local, '__ident_func__', value) 13 __ident_func__ = property(_get__ident_func__, _set__ident_func__) 14 del _get__ident_func__, _set__ident_func__ 15 16 def __call__(self): 17 def _lookup(): 18 rv = self.top 19 if rv is None: 20 raise RuntimeError('object unbound') 21 return rv 22 return LocalProxy(_lookup) 23 24 def push(self, obj): 25 """Pushes a new item to the stack""" 26 rv = getattr(self._local, 'stack', None) 27 if rv is None: 28 self._local.stack = rv = [] 29 rv.append(obj) 30 return rv 31 32 def pop(self): 33 """Removes the topmost item from the stack, will return the 34 old value or `None` if the stack was already empty. 35 """ 36 stack = getattr(self._local, 'stack', None) 37 if stack is None: 38 return None 39 elif len(stack) == 1: 40 release_local(self._local) 41 return stack[-1] 42 else: 43 return stack.pop() 44 45 @property 46 def top(self): 47 """The topmost item on the stack. If the stack is empty, 48 `None` is returned. 49 """ 50 try: 51 return self._local.stack[-1] 52 except (AttributeError, IndexError): 53 return None
- Local使用字典实现线程隔离
- LocalStack封装了Local,实现了线程隔离的栈结构
1 from werkzeug.local import LocalStack # 栈 先进后出 2 # LocalStack常用方法: push pop top 3 4 5 s = LocalStack() 6 s.push(1) 7 print(s.top) # top只会取出元素不会删除 8 print(s.top) 9 print(s.pop()) # pop取出元素并删除 10 print(s.top) 11 12 s.push(1) 13 s.push(2) 14 print(s.top) 15 print(s.top) 16 print(s.pop()) 17 print(s.top)
1 from werkzeug.local import LocalStack # 栈 先进后出 2 from threading import Thread 3 import time 4 5 my_stack = LocalStack() 6 my_stack.push(1) 7 print("in main thread after push, value is: " + str(my_stack.top)) # 1 8 9 10 def worker(): 11 # 新线程 12 print("in new thread before push, value is: " + str(my_stack.top)) # None 13 my_stack.push(2) 14 print("in new thread after push, value is: " + str(my_stack.top)) # 2 15 16 17 new_t = Thread(target=worker, name="new thread") 18 new_t.start() 19 time.sleep(1) 20 21 # 主线程 22 print("finally, in main thread value is: " + str(my_stack.top)) # 1
1 from flask import Flask,request,session,g,current_app 2 3 app = Flask(__name__) 4 5 @app.route('/',methods=['GET',"POST"]) 6 def index(): 7 # request是 LocalProxy 的对象 8 print(request) # LocalProxy.__str__ --> str(LocalProxy._get_current_object) --> 调用偏函数 --> ctx.request 9 request.method # LocalProxy.__getattr__ --> 10 # str(LocalProxy._get_current_object) --> 调用偏函数 --> ctx.request 11 # getattr(self._get_current_object(), name) --> ctx.request.method 12 13 request.path # ctx.request.path 14 15 print(session) # LocalProxy.__str__ --> str(LocalProxy._get_current_object) --> 调用偏函数 --> ctx.session 16 17 18 print(g) # 执行g对象的__str__ 19 return "index" 20 21 22 if __name__ == '__main__': 23 # 1. app.__call__ 24 # 2. app.wsgi_app 25 app.wsgi_app 26 app.request_class 27 app.run()
1 from flask import Flask,request,session 2 3 app = Flask(__name__) 4 5 @app.route('/',methods=['GET',"POST"]) 6 def index(): 7 # request是 LocalProxy 的对象 8 print(request) # LocalProxy.__str__ --> str(LocalProxy._get_current_object) --> 调用偏函数 --> ctx.request 9 request.method # LocalProxy.__getattr__ --> 10 # str(LocalProxy._get_current_object) --> 调用偏函数 --> ctx.request 11 # getattr(self._get_current_object(), name) --> ctx.request.method 12 13 request.path # ctx.request.path 14 15 print(session) # LocalProxy.__str__ --> str(LocalProxy._get_current_object) --> 调用偏函数 --> ctx.session 16 return "index" 17 18 19 if __name__ == '__main__': 20 # 1. app.__call__ 21 # 2. app.wsgi_app 22 app.wsgi_app 23 app.run()
