LLVM是编译器的框架系统,以C++编写而成,用于优化以任意程序语言编写的程序编译时间,链接时间,运行时间,以及空闲时间,对开发这保持开放,并兼容已有的脚本(来自百度百科),它的全称是Low Level Virtual Machine
- 以下来自机翻
- LLVM使用具有严格定义语义的简单低级语言。
- 它包括C和C++前端。Java、Scheme和其他语言的前端正在开发中。
- 它包括一个积极的优化器,包括标量、过程间、概要文件驱动和一些简单的循环优化。
- 它支持编译模型,包括链接时间、安装时间、运行时和脱机优化。
- LLVM完全支持精确的垃圾收集。
- LLVM代码生成器相对容易重定目标,并且使用了强大的目标描述语言。
- LLVM有大量的文档,并且托管了各种各样的项目。
- 此外,LLVM还提供了使开发更容易的工具。
- LLVM正在积极发展,并在不断扩展、增强和改进。
- LLVM在OSI批准的“Apache许可证版本2.0”许可证下免费提供。
1.对C和C ++程序的编译时,链接时(过程间)和运行时转换感兴趣的编译器研究人员;
- 编译速度快,在部分平台上,Clang的编译速度显著的快过GCC(Debug模式下编译OC速度比GGC快3倍)
- 占用内存小:Clang生成的AST所占用的内存是GCC的五分之一左右
- 模块化设计:Clang采用基于库的模块化设计,易于 IDE 集成及其他用途的重用,如Xcode集成了Clang的很多命令
- 诊断信息可读性强:在编译过程中,Clang 创建并保留了大量详细的元数据 (metadata),有利于调试和错误报告,类比Xcode编译时生成的中间产物文件,如诊断信息。
- 设计清晰简单,容易理解,易于扩展增强.
- 查看工作流程
shell xxx@xxxx Test % clang -ccc-print-phases main.m
0: input, "main.m", objective-c. 输入`main.m`文件
1: preprocessor, {0}, objective-c-cpp-output //预备编译,宏定义的代码替换
2: compiler, {1}, ir //编译器编译,生成中间代码
3: backend, {2}, assembler //后端生成目标代码
4: assembler, {3}, object //汇编
5: linker, {4}, image //链接镜像文件(动态库)
6: bind-arch, "x86_64", {5}, image //编译成指定架构,这里采用的是模拟器测试 - 词法分析测试: 代码会被分割为一个个很小的单元,检测语法格式,如匹配大括号是否配对,是否缺少分号结尾。
执行clang -fmodules -E -Xclang -dump-tokens main.m
- 语法树-AST: (Abstract Syntax Tree)
执行clang -fmodules -fsyntax-only -Xclang -ast-dump main.m
- LLVM的中间代码(IR)有以下3种表示方式,
- text:便于阅读的文本格式,类似于汇编语言,拓展名.ll, $ clang -S -emit-llvm main.m
- memory:内存格式
- bitcode:二进制格式,拓展名.bc,
clang -c -emit-llvm main.m
LLVM overview
Clang overview
LLVM Optimize
LLVM Code generate overview
- 可以通过
man clang
LLVM LTO Optimize
- LTO:(link Time Optimize), 优化方式主要有以下三种
- 不同文件的inline函数优化
- 清理不需要的代码
- 对程序全局进行优化
- 传统的link方式,多个文件有交集
LTO优化: 相比传统的link,主要是对
- 通常比常规版本中的可执行文件快10%(官方数据提供)
- 通过文件引导优化,Profile Guide Optimize(PGO),按照配置进行优化
- 将频繁调用且依赖性较强的函数专为内联函数
- 虚函数的调用推测,改为直接调用
- 寄存器分配优化
- 条件分支的优化,如switch,将高概率出现的值单独拧出来处理
- 函数布局,将类似指令,功能相关的函数放到相同的section,尽量安排在一起
- 总的来说,就是提高CPU的的缓存命中率和分支预测的成功率。
- 优化大小时减少代码大小
LTO优化需在编译时间和运行性能之间做权衡,优化过度会造成,在debug info的时候非常不方便
- 编译时大量的内存开销
- 优化不是并行运行的
- 增量构建的重复的工作
- 分析和内联函数不合并对象文件
- 提升编译速度
- 二次编译有链接器缓存,避免再次重新链接。如Xcode中的Module Cache
如果需要在debug环境下开启,则建议将Debug Information Level
改成Line tables only
Code Size Improvements
LLVM bitcode
- 它是一种特殊的中间代码,让应用支持
,将多个arm架构发布到AppStore,当用户在下载ipa包的时候,appStore根据用户手机的具体arm架构将ipa的的bitcode转换成用户手机目标平台的机器码,减少内存。 - 编译过程
OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler
USAGE: clang [options] file...
-### Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation
--analyzer-output <value>
静态分析器报告输出格式 (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|text).
--analyze 运行静态分析仪
-arcmt-migrate-emit-errors 提交arc错误,尽管迁移可以解决错误
-arcmt-migrate-report-output <value> 报告输出
-B <dir> 将文件`dir`隐式的添加到搜索路径中,方便二进制查找
-CC 在预处理中包含内部宏的注释
-cfguard 发出windows控制流所需要的保护表
-cl-denorms-are-zero OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero.
-cl-fast-relaxed-math OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__.
-cl-finite-math-only OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.
OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded.
-cl-kernel-arg-info OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata.
-cl-mad-enable OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary.
-cl-no-signed-zeros OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary.
-cl-opt-disable OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled.
OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.
-cl-std=<value> OpenCL language standard to compile for.
-cl-strict-aliasing OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0.
OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations. Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable.
--config <value> Specifies configuration file
Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
--cuda-device-only Compile CUDA code for device only
--cuda-gpu-arch=<value> CUDA GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35). May be specified more than once.
--cuda-host-only Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations.
Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations.
--cuda-path-ignore-env Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation
--cuda-path=<value> CUDA installation path
-cxx-isystem <directory>
-C 在预处理输出中包含注释
-c 只运行预处理、编译和组装步骤
-dD 除正常输出外,以-E模式打印宏定义
-dependency-dot <value> 要写入点格式标头依赖项的文件名 -依赖文件<value>
-dI 除了正常输出外,在-E模式下打印include指令
-dM 以-E模式而不是正常输出打印宏定义
-D <macro>=<value> 定义宏变量
-emit-ast ***搜集输入源文件的语法分析树文****
-emit-llvm 对汇编程序和对象文件使用LLVM表示
Trivial automatic variable initialization to zero is only here for benchmarks, it'll eventually be removed, and I'm OK with that because I'm only using it to benchmark
-E 只运行预处理器
-faddrsig 发出地址重要性表
-faligned-allocation 启用C++ 17对齐的分配函数
-fallow-editor-placeholders 将编辑器占位符视为有效源代码
-fansi-escape-codes 使用ANSI转义代码进行诊断
-fapinotes-cache-path=<directory> 不执行任何操作;API注释不再与模块分开缓存
-fapinotes-modules 启用基于模块的外部API notes支持
-fapinotes-swift-version=<version> 指定筛选API注释时要使用的Swift版本
-fapinotes 启用外部API notes支持
-fapple-kext 使用苹果的内核扩展ABI
-fapple-link-rtlib 强制链接clang builtins运行库
-fapple-pragma-pack 启用Apple gcc兼容的pragma包处理
-fapplication-extension 将代码限制为可用于应用程序扩展的代码
-fblocks 启用“块”语言功能
-fborland-extensions 接受Borland编译器支持的非标准构造
***使用<file>的最后修改时间作为构建会话时间戳 ***
-fbuild-session-timestamp=<time since Epoch in seconds>
-fbuiltin-module-map ***加载clang 内置的模块映射文件***
-fc++-static-destructors 启用C++静态析构函数注册(默认)
-fcall-saved-x10 Make the x10 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
-fcall-saved-x11 Make the x11 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
-fcall-saved-x12 Make the x12 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
-fcall-saved-x13 Make the x13 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
-fcall-saved-x14 Make the x14 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
-fcall-saved-x15 Make the x15 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
-fcall-saved-x18 Make the x18 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
-fcall-saved-x8 Make the x8 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
-fcall-saved-x9 Make the x9 register call-saved (AArch64 only)
-fcf-protection=<value> 控制流程结构保护。选项:return、branch、full、none。
-fcf-protection 允许 cf-protection 在 'full' 模式
-fchar8_t 允许 C++ 内置的类型 char8_t
-fcolor-diagnostics 在诊断中使用颜色
如果成员指针基类型在Microsoft ABI下是重要的,则要求它们是完整的
-fcoroutines-ts 启用对C++协同程序TS的支持
-fcoverage-mapping 生成覆盖率映射以启用代码覆盖率分析
生成插入指令的代码以将上下文相关的执行计数收集到<directory>/默认值.proflow(被LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var覆盖)
Use approximate transcendental functions
Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA device mode.
