

1. 2022.5.15 轮滑

Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK?

Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this.

Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America?

Ana: Yes, I am originally. I was born in Argentina.

Ted: Did you grow up there?

Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago when I was in high school.

Ted: And where did you learn to roller blade?

Ana: Here in the park. This is only my second time.

Ted: Well, it's my first time. Can you give me some lessons?

Ana: Sure. Just follow me.

Ted : By the way, my name is Ted.

Ana: And I'm Ana. Nice to meet you.

Ted: Hey, hey! that was fun. Thank you for the lesson!

Ana: No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do?

Ted: I work in a travel agency.

Ana: Really! What do you do there?

Ted: I'm in charge of their computers.

Ana: Oh, so you're a computer specialist.

Ted: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so.

Ana: That's great. Then maybe you can give me some help with a computer course I'm taking.

Ted: Oh, sure...But only if you promise to give me some more roller blading lessons.

Ana: It's a deal!

2. 2022.5.19 小时候的回忆

A: Hey! Are these pictures of you when you were a kid?

B: Yeah! That's me in front of my uncle's beach house. When I was a kid, we used to spend two weeks every summer.

A: Wow, I bet that was fun!

B: Yeah. We always had a great time. Every day we used to get up early and walk along the beach. I have a great shell collection. In fact, I think it's still up in the attic!

A: Hey, I used to collect shells, too, when I was a kid. But my parents threw them out!

A: You know what I remember most about growing up?

B: What?

A: Visiting my grandparent's house…you know, on holidays and stuff. They lived way out in the country, and my granddad had a horse named Blackie. He taught me how to ride. I just love that horse-and she loved me, too! I used to really enjoy spending time at my grandparent's house. And every time I came back, Blackie remembered me.

B: Ah, memories!

3. 2022.5.22 移民

Interviewer: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong?

Yu Hong: I'm from China...from near Shanghai.

Interviewer: And when did you move here?

Yu Hong: I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992.

Interviewer: And what do you do now?

Yu Hong: I'm a transportation engineer.

Interviewer: I see. So you 're an immigrant to the United States.

Yu Hong: Yes, that's right.

Interviewer: What are some of difficulties of being an immigrant in the U.S.?

Yu Hong: Oh, that's not an easy question to answer. There are so many things, really. I guess one of the biggest difficulties is that I don't have any relatives here. I mean, I have a lot of friends, but that's not the same thing. In China, on the holidays or the weekend, we visit relatives. It isn't the same here.

Interviewer: And what do you miss the most from home?

Yu Hong: Oh, that's easy: my mom's soup! She makes great soup. I really miss my mother's cooking.

Interviewer: Where are you from, Ajay?

Ajay: I’m from India.

Interviewer: And when did you move to the U.S.?

Ajay: It was in 1991.

Interviewer: Are you studying here at the moment?

Ajay: Not now. I came here as a student and graduated two years ago. I’m working as a computer technician

Interviewer: Uh-huh. And what was it like when you first came here? Was it difficult?

Ajay: Yeah, it was at times. The main difficulty I had was with the educational system. Things are very different here. Teaching methods, everything is very different from what I was used to in India.

Interviewer: And what do you miss the most from India?

Ajay: To tell you the truth, after you’re here for a while, you don’t miss anything very much. But I guess the weather and my family are the things I miss. And the quality of life. The quality of life is much nicer back home, frankly speaking.

4. 2022.5.26 交通问题

A: Why is there never a bus when you want one?

B: Good question. There aren't enough buses on this route.

A: Sometimes I feel like writing a letter to the paper.

B: Good idea. You should say that we need more subway lines, too.

A: Yeah. There should be more public transportation in general.

B: And fewer cars! There's too much traffic.

A: Say, is that our bus coming?

B: Yes, it is. But look. It's full!

A: Oh, no! Let's go and get a cup of coffee. We can talk about this letter I'm going to write.

A: So you are really going to write a letter to the paper?

B: Sure. I'm going to say something about the buses. They're too old. We need more modern buses…nice air-conditioned ones.

