

input_report_key(&button_dev, KEY_POWER, 1);
input_report_key(&button_dev, KEY_POWER, 0);


input_report_key(&button_dev, KEY_POWER, 0);
input_report_key(&button_dev, KEY_POWER, 1);

居然是那个长按键的功能,不知道哪位高手可以指导一下,这个还是得等找到了鼠标绘制的地方后再深入下去吧。        一直以为surface的创建是在WindowManagerService中实现的,没想到,这个android4.0.3居然把surface创建,鼠标绘制放在了input下了,这个可恶的SpriteController.cpp,目录/frameworks/base/services/input/SpriteController.cpp。找得心灰意冷啊。居然中文解释说是精灵,怪不得这么难找呢。网上找了下,说java中好像是有一个Sprite的东东,说是什么绘图时候用的,这不正好是鼠标吗,小小的精灵,难怪鼠标也是天蓝色透明的了,看来写这个代码的高手还真的别有一番寓意啊,在此膜拜下。    由于本人还是菜鸟,学电子的孩子,C++和Java接触好少,看不大懂,只能简单的了解下。先看看Sprite类的定义。注释的已经很清楚了,六级都没过的我也能看懂,相信难不倒你了。

class Sprite : public RefBase {
    Sprite() { }
    virtual ~Sprite() { }

    enum {
        // The base layer for pointer sprites.
        BASE_LAYER_POINTER = 0, // reserve space for 1 pointer

        // The base layer for spot sprites.
        BASE_LAYER_SPOT = 1, // reserve space for MAX_POINTER_ID spots

    /* Sets the bitmap that is drawn by the sprite.
     * The sprite retains a copy of the bitmap for subsequent rendering. */
    virtual void setIcon(const SpriteIcon& icon) = 0;

    inline void clearIcon() {

    /* Sets whether the sprite is visible. */
    virtual void setVisible(bool visible) = 0;

    /* Sets the sprite position on screen, relative to the sprite's hot spot. */
    virtual void setPosition(float x, float y) = 0;

    /* Sets the layer of the sprite, relative to the system sprite overlay layer.
     * Layer 0 is the overlay layer, > 0 appear above this layer. */
    virtual void setLayer(int32_t layer) = 0;

    /* Sets the sprite alpha blend ratio between 0.0 and 1.0. */
    virtual void setAlpha(float alpha) = 0;

    /* Sets the sprite transformation matrix. */
    virtual void setTransformationMatrix(const SpriteTransformationMatrix& matrix) = 0;


    对于鼠标,应该也是pointer,input目录下面还有一个PointerController,看着这个名字,就知道了,这个肯定是控制鼠标啊, 触摸屏啊什么的。具体看注释吧,写得够直


 * Interface for tracking a mouse / touch pad pointer and touch pad spots.
 * The spots are sprites on screen that visually represent the positions of
 * fingers
 * The pointer controller is responsible for providing synchronization and for tracking
 * display orientation changes if needed.
class PointerControllerInterface : public virtual RefBase {
    PointerControllerInterface() { }
    virtual ~PointerControllerInterface() { }

    /* Gets the bounds of the region that the pointer can traverse.
     * Returns true if the bounds are available. */
    virtual bool getBounds(float* outMinX, float* outMinY,
            float* outMaxX, float* outMaxY) const = 0;

    /* Move the pointer. */
    virtual void move(float deltaX, float deltaY) = 0;

    /* Sets a mask that indicates which buttons are pressed. */
    virtual void setButtonState(int32_t buttonState) = 0;

    /* Gets a mask that indicates which buttons are pressed. */
    virtual int32_t getButtonState() const = 0;

    /* Sets the absolute location of the pointer. */
    virtual void setPosition(float x, float y) = 0;

    /* Gets the absolute location of the pointer. */
    virtual void getPosition(float* outX, float* outY) const = 0;

    enum Transition {
        // Fade/unfade immediately.
        // Fade/unfade gradually.

