


1 "It is/was...+that"句型可用来强调句子的主语、宾语、状语或定语


When I try to understand ______ thatprevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems tome that there are two causes.

A)why it does B)what it does  C)what it is D)why it is

我试图弄清究竟是什么东西使美国人不能象人们期待的那样感到幸福,我感到原因似乎有两个。(98.1-60, C对。若去掉强调,就成了:When I try to understand what prevents so many American...)


2 so, neither, nor,no more, only 等处于句首时,引起倒装


We don't need air conditioning, ______.

A)nor can we afford it B)and nor we can afford it

B)neither can afford it D)and we can neither afford it



I could not persuade him to accept it,______ make him see the importance of it.

A)if only I could not B)no more than I could

C)or I could not D)nor could I

我无法说服他接受它,也无法使他看到这事的重要性。(95.1-42, D对)


Only under special circumstances ______ totake make-up tests.

A)are freshmen permitted B)freshmen are permitted

C)permitted are freshmen D)are permitted freshmen

只有在特殊的情况下,才允许新生补考。(97.6-43, A对)


3 as 引起的让步状语从句,用倒装结构


______ as it was at such a time, his workattracted much attention.

A)Being published B)Published  

C)Publishing D)To be published


(96.1-26, B对)


posted on 2011-11-29 12:55  1.曲待续  阅读(768)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
