
The story I chose :Sleeping Beauty
The point of view of the story :The third point of view
The point of view of my story :The first point of view
I am a princess. I grew up in a kingdom and have infinite love.
On my 15 th birthday, I felt bored because of the same birthday ceremony every year, so I secretly walked out. I entered a clock tower that I had never seen before, and it looked very mysterious. There was a strange woman spinning there, and when she saw me, she warmly asked if I wanted to try. Before this, I had never seen a spindle, so I was very curious and happy to agree to it. Suddenly, I felt asleep and time seems to have come to a standstill.
I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up, a handsome prince was kissing me.
The kingdom regained its former liveliness, and everyone woke up. The prince and I also fell in love. We held a wedding, lived a happy life, and the kingdom regained its vitality.

posted @ 2024-05-11 11:19  吴雨彤  阅读(7)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报