    /* Fades the pointer out now. */
    virtual void fade(Transition transition) = 0;

    /* Makes the pointer visible if it has faded out.
     * The pointer never unfades itself automatically.  This method must be called
     * by the client whenever the pointer is moved or a button is pressed and it
     * wants to ensure that the pointer becomes visible again. */
    virtual void unfade(Transition transition) = 0;

    enum Presentation {
        // Show the mouse pointer.
        // Show spots and a spot anchor in place of the mouse pointer.

    /* Sets the mode of the pointer controller. */
    virtual void setPresentation(Presentation presentation) = 0;

    /* Sets the spots for the current gesture.
     * The spots are not subject to the inactivity timeout like the pointer
     * itself it since they are expected to remain visible for so long as
     * the fingers are on the touch pad.
     * The values of the AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_PRESSURE axis is significant.
     * For spotCoords, pressure != 0 indicates that the spot's location is being
     * pressed (not hovering).
    virtual void setSpots(const PointerCoords* spotCoords, const uint32_t* spotIdToIndex,
            BitSet32 spotIdBits) = 0;

    /* Removes all spots. */
    virtual void clearSpots() = 0;

 * Pointer resources.
struct PointerResources {
    SpriteIcon spotHover;
    SpriteIcon spotTouch;
    SpriteIcon spotAnchor;


 * Tracks pointer movements and draws the pointer sprite to a surface.
 * Handles pointer acceleration and animation.
class PointerController : public PointerControllerInterface, public MessageHandler

void SpriteController::doUpdateSprites() {
    // Collect information about sprite updates.
    // Each sprite update record includes a reference to its associated sprite so we can
    // be certain the sprites will not be deleted while this function runs.  Sprites
    // may invalidate themselves again during this time but we will handle those changes
    // in the next iteration.
    Vector<SpriteUpdate> updates;
    size_t numSprites;
    { // acquire lock
        AutoMutex _l(mLock);

        numSprites = mLocked.invalidatedSprites.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numSprites; i++) {
            const sp<SpriteImpl>& sprite = mLocked.invalidatedSprites.itemAt(i);

            updates.push(SpriteUpdate(sprite, sprite->getStateLocked()));
    } // release lock

    // Create missing surfaces.
    bool surfaceChanged = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numSprites; i++) {
        SpriteUpdate& update = updates.editItemAt(i);

        if (update.state.surfaceControl == NULL && update.state.wantSurfaceVisible()) {
            update.state.surfaceWidth = update.state.icon.bitmap.width();
            update.state.surfaceHeight = update.state.icon.bitmap.height();
            update.state.surfaceDrawn = false;
            update.state.surfaceVisible = false;
            update.state.surfaceControl = obtainSurface(
                    update.state.surfaceWidth, update.state.surfaceHeight);
            if (update.state.surfaceControl != NULL) {
                update.surfaceChanged = surfaceChanged = true;

    // Resize sprites if needed, inside a global transaction.
    bool haveGlobalTransaction = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numSprites; i++) {
        SpriteUpdate& update = updates.editItemAt(i);

        if (update.state.surfaceControl != NULL && update.state.wantSurfaceVisible()) {
            int32_t desiredWidth = update.state.icon.bitmap.width();
            int32_t desiredHeight = update.state.icon.bitmap.height();
            if (update.state.surfaceWidth < desiredWidth
                    || update.state.surfaceHeight < desiredHeight) {
                if (!haveGlobalTransaction) {
                    haveGlobalTransaction = true;

                status_t status = update.state.surfaceControl->setSize(desiredWidth, desiredHeight);
                if (status) {
                    LOGE("Error %d resizing sprite surface from %dx%d to %dx%d",
                            status, update.state.surfaceWidth, update.state.surfaceHeight,
                            desiredWidth, desiredHeight);
                } else {
                    update.state.surfaceWidth = desiredWidth;
                    update.state.surfaceHeight = desiredHeight;
                    update.state.surfaceDrawn = false;
                    update.surfaceChanged = surfaceChanged = true;

                    if (update.state.surfaceVisible) {
                        status = update.state.surfaceControl->hide();
                        if (status) {
                            LOGE("Error %d hiding sprite surface after resize.", status);
                        } else {
                            update.state.surfaceVisible = false;
    if (haveGlobalTransaction) {