-fcuda-short-ptr 使用32位指针访问常量/本地/共享地址空间。
-fcxx-exceptions 启用C++异常
-fdata-sections 将每个数据放入自己的部分(仅限ELF)
-fdebug-compilation-dir <value>
-fdebug-macro 发出宏调试信息
-fdebug-types-section 将调试类型放入它们自己的部分(仅限ELF)
-fdeclspec 允许declspec作为关键字
Enable profile hotness information in diagnostic line
*** 显示诊断注释的包含堆栈 ***
-fdigraphs 启用替代令牌表示 '<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:' (default)
-fdiscard-value-names 丢弃LLVM-IR中的值名称
Allow '$' in identifiers
Enable '[[]]' attributes in all C and C++ language modes
-fdwarf-exceptions Use DWARF style exceptions
-fembed-bitcode-marker 嵌入占位符LLVM IR数据作为标记
*** 嵌入LLVM位代码,(用于翻译不同平台目标代码)*** (option: off, all, bitcode, marker)
-fembed-bitcode 嵌入LLVM-IR位码作为数据
-femit-all-decls 提交所有声明,即使未使用
-fc-tls 使用emutls函数访问线程本地变量
-fenable-matrix Enable matrix data type and related builtin functions
-fexceptions 启用对异常处理的支持
-fexperimental-isel Enables the experimental global instruction selector
Enables an experimental new pass manager in LLVM.
-ffast-math *** 允许激进的、有损的浮点优化 ***
Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments.
-ffixed-point Enable fixed point types
-ffixed-r19 Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only)
-ffixed-r9 Reserve the r9 register (ARM only)
-ffixed-x10 Reserve the 10 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x11 Reserve the 11 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x12 Reserve the 12 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x13 Reserve the 13 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x14 Reserve the 14 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x15 Reserve the 15 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x18 Reserve the 18 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x1 Reserve the 1 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x20 Reserve the 20 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x21 Reserve the 21 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x22 Reserve the 22 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x23 Reserve the 23 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x24 Reserve the 24 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x25 Reserve the 25 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x26 Reserve the 26 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x27 Reserve the 27 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x28 Reserve the 28 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x2 Reserve the 2 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x3 Reserve the 3 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x4 Reserve the 4 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x5 Reserve the 5 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x6 Reserve the 6 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x7 Reserve the 7 register (AArch64 only)
-ffixed-x9 Reserve the 9 register (AArch64 only)
-fforce-emit-vtables 发出更多的虚拟表来改善去虚拟化
-fforce-enable-int128 允许int128_t类型
-ffp-contract=<value> Form fused FP ops (e.g. FMAs): fast (everywhere) | on (according to FP_CONTRACT pragma, default) | off (never fuse)
-ffreestanding 断言编译发生在独立环境中
-ffunction-sections 将每个函数放在自己的节中(仅限ELF)
-fgnu-keywords 不管语言标准如何,都允许GNU扩展关键字
-fgnu-runtime 生成与标准GNU Objective-C运行时兼容的输出
-fgnu89-inline ***使用gnu89内联语义***
-fgpu-rdc 生成可重定位设备代码,也称为独立编译模式。
-fimplicit-module-maps 隐式地在文件系统中搜索模块映射文件。
-finline-functions 内联适当函数
-finline-hint-functions 显式或隐式)标记为内联的内联函数
-finstrument-function-entry-bare 仅在内联后插入函数项,不带插入调用的参数
-finstrument-functions Generate calls to instrument function entry and exit
-fintegrated-as Enable the integrated assembler
-fkeep-static-consts Keep static const variables even if unused
-flto-jobs=<value> Controls the backend parallelism of -flto=thin (default of 0 means the number of threads will be derived from the number of CPUs detected)
-flto=<value> 将LTO模式设置为“full”或“thin”
-flto 在“完全”模式下启用LTO
-fmath-errno 需要数学函数通过设置errno来指示错误
-fmerge-all-constants 允许合并常量
-fmodule-name=<name> 指定要生成的模块的名称***
-fmodules-decluse 要求声明模块中使用的模块 ***
-fmodules-disable-diagnostic-validation 加载模块时禁用诊断选项验证 ***
-fmodules-ignore-macro=<value> 生成和加载模块时忽略给定宏的定义 ***
指定将认为模块文件未使用的间隔(以秒为单位) ***
指定尝试修剪模块缓存的间隔(秒) ***
-fmodules-search-all Search even non-imported modules to resolve references
Like -fmodules-decluse 但要求所有头都在模块中 -fmodules-ts 启用对C++模块TS的支持
-fmodules-user-build-path <directory>
Validate PCM input files based on content if mtime differs
加载模块时验证模块所依赖的系统头 ***
-fmodules 启用“模块”语言功能 ***
Dot-separated value representing the Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
-fms-compatibility Enable full Microsoft Visual C++ compatibility
-fms-extensions 接受Microsoft编译器支持的一些非标准构造
-fmsc-version=<value> Microsoft compiler version number to report in _MSC_VER (0 = don't define it (default))
-fnew-alignment=<align> Specifies the largest alignment guaranteed by '::operator new(size_t)'