B: And they need to put more buses on the road.

A: Right. And there are too many cars downtown, and there isn't enough parking.

B: That's for sure. It's impossible to find a parking space downtown these days.

A: I think they should ban private cars downtown between nine and five.

B: Oh, you mean they shouldn't allow any cars except taxis and buses during the regular workday. Hmm…that sounds like a really good idea.

5. 2022.5.29 新加坡

Quite a number of things have been done to help solve traffic problems in Singapore. For example, motorists must buy a special pass if they want to drive into the downtown business district. They can go into the business district only if they have the pass displayed on their windshield.

Another thing Singapore has done is to make it more difficult to buy cars. People have to apply for a certificate if they want to buy a car. And the number of certificates is limited. Not everyone can get one.

There is also a high tax on cars, so it costs three or four times as much to buy a car in Singapore as it does in, say, the United States or Canada.

The other thing Singapore has done is to build an excellent pubic transportation system. Their subway system is one of the best in the world. And there is also a very good taxi and bus system.

6. 2022.6.02 路标

A: You know, these highways are really great, but the road signs are pretty confusing.
B: Hmm. What do these lines on the road mean?
A: They must mean you aren't allowed to pass here.
B: No. I don't think so. I'm going to pass this car in front of us. It's going too slow. Now, I wonder what that sign up ahead means.
A: It may mean you've got to take a left in this lane.
B: Or maybe it means you can turn left if you want to. I think I'll just go straight.

A: Um, have you noticed that police car behind us?
B: Oh, yeah.
A: [Police siren] Oh, no! I'd better pull over.
B: May I see your driver's license, please?
A: Sure, of course. Did I do something wrong, Officer?
B: Well, for one thing, you went over a double yellow line back there to pass a car.
A: Oh.
B: A double yellow line means” no passing."You can only pass when there's a broken yellow line on your side.
A: Oh.
B: And another thing! You were in the left-turn-only lane, but you didn't turn! You went straight through the intersection instead.
A: Oh, I guess I did, Officer, . .but...
B: Yes, you did! Don't you know that if there's a sign with an arrow pointing to the left, you have to turn left when you're in that lane?
A: Oh, yeah, you're right...
B: Of course,I'm right! My goodness! How did you ever pass your driving test and get a license?
A: Gosh, I'm sorry, Officer.

7. 2022.6.05 房东 complaints

A: Hello,Mr. Smith? I was wondering if you could, uh, change the light bulb out front? It went out again.

B: Look, why are you bothering me now? It's still light outside and it will be for another five hours.

A: Well, I realize that, but it was dark last night, and I was fumbling with my keys,and ...I'm headed out now, and ...

B:Miss, it just rained. It's very wet. It's dangerous to work with electricity when it's wet outside.

A: Oh, I.I don't want to endanger you. It's just that I'll be coming home late tonight and l just want to make...

B: I would love to help you miss, but somebody borrowed my ladder. I don’t have a ladder.

A: Well, you know, I have a chair! If you'd just give me a light bulb, I wouldn't mind doing it myself.OK?

B: Oh, oh.Oh! OK.Here.Take a light bulb from one of my lamps...

A: Oh, no, you don't have to do that!

B: you know it works. No, please. It's my pleasure.

A: Oh! Thank you!

A: Uh,excuse me. Mr. Smith?

B: Yeah?

A: Uh, I was wondering if you could do something about my next-door neighbors dog? It's been barking and..and keeping...keeping...

B: Hey! Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, dogs gotta.....

A: Dogs...

B: That's nature's way.

A: Dogs...yes, but they don’t have to bark all night! This is three nights in a row.....

B: Oh! Wait! Wait! Have you tried earplugs?

A: I've tried earplugs.They don′t......

B: Have you seen the size of that dog? You want me to go in there? That dog could hurt me!

A: Well, I need my sleep! I don't know what to tell you, I mean...

B: Look, look. I tell you what. I’ll call him on the phone, and ask if he can keep his dog quiet.

A:Thank you!