    // Redraw sprites if needed.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numSprites; i++) {
        SpriteUpdate& update = updates.editItemAt(i);

        if ((update.state.dirty & DIRTY_BITMAP) && update.state.surfaceDrawn) {
            update.state.surfaceDrawn = false;
            update.surfaceChanged = surfaceChanged = true;

        if (update.state.surfaceControl != NULL && !update.state.surfaceDrawn
                && update.state.wantSurfaceVisible()) {
            sp<Surface> surface = update.state.surfaceControl->getSurface();
            Surface::SurfaceInfo surfaceInfo;
            status_t status = surface->lock(&surfaceInfo);
            if (status) {
                LOGE("Error %d locking sprite surface before drawing.", status);
            } else {
                SkBitmap surfaceBitmap;
                ssize_t bpr = surfaceInfo.s * bytesPerPixel(surfaceInfo.format);
                        surfaceInfo.w, surfaceInfo.h, bpr);

                SkCanvas surfaceCanvas;

                SkPaint paint;
                surfaceCanvas.drawBitmap(update.state.icon.bitmap, 0, 0, &paint);

                if (surfaceInfo.w > uint32_t(update.state.icon.bitmap.width())) {
                    paint.setColor(0); // transparent fill color
                    surfaceCanvas.drawRectCoords(update.state.icon.bitmap.width(), 0,
                            surfaceInfo.w, update.state.icon.bitmap.height(), paint);
                if (surfaceInfo.h > uint32_t(update.state.icon.bitmap.height())) {
                    paint.setColor(0); // transparent fill color
                    surfaceCanvas.drawRectCoords(0, update.state.icon.bitmap.height(),
                            surfaceInfo.w, surfaceInfo.h, paint);

                status = surface->unlockAndPost();
                if (status) {
                    LOGE("Error %d unlocking and posting sprite surface after drawing.", status);
                } else {
                    update.state.surfaceDrawn = true;
                    update.surfaceChanged = surfaceChanged = true;

    // Set sprite surface properties and make them visible.
    bool haveTransaction = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numSprites; i++) {
        SpriteUpdate& update = updates.editItemAt(i);

        bool wantSurfaceVisibleAndDrawn = update.state.wantSurfaceVisible()
                && update.state.surfaceDrawn;
        bool becomingVisible = wantSurfaceVisibleAndDrawn && !update.state.surfaceVisible;
        bool becomingHidden = !wantSurfaceVisibleAndDrawn && update.state.surfaceVisible;
        if (update.state.surfaceControl != NULL && (becomingVisible || becomingHidden
                || (wantSurfaceVisibleAndDrawn && (update.state.dirty & (DIRTY_ALPHA
                        | DIRTY_VISIBILITY | DIRTY_HOTSPOT))))) {
            status_t status;
            if (!haveTransaction) {
                haveTransaction = true;

            if (wantSurfaceVisibleAndDrawn
                    && (becomingVisible || (update.state.dirty & DIRTY_ALPHA))) {
                status = update.state.surfaceControl->setAlpha(update.state.alpha);
                if (status) {
                    LOGE("Error %d setting sprite surface alpha.", status);

            if (wantSurfaceVisibleAndDrawn
                    && (becomingVisible || (update.state.dirty & (DIRTY_POSITION
                            | DIRTY_HOTSPOT)))) {
                status = update.state.surfaceControl->setPosition(
                        update.state.positionX - update.state.icon.hotSpotX,
                        update.state.positionY - update.state.icon.hotSpotY);
                if (status) {
                    LOGE("Error %d setting sprite surface position.", status);