-fno-access-control 禁用C++访问控制 ***
-fno-addrsig 不发出地址重要性表 ***
-fno-apinotes-modules 禁用基于模块的外部API notes支持***
-fno-apinotes 禁用外部API注解支持
-fno-assume-sane-operator-new 不要假定C++的全局运算符new不能别名指针
-fno-autolink 禁用为自动库链接生成链接器指令
-fno-builtin-<value> 禁用特定函数的隐式内置知识
-fno-builtin 禁用函数的隐式内置知识
Disable C++ static destructor registration
-fno-char8_t Disable C++ builtin type char8_t
-fno-common Compile common globals like normal definitions
Do not require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI
-fno-constant-cfstrings 禁用创建CodeFoundation类型常量字符串 ****
禁用从数组文本创建CodeFoundation类型常量初始值设定项“NSArray” ****
-fno-coverage-mapping 禁用代码覆盖率分析
-fno-crash-diagnostics 禁用自动生成预处理的源文件和脚本,以便在clang崩溃期间进行复制
-fno-debug-macro 不发出宏调试信息
-fno-declspec 不允许作为关键字
-fno-digraphs 不允许替代令牌表示'<:', ':>', '<%', '%>', '%:', '%:%:'
-fno-discard-value-names 不要丢弃LLVM-IR中的值名
-fno-dollars-in-identifiers 在标识符中不允许使用“$”
-fno-double-square-bracket-attributes 在所有C和C++语言模式中禁用'[]]属性
-fno-elide-constructors 禁用C++复制构造器删除
-fno-elide-type Do not elide types when printing diagnostics
-fno-experimental-isel Disables the experimental global instruction selector
Disables an experimental new pass manager in LLVM.
Use large-integer access for consecutive bitfield runs.
-fno-fixed-point Disable fixed point types
Disable support for int128_t type
-fno-gnu-inline-asm Disable GNU style inline asm
-fno-integrated-as Disable the integrated assembler
-fno-jump-tables Do not use jump tables for lowering switches
Disallow implicit conversions between vectors with a different number of elements or different element types
-fno-lto Disable LTO mode (default)
Disallow merging of constants
do not infer Objective-C related result type based on method family
-fno-operator-names Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
-fno-plt Do not use the PLT to make function calls
Do not preserve comments in inline assembly
-fno-profile-generate Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
Disable generation of profile instrumentation.
-fno-profile-instr-use Disable using instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
Don't use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
-fno-reroll-loops Turn off loop reroller
-fno-rtlib-add-rpath Do not add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags
-fno-rtti-data Control emission of RTTI data
-fno-rtti Disable generation of rtti information
Disable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
Disable ODR indicator globals
-fno-sanitize-blacklist Don't use blacklist file for sanitizers
Disable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
Disable specified features of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
Disable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
Disable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
Disable recovery for specified sanitizers
-fno-sanitize-stats Disable sanitizer statistics gathering.
Disable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
Disable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
Disable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer
Disable trapping for specified sanitizers
-fno-short-wchar Force wchar_t to be an unsigned int
-fno-show-column Do not include column number on diagnostics
Do not include source location information with diagnostics
-fno-signed-char Char is unsigned
-fno-signed-zeros Allow optimizations that ignore the sign of floating point zeros
-fno-spell-checking Disable spell-checking
-fno-stack-check Disable stack checking
-fno-stack-protector Disable the use of stack protectors
-fno-stack-size-section Don't emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
-fno-standalone-debug Limit debug information produced to reduce size of debug binary
Relax language rules and try to match the behavior of the target's native float-to-int conversion instructions
-fno-temp-file Directly create compilation output files. This may lead to incorrect incremental builds if the compiler crashes
-fno-threadsafe-statics Do not emit code to make initialization of local statics thread safe
-fno-trigraphs Do not process trigraph sequences
-fno-unroll-loops Turn off loop unroller
-fno-use-cxa-atexit Don't use __cxa_atexit for calling destructors
-fno-use-init-array Don't use .init_array instead of .ctors
-fobjc-arc-exceptions Use EH-safe code when synthesizing retains and releases in -fobjc-arc
-fobjc-arc Synthesize retain and release calls for Objective-C pointers
-fobjc-exceptions Enable Objective-C exceptions
-fobjc-runtime=<value> Specify the target Objective-C runtime kind and version
-fobjc-weak Enable ARC-style weak references in Objective-C
-fopenmp-simd Emit OpenMP code only for SIMD-based constructs.
Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported
-fopenmp Parse OpenMP pragmas and generate parallel code.