1 from flask import Flask,request,g 2 3 app = Flask(__name__) 4 5 @app.before_request 6 def before(): 7 g.permission_code_list = ['list','add'] 8 9 10 @app.route('/',methods=['GET',"POST"]) 11 def index(): 12 print(g.permission_code_list) 13 return "index" 14 15 16 if __name__ == '__main__': 17 app.run()
1 a. 请求上下文: 2 - request 3 - session 4 5 b. 应用上下文: 6 请求流程: 7 _request_ctx_stack.local = { 8 9 } 10 11 _app_ctx_stack.local = { 12 13 } 14 15 16 1. 请求到来 ,有人来访问 17 # 将请求相关的数据environ封装到了RequestContext对象中 18 # 再讲对象封装到local中(每个线程/每个协程独立空间存储) 19 # ctx.app # 当前APP的名称 20 # ctx.request # Request对象(封装请求相关东西) 21 # ctx.session # 空 22 _request_ctx_stack.local = { 23 唯一标识:{ 24 "stack":[ctx, ] 25 }, 26 唯一标识:{ 27 "stack":[ctx, ] 28 }, 29 } 30 31 32 # app_ctx = AppContext对象 33 # app_ctx.app 34 # app_ctx.g 35 36 _app_ctx_stack.local = { 37 唯一标识:{ 38 "stack":[app_ctx, ] 39 }, 40 唯一标识:{ 41 "stack":[app_ctx, ] 42 }, 43 } 44 45 2. 使用 46 from flask import request,session,g,current_app 47 48 print(request,session,g,current_app) 49 50 都会执行相应LocalProxy对象的 __str__ 51 52 current_app = LocalProxy(_find_app) 53 request = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_req_object, 'request')) 54 session = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_req_object, 'session')) 55 56 current_app = LocalProxy(_find_app) 57 g = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_app_object, 'g')) 58 59 3. 终止,全部pop 60 61 问题1:多线程是如何体现? 62 问题2:flask的local中保存数据时,使用列表创建出来的栈。为什么用栈? 63 - 如果写web程序,web运行环境;栈中永远保存1条数据(可以不用栈)。 64 - 写脚本获取app信息时,可能存在app上下文嵌套关系。 65 from flask import Flask,current_app,globals,_app_ctx_stack 66 67 app1 = Flask('app01') 68 app1.debug = False # 用户/密码/邮箱 69 # app_ctx = AppContext(self): 70 # app_ctx.app 71 # app_ctx.g 72 73 app2 = Flask('app02') 74 app2.debug = True # 用户/密码/邮箱 75 # app_ctx = AppContext(self): 76 # app_ctx.app 77 # app_ctx.g 78 79 80 81 with app1.app_context():# __enter__方法 -> push -> app_ctx添加到_app_ctx_stack.local 82 # {<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x00000000036E2340>: {'stack': [<flask.ctx.AppContext object at 0x00000000037CA438>]}} 83 print(_app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__) 84 print(current_app.config['DEBUG']) 85 86 with app2.app_context(): 87 # {<greenlet.greenlet object at 0x00000000036E2340>: {'stack': [<flask.ctx.AppContext object at 0x00000000037CA438> ]}} 88 print(_app_ctx_stack._local.__storage__) 89 print(current_app.config['DEBUG']) 90 91 print(current_app.config['DEBUG'])
1 from werkzeug.wsgi import DispatcherMiddleware 2 from werkzeug.serving import run_simple 3 from flask import Flask, current_app 4 5 app1 = Flask('app01') 6 app2 = Flask('app02') 7 8 9 @app1.route('/index') 10 def index(): 11 return "app01" 12 13 14 @app2.route('/index2') 15 def index2(): 16 return "app2" 17 18 # http://www.oldboyedu.com/index --> app1 19 # http://www.oldboyedu.com/admin/index2 --> app2 20 app= DispatcherMiddleware(app1, { 21 '/admin': app2, 22 }) 23 24 if __name__ == "__main__": 25 run_simple('localhost', 5000, app)