            if (wantSurfaceVisibleAndDrawn
                    && (becomingVisible
                            || (update.state.dirty & DIRTY_TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX))) {
                status = update.state.surfaceControl->setMatrix(
                if (status) {
                    LOGE("Error %d setting sprite surface transformation matrix.", status);

            int32_t surfaceLayer = mOverlayLayer + update.state.layer;
            if (wantSurfaceVisibleAndDrawn
                    && (becomingVisible || (update.state.dirty & DIRTY_LAYER))) {
                status = update.state.surfaceControl->setLayer(surfaceLayer);
                if (status) {
                    LOGE("Error %d setting sprite surface layer.", status);

            if (becomingVisible) {
                status = update.state.surfaceControl->show(surfaceLayer);
                if (status) {
                    LOGE("Error %d showing sprite surface.", status);
                } else {
                    update.state.surfaceVisible = true;
                    update.surfaceChanged = surfaceChanged = true;
            } else if (becomingHidden) {
                status = update.state.surfaceControl->hide();
                if (status) {
                    LOGE("Error %d hiding sprite surface.", status);
                } else {
                    update.state.surfaceVisible = false;
                    update.surfaceChanged = surfaceChanged = true;

    if (haveTransaction) {

    // If any surfaces were changed, write back the new surface properties to the sprites.
    if (surfaceChanged) { // acquire lock
        AutoMutex _l(mLock);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < numSprites; i++) {
            const SpriteUpdate& update = updates.itemAt(i);

            if (update.surfaceChanged) {
                        update.state.surfaceWidth, update.state.surfaceHeight,
                        update.state.surfaceDrawn, update.state.surfaceVisible);
    } // release lock

    // Clear the sprite update vector outside the lock.  It is very important that
    // we do not clear sprite references inside the lock since we could be releasing
    // the last remaining reference to the sprite here which would result in the
    // sprite being deleted and the lock being reacquired by the sprite destructor
    // while already held.

    看到 update.state.surfaceControl = obtainSurface(update.state.surfaceWidth, update.state.surfaceHeight); 其实就是创建了一个surface,在一开始进入的主界面


sp<SurfaceControl> SpriteController::obtainSurface(int32_t width, int32_t height) {

    sp<SurfaceControl> surfaceControl = mSurfaceComposerClient->createSurface(
            String8("Sprite"), 0, width, height, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888);
    if (surfaceControl == NULL || !surfaceControl->isValid()
            || !surfaceControl->getSurface()->isValid()) {
        LOGE("Error creating sprite surface.");
        return NULL;
    return surfaceControl;



sp<Surface> surface = update.state.surfaceControl->getSurface();
            Surface::SurfaceInfo surfaceInfo;
            status_t status = surface->lock(&surfaceInfo);         


status_t Surface::lock(SurfaceInfo* other, Region* inOutDirtyRegion) {
    ANativeWindow_Buffer outBuffer;

    ARect temp;
    ARect* inOutDirtyBounds = NULL;
    if (inOutDirtyRegion) {
        temp = inOutDirtyRegion->getBounds();
        inOutDirtyBounds = &temp;

    status_t err = SurfaceTextureClient::lock(&outBuffer, inOutDirtyBounds);

    if (err == NO_ERROR) {
        other->w = uint32_t(outBuffer.width);
        other->h = uint32_t(outBuffer.height);
        other->s = uint32_t(outBuffer.stride);
        other->format = uint32_t(outBuffer.format);
        other->bits = outBuffer.bits;

    if (inOutDirtyRegion) {
        inOutDirtyRegion->set( static_cast<Rect const&>(temp) );

    return err;