Specify the output name of the file containing the optimization remarks. Implies -fsave-optimization-record. On Darwin platforms, this cannot be used with multiple -arch <arch> options.
Only include passes which match a specified regular expression in the generated optimization record (by default, include all passes)
Generate instrumented code to collect order file into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
-fpack-struct=<value> Specify the default maximum struct packing alignment
-fpascal-strings Recognize and construct Pascal-style string literals
-fpass-plugin=<dsopath> Load pass plugin from a dynamic shared object file (only with new pass manager).
-fpcc-struct-return Override the default ABI to return all structs on the stack
Validate PCH input files based on content if mtime differs
-fplt Use the PLT to make function calls
-fplugin=<dsopath> Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)
Specify the prebuilt module path
Instrument only functions from files where names don't match all the regexes separated by a semi-colon
Instrument only functions from files where names match any regex separated by a semi-colon
Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <directory>/default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
-fprofile-generate Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into <file> (overridden by LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts into default.profraw file (overridden by '=' form of option or LLVM_PROFILE_FILE env var)
Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization
Use the remappings described in <file> to match the profile data against names in the program
Specifies that the sample profile is accurate
Enable sample-based profile guided optimizations
Use instrumentation data for profile-guided optimization. If pathname is a directory, it reads from <pathname>/default.profdata. Otherwise, it reads from file <pathname>.
-fptrauth-auth-traps Enable traps on authentication failures
-fptrauth-calls Enable signing and authentication of all indirect calls
Enable signing and authentication of indirect goto targets
-fptrauth-intrinsics Enable pointer-authentication intrinsics
-fptrauth-returns Enable signing and authentication of return addresses
-fptrauth-soft Enable software lowering of pointer authentication
-freciprocal-math Allow division operations to be reassociated
-freg-struct-return Override the default ABI to return small structs in registers
Use atexit or __cxa_atexit to register global destructors
Enable C++17 relaxed template template argument matching
-freroll-loops Turn on loop reroller
-frtlib-add-rpath Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags
Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer
Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer
Enable poisoning array cookies when using custom operator new[] in AddressSanitizer
Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer
Enable ODR indicator globals to avoid false ODR violation reports in partially sanitized programs at the cost of an increase in binary size
Path to blacklist file for sanitizers
Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls.
Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks
Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers
Select the HWAddressSanitizer ABI to target (interceptor or platform, default interceptor)
Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer
Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer
Enable recovery for specified sanitizers
-fsanitize-stats Enable sanitizer statistics gathering.
Path to system blacklist file for sanitizers
Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default)
-fsanitize-trap=<value> Enable trapping for specified sanitizers
Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata.
-fsanitize=<check> Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks
Generate an optimization record file in a specific format
Generate a YAML optimization record file
-fseh-exceptions Use SEH style exceptions
-fshort-enums Allocate to an enum type only as many bytes as it needs for the declared range of possible values
-fshort-wchar Force wchar_t to be a short unsigned int
Which overload candidates to show when overload resolution fails: best|all; defaults to all
-fsized-deallocation Enable C++14 sized global deallocation functions
-fsjlj-exceptions Use SjLj style exceptions
-fslp-vectorize Enable the superword-level parallelism vectorization passes
-fsplit-dwarf-inlining Provide minimal debug info in the object/executable to facilitate online symbolication/stack traces in the absence of .dwo/.dwp files when using Split DWARF
-fsplit-lto-unit Enables splitting of the LTO unit.
-fstack-check Enable stack checking
-fstack-protector-all Enable stack protectors for all functions
Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. Compared to -fstack-protector, this uses a stronger heuristic that includes functions containing arrays of any size (and any type), as well as any calls to alloca or the taking of an address from a local variable
-fstack-protector Enable stack protectors for some functions vulnerable to stack smashing. This uses a loose heuristic which considers functions vulnerable if they contain a char (or 8bit integer) array or constant sized calls to alloca, which are of greater size than ssp-buffer-size (default: 8 bytes). All variable sized calls to alloca are considered vulnerable
-fstack-size-section Emit section containing metadata on function stack sizes
-fstandalone-debug Emit full debug info for all types used by the program
-fstrict-enums Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
Assume that overflowing float-to-int casts are undefined (default)
-fstrict-return Always treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
Enable availability checks for the target variant platform
-fthinlto-index=<value> Perform ThinLTO importing using provided function summary index
-ftrap-function=<value> Issue call to specified function rather than a trap instruction
-ftrapv-handler=<function name>
Specify the function to be called on overflow
-ftrapv Trap on integer overflow
-ftrigraphs Process trigraph sequences
Initialize trivial automatic stack variables: uninitialized (default) | pattern
-funique-section-names Use unique names for text and data sections (ELF Only)
-funroll-loops Turn on loop unroller
-fuse-init-array Use .init_array instead of .ctors
Compute and store the hash of input files used to build an AST. Files with mismatching mtime's are considered valid if both contents is identical
-fveclib=<value> Use the given vector functions library
-fvectorize Enable the loop vectorization passes
Give global C++ operator new and delete declarations hidden visibility
Give inline C++ member functions hidden visibility by default
-fvisibility-ms-compat Give global types 'default' visibility and global functions and variables 'hidden' visibility by default
-fvisibility=<value> Set the default symbol visibility for all global declarations
-fwhole-program-vtables Enables whole-program vtable optimization. Requires -flto
-fwrapv Treat signed integer overflow as two's complement
-fwritable-strings Store string literals as writable data
Determine whether to always emit __xray_customevent(...) calls even if the function it appears in is not always instrumented.
