flutter/bin/cache/pkg/sky_engine/lib/_http/http.dart -> HttpClient
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.findProxy = (url) {
return HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment(url, environment: {
"http_proxy": "",
"https_proxy": "",
* Function for resolving the proxy server to be used for a HTTP
* connection from the proxy configuration specified through
* environment variables.
* The following environment variables are taken into account:
* http_proxy
* https_proxy
* no_proxy
* [:http_proxy:] and [:HTTP_PROXY:] specify the proxy server to use for
* http:// urls. Use the format [:hostname:port:]. If no port is used a
* default of 1080 will be used. If both are set the lower case one takes
* precedence.
* [:https_proxy:] and [:HTTPS_PROXY:] specify the proxy server to use for
* https:// urls. Use the format [:hostname:port:]. If no port is used a
* default of 1080 will be used. If both are set the lower case one takes
* precedence.
* [:no_proxy:] and [:NO_PROXY:] specify a comma separated list of
* postfixes of hostnames for which not to use the proxy
* server. E.g. the value "localhost," will make requests
* to both "localhost" and "" not use a proxy. If both are set
* the lower case one takes precedence.
* To activate this way of resolving proxies assign this function to
* the [findProxy] property on the [HttpClient].
* HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
* client.findProxy = HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment;
* If you don't want to use the system environment you can use a
* different one by wrapping the function.
* HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
* client.findProxy = (url) {
* return HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment(
* url, environment: {"http_proxy": ..., "no_proxy": ...});
* }
* If a proxy requires authentication it is possible to configure
* the username and password as well. Use the format
* [:username:password@hostname:port:] to include the username and
* password. Alternatively the API [addProxyCredentials] can be used
* to set credentials for proxies which require authentication.
- 通过Charles可以查看抓包信息,
Charles -> Help -> Local IP Address
可以看到本机代理ip 地址
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