A: Mr. Smith.


A: I have a bone to pick with you.

B: What is it?

A: My mail keeps arriving every day later and later.

B: Mrs.Taylor, that's the government's fault,not mine......

A: Well, I think......

B: Well, complain to the post office.

A: Mr. Smith! I think that it's your job to take care of this!

B:Mrs.Taylor, why do you need your mail early? Take my advice. Just relax, put your feet up, and watch a little TV,OK?

A: I'm sorry,Mr. Smith. I think that you should do something about this. Now!

B: OK,Mrs.Taylor. I'll go down to the post office and speak to someone.....tomorrow.

8. 2022.6.09 客服 building manager

Ms. Lock: Hello?

Mr. Burr: Hello,Ms.Lock.This is Jack Burr.

L: Uh,Mr. Burr... in Apartment 205?

B: No, in Apartment 305.

L: Oh, yes. What can I do for you? Does your refrigerator need fixing again?

B: No, it's the oven this time.

L: Oh, so what's wrong with it?

B: Well, I think the temperature control needs to be checked. Everything I try to cook gets burned.

L: Really? OK, I'll have someone look at it right away.

B: Thanks a lot,Ms.Lock.

L: Uh, by the way,Mr. Burr, are you sure it's the oven and not your cooking?

Ms.Lock: Hello?

Mrs.Harris: Hello. Is this the manager?

L: Yes, this is Ms. Lock.

H: This is Mrs.Harris in Apartment 216.

L: Yes, how can I help you,Mrs.Harris?

H: I'm having a problem.

L: What sort of problem?

H: With the electricity.

L: What sort of problem with the electricity?

H : Well, I don't seem to have any.

L: I see. Do you mean for the lights or is it the appliances, too?

H: Let me check...No, the refrigerator is OK, so it must be just the lights.

L: I guess something must be wrong with the fuse box Ill come up and have a look at it right away.

H: Thanks so much.

9. 2022.6.12 点餐

A:Hi,may I take your order?

B:Yes, I'll have a cup of coffee.

A:Cream and sugar?

B:Oh yes, please.And you?

C:I'd like a chicken sandwich,and I'll have some chips.Oh,you call them French fries here.[HAHA.]Right,I'll have some French fries, please.

A:All right.One coffee with cream sugar,and a chicken sandwich with French fries.Um...anything else?

C:Yes,I'd like an ice-tea please.

A:One ice tea?Thank you.

B:Oh,wait a minutes,what kind of dessert do you have?

A:Well,we have pie,cake,ice-cream,[chocolate](javascript:😉 [mousse](javascript:😉.

B:Um...what kind of pie do you have?

A:I think today we have apple,cherry,lemon.

B:Um...I think I'll have a piece of apple pie with my coffee.How about you Tina?

C:Oh...maybe I'll have a piece later,or,I'll have some of yours.

A:Then it’s one coffee,one apple pie,one chicken sandwich,and an order of French fries and a ice-tea,right?

B:Yes,thank you.


C:Oh here comes our waiter.

B:Yeah, I wonder why it took so along. you are.

C:Um...I ordered French fries with my chicken sandwich,and you brought me ...Oh...mashed potato with gravy.

A:Oh,you ordered the French fries?



B:Um...and could I have the apple pie I ordered?

A:What apple pie? Did you order apple pie?

B:Aha,yeah,I did,with my coffee, remember?

A:Really? Gee! how could I forget that?

C:Um...can I ask you a question?


C:How long have you been a waiter?

A:Um me? is my first day.


A:Well,I will get your apple pie and French fries right away.Sorry about that.

B:Oh,that’s OK.

C:Yes,thanks.Good luck.


10. 2022.6.16 退货


A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I'd like to return this jacket.

A: Is there something the matter with it?

B: Yes. I didn't notice when I bought it, but there are a few problems. First, it has a tear in the lining. 破洞,内衬

A: Hmm, actually, it's torn in several places. 撕碎

B: And some of the buttons are very loose, this one came off, in fact. And there's a stain on the collar.