Determine whether to always emit __xray_typedevent(...) calls even if the function it appears in is not always instrumented.
-fxray-always-instrument= <value>
DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'always instrument' XRay attribute.
-fxray-attr-list= <value>
Filename defining the list of functions/types for imbuing XRay attributes.
-fxray-instruction-threshold= <value>
Sets the minimum function size to instrument with XRay
-fxray-instrumentation-bundle= <value>
Select which XRay instrumentation points to emit. Options: all, none, function, custom. Default is 'all'.
-fxray-instrument Generate XRay instrumentation sleds on function entry and exit
-fxray-link-deps Tells clang to add the link dependencies for XRay.
-fxray-modes= <value> List of modes to link in by default into XRay instrumented binaries.
-fxray-never-instrument= <value>
DEPRECATED: Filename defining the whitelist for imbuing the 'never instrument' XRay attribute.
-fzvector Enable System z vector language extension
-F <value> Add directory to framework include search path
--gcc-toolchain=<value> Use the gcc toolchain at the given directory
-gcodeview-ghash Emit type record hashes in a .debug$H section
-gcodeview Generate CodeView debug information
-gdwarf-2 Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 2
-gdwarf-3 Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 3
-gdwarf-4 Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 4
-gdwarf-5 Generate source-level debug information with dwarf version 5
-gembed-source Embed source text in DWARF debug sections
-gline-directives-only Emit debug line info directives only
-gline-tables-only Emit debug line number tables only
-gmodules Generate debug info with external references to clang modules or precompiled headers
-gno-embed-source Restore the default behavior of not embedding source text in DWARF debug sections
-gsplit-dwarf=<value> Set DWARF fission mode to either 'split' or 'single'
-gz=<value> DWARF debug sections compression type
-gz DWARF debug sections compression type
-G <size> Put objects of at most <size> bytes into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)
-g Generate source-level debug information
--help-hidden Display help for hidden options
-help Display available options
HIP device library path
HIP device library
--hip-link Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP
-H Show header includes and nesting depth
-I- Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path
-iapinotes-modules <directory>
Add directory to the API notes search path referenced by module name
-idirafter <value> Add directory to AFTER include search path
-iframeworkwithsysroot <directory>
Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
-iframework <value> Add directory to SYSTEM framework search path
-imacros <file> Include macros from file before parsing
-include-pch <file> Include precompiled header file
-include <file> Include file before parsing
-index-header-map Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map
Ignore symbols from system headers
Record the codegen name for symbols
-index-store-path <value>
Enable indexing with the specified data store path
-iprefix <dir> Set the -iwithprefix/-iwithprefixbefore prefix
-iquote <directory> Add directory to QUOTE include search path
-isysroot <dir> Set the system root directory (usually /)
-isystem-after <directory>
Add directory to end of the SYSTEM include search path
-isystem <directory> Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
-ivfsoverlay <value> Overlay the virtual filesystem described by file over the real file system
-iwithprefixbefore <dir>
Set directory to include search path with prefix
-iwithprefix <dir> Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
-iwithsysroot <directory>
Add directory to SYSTEM include search path, absolute paths are relative to -isysroot
-I <dir> Add directory to include search path
Path to libomptarget-nvptx libraries
-L <dir> Add directory to library search path
-mabicalls Enable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
-malign-double Align doubles to two words in structs (x86 only)
-mbackchain Link stack frames through backchain on System Z
Enforce targets of indirect branches and function returns
-mcmse Allow use of CMSE (Armv8-M Security Extensions)
-mcode-object-v3 Enable code object v3 (AMDGPU only)
-mcrc Allow use of CRC instructions (ARM/Mips only)
-mcumode CU wavefront execution mode is used (AMDGPU only)
-MD Write a depfile containing user and system headers
-meabi <value> Set EABI type, e.g. 4, 5 or gnu (default depends on triple)
-membedded-data Place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata section even if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
-mexecute-only Disallow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
-mextern-sdata Assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
-mfentry Insert calls to fentry at function entry (x86 only)
-mfix-cortex-a53-835769 Workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
-mfp32 Use 32-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
-mfp64 Use 64-bit floating point registers (MIPS only)
-MF <file> Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to <file>
-mgeneral-regs-only Generate code which only uses the general purpose registers (AArch64 only)
-mglobal-merge Enable merging of globals
-mgpopt Use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
-MG Add missing headers to depfile
-mhvx-length=<value> Set Hexagon Vector Length
-mhvx=<value> Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
-mhvx Enable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
-miamcu Use Intel MCU ABI
--migrate Run the migrator
(integrated-as) Emit an object file which can be used with an incremental linker
-mindirect-jump=<value> Change indirect jump instructions to inhibit speculation
Set iOS deployment target
-MJ <value> Write a compilation database entry per input
-mllvm <value> Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing
-mlocal-sdata Extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
-mlong-calls Generate branches with extended addressability, usually via indirect jumps.
