摘要: Given a matrix ofmxnelements (mrows,ncolumns), return all elements of the matrix in spiral order.For example,Given the following matrix:[ [ 1, 2, 3 ],... 阅读全文
posted @ 2015-12-09 23:57 wxquare 阅读(178) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: Givenn, how many structurally uniqueBST's(binary search trees) that store values 1...n?For example,Givenn= 3, there are a total of 5 unique BST's. 1... 阅读全文
posted @ 2015-12-09 22:59 wxquare 阅读(134) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