

You let that snake in the door?

Ok,ok, This is a rookie mistake.

You want Denver. I'll fix this whole thing up for you.

You didn't sign anything with sugar,right?


Tell me you didn't aign

tell me you didn't sign cause i still sort of moved by your " my word is stronger than oak" thing

we signed an hour ago

you were in the lobby with the black fella, sorry, Jerry. I just wanna play football.

what do i do? How do i spin this?

Oh, honey, it's spun.

What did I do to you?

It's all about you, isn't it?

Soothe me, save me, love me.

stop moving. Could you stop moving?

I have to finish my job.

Everything is on the fucking run with us.

Jerry, you and I are salespeople. We sell.

It's not "Love me" It's not "Trust my handshake" It's "Make the sale, get it signed."

There shouldn't be confusion about that.

Just jump right into my nightmare. The water is warm.

Oh,so honesty is outlawed here? I can't be honest?

I would prefer loyalty.

what was our deal when we first got together? Brutal truth, remember?

I think you added the "brutal"

Jerry, There is a sensitivity thing that some people have. I don't have it.

I don't cry at movies. I don't gush over babies. I don't start celebrating Christmas five months early. And I don't tell a man who just screwed up both our lives,"Oh, Poor baby"

That's me, for better or worse.不论好坏;不管结果怎样

But I do love you.



It's over.

Didn't hear it.

There's something missing here, don't you think?

You have never been alone.

Listen to me.

And you can't be alone.

It's over.

No one has ever dumped me.

I'm not trying to make history here.

I did the 23-hour nose route... to the top of EI Capitan in 18 hours and 23 minutes. I can make this work.


I didn't ever want to hurt you.

I won't let you hurt me, Jerry. I'm too strong for you, loser.

Roll with the punches. Tomorrow's another day.


You lovin' me now, aren't you?

very much,Taxi.

Is it my imagination, or didn't we arrive in a limo?

(The question I have to say in this...I hope this doesn't come off too much like I'm a shrink. What's wrong?

Man, I'm just a big disappointment.)

Everybody cries on this show.

You mad you tested positive? Quit doing blow. Upset about your baby girl? Why'd you leave her mother? I knew her. She was all right.

(people, like the media, don't understand... What kind of problems and pressures 54 million come with)

This is some bullshit.

What are you doing with me, Rod?

(It's still poor in life)


Don't you even see? I'm finished, I am fucked. Twenty-four hours ago, man, I was hot.

Now, I'm a cautionary tale. See this jackest I'm wearing? You like it? Cause I don't really need it because I'm cloaked in failure! I lost the number one draft pick the night before the draft!

Why? Let's recap.

Because a hockey player's kid made me feel like a superficial jerk. I had two slices of bad pizza, went to bed and grew a conscience!

-Well, boo-fucking-hoo

posted @ 2022-12-01 21:09  发疯的木头  阅读(109)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报