# 导入需要的库 import pandas as pd import os def read_ddl_create_tab_sql(file_path:str,table_name:str): df = pd.read_csv(file_path,sep='\|\@\|',index_col=0,header=None,encoding='utf-8',engine='python') inds,cols = df.shape # print(df.head()) df = df.fillna(0) print(df.head()) # 循环生成Oracle建表语句 table_definition = '' col_commit = '' for ind in range(inds): col_name = df.iloc[ind,0] col_type = df.iloc[ind,1] col_length_0 = df.iloc[ind,2] col_length_1 = df.iloc[ind, 3] not_null = df.iloc[ind,4] is_pk = df.iloc[ind,5] col_comments = df.iloc[ind,6] if col_type == 'DATE': table_definition += col_name + " " + col_type + (' NOT NULL' if is_pk == 'Y' else '') + ('' if ind == inds-1 else ",\n") if col_type == "VARCHAR2": table_definition += col_name + " " + col_type + '({})'.format(int(col_length_0)) + (' NOT NULL' if is_pk == 'Y' else '') + \ ('' if ind == inds - 1 else ",\n") if col_type == 'NUMBER': col_type_num = '' if col_length_0 >0 and col_length_1 >0: col_type_num = '({},{})'.format(int(col_length_0), int(col_length_1)) elif col_length_0 > 0 and col_length_1 == 0: col_type_num = '({})'.format(col_length_0) else: col_type_num = '' table_definition += col_name + " " + col_type + \ col_type_num + \ (' NOT NULL ' if is_pk == 'Y' else '') + \ ('' if ind == inds-1 else ",\n") col_commit = col_commit + "comment on column "+table_name+"." + col_name+ " is '{}'".format(col_comments) + ";\n" # 输出建表语句 drop_tab_sql = 'DROP TABLE {} PURGE;'.format(table_name) create_sql_str = drop_tab_sql + '\n' + 'CREATE TABLE ' + table_name + ' (' + table_definition + ') TABLESPACE TSODSDAT;\n' + col_commit # print(create_sql_str) with open("./create_tab_sql/{}.sql".format(table_name), 'w',encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str_s) return create_sql_str def del_file(dir): for f in os.listdir(dir): os.remove(os.path.join(dir, f)) # 读取数据文件 file_path = './ddl_data/' del_file("./create_tab_sql/") str_s = '' for etm in os.listdir(file_path): if etm.split('.')[1] == 'ddl' and '_TX_' in etm: table_name,name_suffix = etm.split("_D_") str_s = str_s + read_ddl_create_tab_sql(file_path+etm,table_name) + '\n\n' # os.remove("./create_tab_sql/create_table_sql.sql") with open("./create_tab_sql/create_table_sql.sql",'w',encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str_s)