A: I'm really sorry about this. Would you like to exchange it for another one?

B: Well, to be honest, I don't think this jacket is very well made. I'd rather get a refund.

A: I understand. Do you have the receipt?


A : Hi.

B: Yes?

A: I wonder if you could take a look at these shoes I bought here. They're pretty new, but they seem to be falling apart.

B: Hmm. Let me see. Yes, this doesn't look right. The stitching is coming out. How long did you say you've had them?

A: Only about a month. Here's the receipt.

B: Hmm.. yes. Well, let me exchange these for you. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


A: Excuse me.

B: Yes, how can I help you?

A: You see this shirt? I bought it here a few weeks ago, but the first time I washed it, the color changed,It went from bright red to light pink.

B: How did you wash it?

A: Well, I just tossed it into the washing machine with my other clothes.

B: what temperature did you use?

A: I usually wash my clothes in hot water, so I guess hot.

B: Well, did you check the washing instructions?

A: Um...maybe not.

B: Well, you see here on this label? It says, "Wash in cold water only."

A: Um hmm.

B: So I'm really sorry, but since you didn't follow the washing instructions, I can't really do anything for you.

11. 2022.6.19 Halloween


A: Did you know next week is Halloween? It's on October 31

B: So what do you do on Halloween? We don't have that holiday in Russia.

A: Well, it's a day when kids dress up in masks and costumes. They knock on people's doors and ask for candy by saying words “Trick or treat!”

B: Hmm. Sounds interesting.

A: But it's not just for kids. Lots of people have costume parties. Hey…my friend Pete is having a party. Would you like to go?

B: Sure. I'd love to.


A: So are we going to wear costumes to the party?

B: Of course. That's half the fun. Last year I rented this great Dracula costume, and this year I'm going as a clown.

A: A clown? Yes, you would make a good clown.

B: Hey!

A: Oh, I'm just kidding. What about me? What kind of costume should I wear?

B: Why don't you go as a witch? I saw a terrific witch outfit at the costume store.

A: A witch…yeah, that's a good idea. So after I scare people, you can make them laugh.

12. 2022.06.24

PartI Christmas

A: Happy new year!

B: Happy new year to you!

A: What did you do for Christmas?

B: I went home for celebrate with my family, what about you?

A: I went to a Christmas party at my friend's house.

B: Why don't you celebrate with your family?

A: I went home for Thanksgiving this year, and couldn't for to go home again for Christmas.

B: I see, what did you do in your friend's party?

A: We decorate the Christmas tree with tinsels and ornament, had traditional Christmas dinner with roast turkey and sang Christmas carols

B: Did you exchange Christmas gifts with each other?

A: Yes, what about you? how did you celebrate?

B: Family went to church, open gifts and they spent a day eating and playing each other.

A: Which do you prefer? Giving gifts or receiving them?

B: Obviously I like getting gifts from other people, but I feel better about giving people gifts that I know they like.

A: Me too, it's feel good to make people happy.

B: I agree.

PartII Spring Festival

A: Hi Jordan, how are you?

B: I'm fine, and you?

A: Yeah, I'm right, say, do you haven't to know when Spring Festival this year?

B: Yes, it's next Saturday.

A: Good, I thought I had miss it. Are you going to celebrate?

B: I don't have any plan to celebrate, what about you?

A: I'm having some friends and family over for dinner. Do you want to come?

B: Sure, are you going to do anything special to celebrate?

A: Yes, we going to have a big meal together, play mahjong and make dumpling together.

B: When do you play and eating the dumplings?

A: It's a tradition in China to eat dumpling at midnight.

B: I see, I never celebrate the spring festival before.

A: Well, you should definitely come to mine this year. then, we are going to set off some firework in this evening too, It will be a lot of fun.

B: Ok, what time should I come by?

A: You can come any time before 6 PM.

B: Should I bring anything with me?

A: You don't have to bring anything, If you want to, you can bring a bottle of wine.

B: Ok, should I bring some red envelopes for the kids as well?