Set Mac OS X deployment target
-mmadd4 Enable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
-MMD Write a depfile containing user headers
-mmemops Enable generation of memop instructions
-mms-bitfields Set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
-mmsa Enable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
-mmt Enable MT ASE (MIPS only)
-MM Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
-mno-abicalls Disable SVR4-style position-independent code (Mips only)
-mno-code-object-v3 Disable code object v3 (AMDGPU only)
-mno-crc Disallow use of CRC instructions (Mips only)
-mno-cumode WGP wavefront execution mode is used (AMDGPU only)
-mno-embedded-data Do not place constants in the .rodata section instead of the .sdata if they meet the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
-mno-execute-only Allow generation of data access to code sections (ARM only)
-mno-extern-sdata Do not assume that externally defined data is in the small data if it meets the -G <size> threshold (MIPS)
Don't workaround Cortex-A53 erratum 835769 (AArch64 only)
-mno-global-merge Disable merging of globals
-mno-gpopt Do not use GP relative accesses for symbols known to be in a small data section (MIPS)
-mno-hvx Disable Hexagon Vector eXtensions
-mno-implicit-float Don't generate implicit floating point instructions
(integrated-as) Emit an object file which cannot be used with an incremental linker
-mno-local-sdata Do not extend the -G behaviour to object local data (MIPS)
-mno-long-calls Restore the default behaviour of not generating long calls
-mno-madd4 Disable the generation of 4-operand madd.s, madd.d and related instructions.
-mno-memops Disable generation of memop instructions
-mno-movt Disallow use of movt/movw pairs (ARM only)
-mno-ms-bitfields Do not set the default structure layout to be compatible with the Microsoft compiler standard
-mno-msa Disable MSA ASE (MIPS only)
-mno-mt Disable MT ASE (MIPS only)
-mno-neg-immediates Disallow converting instructions with negative immediates to their negation or inversion.
-mno-nvj Disable generation of new-value jumps
-mno-nvs Disable generation of new-value stores
-mno-outline Disable function outlining (AArch64 only)
-mno-packets Disable generation of instruction packets
-mno-relax Disable linker relaxation
-mno-restrict-it Allow generation of deprecated IT blocks for ARMv8. It is off by default for ARMv8 Thumb mode
-mno-sram-ecc Disable SRAM ECC (AMDGPU only)
-mno-stack-arg-probe Disable stack probes which are enabled by default
Disable direct TLS access through segment registers
-mno-unaligned-access Force all memory accesses to be aligned (AArch32/AArch64 only)
-mno-wavefrontsize64 Wavefront size 32 is used
-mno-xnack Disable XNACK (AMDGPU only)
-mnocrc Disallow use of CRC instructions (ARM only)
-mnvj Enable generation of new-value jumps
-mnvs Enable generation of new-value stores
-module-dependency-dir <value>
Directory to dump module dependencies to
-module-file-info Provide information about a particular module file
Omit frame pointer setup for leaf functions
-moutline Enable function outlining (AArch64 only)
-mpackets Enable generation of instruction packets
-mpie-copy-relocations Use copy relocations support for PIE builds
Specifies preferred vector width for auto-vectorization. Defaults to 'none' which allows target specific decisions.
-MP Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
-mqdsp6-compat Enable hexagon-qdsp6 backward compatibility
-MQ <value> Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile
-mrelax-all (integrated-as) Relax all machine instructions
-mrelax Enable linker relaxation
-mrestrict-it Disallow generation of deprecated IT blocks for ARMv8. It is on by default for ARMv8 Thumb mode.