A: Sure, if you want to, I'm sure that they appreciate it.

13. 2022.06.26

PartI Vocation during two weeks off

A: I'm so excited, we have two weeks off, what are you going to do?

B: I'm not sure, I guess I'll just stay home, maybe I'll catch up on my reading, what about you, any plans?

A: Well, my parents have rented a condominium in Florida, I'm going to take a long walks along the beach everyday, and do lots of swimming.

B: Sounds great.

A: Say, why don't you come with us, we have plenty of room.

B: Do you mean it, I'd love to.

PartII Exotic vocation

A: So, what are your planning to do for your vocation, Judy?

B: Oh, I'm doing something really exotic this year, you know I went to Hawaii last year and I just stay on the beach for two weeks, this year I'm going white water rafting.

A: Oh, that sounds great, but what is it exactly?

B: Well, you know it's in Colorado, they have all these trips down the rapids, the water gets really rough, I think it will be really exiting. I'm doing some rock climbing, too.

A: And you call that vocation?

14. 2022.07.01

PartI Drive to the beach

A: How are you doing Christopher?

B: To be honest, I'm really fed up with work at the moment. I need break.

A: Are you doing anything this weekend?

B: I've to work on Saturday all day, I really hate my job.

A: you available on Sunday?
B: Yes, it’s my only day off until Thursday.

A: Ok, well, my friends and I are planning on going to the beach on Sunday. We tend to leave around noon whenever we go anywhere, so you could still sleep in. Do you want to come with us?

B: That'd be fantastic! Which beach are you going to?

A: It's a quiet beach just about an hour outside of the city.

B: What should I bring with me?

A: We've got plenty of inflatables, but if you want to sit in a chair, you'll have to bring your own sunlounger.

B: I can just use my beach towel. I love lazing around in the sun.

A: Do you like surfing?

B: I've actually never tired. Do you have a surfboard?

A: We've got a few. I can teach you how to surf on Sunday. It'll be fun!

B: I can't wait! It sounds like we're going to have a great time. How much money should I bring?

A: You'll just need roughly $10 for food and gas money. My friend is driving, so we usually all chip in a few dollars for gas money.

B: Ok, where and when should I meet you?

A: We'll pick you up at your place at noon. Be there or be square!

PartII May holiday

A: The May holiday is coming up soon. Are you planning on going on vacation?

B: I am. I just went to the travel agent’s and picked up these brochures.

A: Where are you planning on going?

B: I fancy going to Tibet for a few days. Have you ever been there?

A: I went a long time ago, before they built the new train that can take you there.

B: Would you recommend going there for a few days?

A: Personally, I think it’d be better to go when you have more time. A few days isn’t really enough to get acclimatize yourself and to go on a few excursions outside of the capital.

B: You’re probably right. What do you think about Yangshuo?

A: It’s a beautiful city, but I think it’s become too touristy. How about going to a cosmopolitan city like Shanghai or Hong Kong?

B: I’d like to get away from the big city life.

A: Maybe you should consider going to a hot springs resort outside of Beijing. I heard they are very relaxing.

B: I guess if I only have a few days, I should probably think about going somewhere that isn’t too far away.

A: Since the May holiday is the high season, you should probably call ahead to reserve a room. Here’s the phone number.

B: Thanks; I’ll give them a call later.

15. 2022.07.13 Fireproof

Caleb: Great.

Catherine: What are you doing?

Caleb: I see you left me no pizza.

Catherine: Caleb, I just lit that candle. I like the way it smells.

Caleb: Well, I don’t. Did you leave me any dinner at all?

Catherine: I assumed you were eating with Michael.

Caleb: Does it not occur to you...That there are two people in this house and both of them need to eat?

Catherine: You know what, Caleb? If you would communicate with me. Maybe I could have something for you.

Caleb: Why do you have to make everything so difficult?

Catherine: Oh, I’m making everything difficult? Seems to me like I’m carrying the weight around here while you're off doing your own thing.

Caleb: Excuse me? I’m the one out there working to pay this mortgage, and I pay for both of the cars.

Catherine: Yeah, and that’s all you do. I pay all of our bills with my salary.

Caleb: Which you agreed to do. That’s fair. Do you not like this house? Do you not like your car?

Catherine: Caleb. who takes care of this house? me. who washes all the clothes? me. who gets all the groceries? me. Not to mention I'm helping my parents every weekend. you know I've got all this pressure on me. And the only thing you ever do for anybody is for yourself.

Caleb: Let me tell you something, you don’t know the first thing about pressure. all right you think I put out house fires for myself ? or go rush to car wrecks at 2am for myself ? or pull a child's body out of a lake for myself? you have no idea what I go through.

Catherine: Oh yeah, but what do you do around here other than watch TV and waste time on the internet? You know what, if looking at that trash is how you get fulfilled, that's fine but I will not compete with it.

Caleb: Well. I sure don't get it from you.

Catherine: And you won't. because you care more about saving for your stupid boat...and pleasing yourself than you ever did about me.

Caleb: Shut up! I’m sick of you. you disrespectful. ungrateful .selfish woman!

Catherine: I’m not selfish.

Caleb: How dare you say that to me? you constantly nag me! and you drain the life out of me! I'm tired of it! if you can't give me the respect I deserve...look at me!...then what's the point of this marriage?

Catherine: I want out. I just want out.

Caleb: If you want out. that's fine with me!

16. 第六感生死缘

A: Mm-hmm, it's so ridiculous. Do you love Drew?....... Do you love Drew?

B: You mean, like you loved Mom?

A: Forget about me and Mom. Are you gonna marry him?

B: I'm probably.

A: Listen, I'm crazy about the guy, He's smart. He's aggressive. He could carry Parrish Communications into the 21st century and me along with it. (carry me)

B: Mm-hmm, So, what's wrong with that?

A: That's for me, I'm talking about you. It's not what you say about Drew. It's what you don't say.

B: Maybe you are not listening.

A: Oh, yes I am. there's not an ounce of excitement. Not a Whisper of thrill. And this relationship has all the passion of a pair of titmice. I want you to get swept way out there, I want you to levitate, I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish.

B: Oh, that's all.

A: Yeah, be deliriously happy, or at least leave yourself open to be.

B: Okey. “be deliriously happy.” I shall, uh I shall do my utmost.

A: I know it's cornball thing. But love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. I say, fall head over heels, find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well, you forget your head, and you listen to your heart. And I'm not hearing any heart. Cause the truth is, honey, there's no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love. Well, you haven’t lived a life at all. But you have to try, cause if you haven’t try, you haven’t lived.

B: Bravo!

A: Oh, you're tough.我觉得你没有认真

B: I'm sorry. Okey, give it me again, but the short version this time.

A: Okey, stay open, who knows, Lightning could strike.任何事都可能发生(期待心灵的悸动)

17. Turning point


What were you like as a kid?

I was kind

18. Gwen’s Speech

Good morning esteemed faculty and families of my fellow graduates:

It’s my honor to be standing up here today.

I know that we all think we're immortal,

We're supposed to feel that way, we're graduating.

But like our brief four years in high school,

What makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever,

What makes it precious is that it ends.

I know that now more than ever.

And I say it today of all days to remind us that time is luck.

So don't waste it living someone else’s life, make yours count for something.

Fight for what matters to you,no matter what.

Because even if you fall short,what better way is there to live?

It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today.

But there will be dark days ahead of us too.

There will be days where you feel all alone.

And that's when hope is needed most.

No matter how buried it gets or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope.

Keep it alive.

We have to be greater than what we suffer.

My wish for you is to become hope.

People need that, and even if we fail what better way is there to live?

As we look around here today, at all of the people who helped make us who we are.

I know it feels like we're saying goodbye.

But we will carry a piece of each other, into everything that we do next.

To remind us of who we are, and who we're meant to be.

I've had a great four years with you.

I'll miss you all very much.

posted @ 2023-01-02 15:05  发疯的木头  阅读(431)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报