-mrtd Make StdCall calling convention the default
Select return address signing scope
-msoft-float Use software floating point
-msram-ecc Enable SRAM ECC (AMDGPU only)
Set the stack alignment
-mstack-arg-probe Enable stack probes
Set the stack probe size
-mstackrealign Force realign the stack at entry to every function
-mthread-model <value> The thread model to use, e.g. posix, single (posix by default)
-mtls-direct-seg-refs Enable direct TLS access through segment registers (default)
-mtp=<value> Thread pointer access method (AArch32/AArch64 only)
-MT <value> Specify name of main file output in depfile
-munaligned-access Allow memory accesses to be unaligned (AArch32/AArch64 only)
-MV Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile
-mwavefrontsize64 Wavefront size 64 is used
-mxnack Enable XNACK (AMDGPU only)
-M Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default
Remove GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) from the list of GPUs to compile for. 'all' resets the list to its default value.
Do not include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once.
--no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture.
Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a system header.
-nobuiltininc Disable builtin #include directories
-nostdinc++ Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library
-ObjC++ Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs
-objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties
-objcmt-migrate-all Enable migration to modern ObjC
Enable migration to property and method annotations
Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods
Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type
Enable migration to modern ObjC literals
Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros
Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax
Enable migration to modern ObjC property
Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes
Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property
Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property
Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting
Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute
Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER
Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path
-ObjC Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs
-o <file> Write output to <file>
-pg Enable mcount instrumentation
-pipe Use pipes between commands, when possible
--precompile Only precompile the input
-print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple
-print-file-name=<file> Print the full library path of <file>
-print-ivar-layout Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
-print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang_rt.builtins.*.a")
-print-prog-name=<name> Print the full program path of <name>
-print-resource-dir Print the resource directory pathname
-print-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs
-print-supported-cpus Print supported cpu models for the given target (if target is not specified, it will print the supported cpus for the default target)
-print-target-triple Print the normalized target triple
-pthread Support POSIX threads in generated code
--ptxas-path=<value> Path to ptxas (used for compiling CUDA code)
-P Disable linemarker output in -E mode
-Qn Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version
-Qunused-arguments Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments
-Qy Emit metadata containing compiler name and version
-relocatable-pch Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
-rewrite-legacy-objc Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++
-rewrite-objc Rewrite Objective-C source to C++
-Rpass-analysis=<value> Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
-Rpass-missed=<value> Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
-Rpass=<value> Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
-rtlib=<value> Compiler runtime library to use
-R<remark> Enable the specified remark
-save-stats=<value> Save llvm statistics.
-save-stats Save llvm statistics.
-save-temps=<value> Save intermediate compilation results.
-save-temps Save intermediate compilation results
-serialize-diagnostics <value>
Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file
-shared-libsan Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime
-static-libsan Statically link the sanitizer runtime
-std=<value> Language standard to compile for
-stdlib=<value> C++ standard library to use
Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a system header.
-S Only run preprocess and compilation steps
-target-variant <value> Generate code that may run on a particular variant of the deployment target
--target=<value> Generate code for the given target
-Tbss <addr> Set starting address of BSS to <addr>
-Tdata <addr> Set starting address of DATA to <addr>
-time Time individual commands
-traditional-cpp Enable some traditional CPP emulation
-trigraphs Process trigraph sequences
-Ttext <addr> Set starting address of TEXT to <addr>
-T <script> Specify <script> as linker script
-undef undef all system defines
-unwindlib=<value> Unwind library to use
-U <macro> Undefine macro <macro>
--verify-debug-info Verify the binary representation of debug output
-verify-pch Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale
--version Print version information
-v Show commands to run and use verbose output
-Wa,<arg> Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the assembler
-Wdeprecated Enable warnings for deprecated constructs and define __DEPRECATED
-Wl,<arg> Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the linker
-working-directory <value>
Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
-Wp,<arg> Pass the comma separated arguments in <arg> to the preprocessor
-W<warning> Enable the specified warning
-w Suppress all warnings
-Xanalyzer <arg> Pass <arg> to the static analyzer
-Xassembler <arg> Pass <arg> to the assembler
-Xclang <arg> Pass <arg> to the clang compiler
-Xcuda-fatbinary <arg> Pass <arg> to fatbinary invocation
-Xcuda-ptxas <arg> Pass <arg> to the ptxas assembler
-Xlinker <arg> Pass <arg> to the linker
-Xopenmp-target=<triple> <arg>
Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain identified by <triple>.
-Xopenmp-target <arg> Pass <arg> to the target offloading toolchain.
-Xpreprocessor <arg> Pass <arg> to the preprocessor
-x <language> Treat subsequent input files as having type <language>
-z <arg> Pass -z <arg> to the linker
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