 也行你会说,怎么这个lock有两个参数的,明显不对吗,好吧,看来我的C++还是有点基础的,后悔以前搞ACM的时候只是一个main函数到底,没有好好用C++来实现,要不然现在也肯定是个大牛了。看看这个 status_t    lock(SurfaceInfo* info, Region* dirty = NULL);明白了吧?使用了默认的参数,刚开始还以为这个lock是假的。哈哈接着,看到了SurfaceTextureClient::lock(&outBuffer, inOutDirtyBounds);了吧,好明显的说,接着看看这个函数到底干了什么了

status_t SurfaceTextureClient::lock(
        ANativeWindow_Buffer* outBuffer, ARect* inOutDirtyBounds)
    if (mLockedBuffer != 0) {
        LOGE("Surface::lock failed, already locked");
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    if (!mConnectedToCpu) {
        int err = SurfaceTextureClient::connect(NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CPU);
        if (err) {
            return err;
        // we're intending to do software rendering from this point

    ANativeWindowBuffer* out;
    status_t err = dequeueBuffer(&out);
    LOGE_IF(err, "dequeueBuffer failed (%s)", strerror(-err));
    if (err == NO_ERROR) {
        sp<GraphicBuffer> backBuffer(GraphicBuffer::getSelf(out));
        err = lockBuffer(backBuffer.get());
        LOGE_IF(err, "lockBuffer (handle=%p) failed (%s)",
                backBuffer->handle, strerror(-err));
        if (err == NO_ERROR) {
            const Rect bounds(backBuffer->width, backBuffer->height);

            Region newDirtyRegion;
            if (inOutDirtyBounds) {
                newDirtyRegion.set(static_cast<Rect const&>(*inOutDirtyBounds));
            } else {

            // figure out if we can copy the frontbuffer back
            const sp<GraphicBuffer>& frontBuffer(mPostedBuffer);
            const bool canCopyBack = (frontBuffer != 0 &&
                    backBuffer->width  == frontBuffer->width &&
                    backBuffer->height == frontBuffer->height &&
                    backBuffer->format == frontBuffer->format);

            if (canCopyBack) {
                // copy the area that is invalid and not repainted this round
                const Region copyback(mOldDirtyRegion.subtract(newDirtyRegion));
                if (!copyback.isEmpty())
                    copyBlt(backBuffer, frontBuffer, copyback);
            } else {
                // if we can't copy-back anything, modify the user's dirty
                // region to make sure they redraw the whole buffer

            // keep track of the are of the buffer that is "clean"
            // (ie: that will be redrawn)
            mOldDirtyRegion = newDirtyRegion;

            if (inOutDirtyBounds) {
                *inOutDirtyBounds = newDirtyRegion.getBounds();

            void* vaddr;
            status_t res = backBuffer->lock(
                    newDirtyRegion.bounds(), &vaddr);

            LOGW_IF(res, "failed locking buffer (handle = %p)",

            mLockedBuffer = backBuffer;
            outBuffer->width  = backBuffer->width;
            outBuffer->height = backBuffer->height;
            outBuffer->stride = backBuffer->stride;
            outBuffer->format = backBuffer->format;
            outBuffer->bits   = vaddr;
    return err;

   好了,找到了 ANativeWindowBuffer* out;   status_t err = dequeueBuffer(&out);差不多告一段落了,代码看着头晕,还是分析不大来额。菜鸟有待提高,打好基础,慢慢


int SurfaceTextureClient::dequeueBuffer(android_native_buffer_t** buffer) {
    Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
    int buf = -1;
    status_t result = mSurfaceTexture->dequeueBuffer(&buf, mReqWidth, mReqHeight,
            mReqFormat, mReqUsage);
    if (result < 0) {
        LOGV("dequeueBuffer: ISurfaceTexture::dequeueBuffer(%d, %d, %d, %d)"
             "failed: %d", mReqWidth, mReqHeight, mReqFormat, mReqUsage,
        return result;
    sp<GraphicBuffer>& gbuf(mSlots[buf]);
    if (result & ISurfaceTexture::RELEASE_ALL_BUFFERS) {

    if ((result & ISurfaceTexture::BUFFER_NEEDS_REALLOCATION) || gbuf == 0) {
        result = mSurfaceTexture->requestBuffer(buf, &gbuf);
        if (result != NO_ERROR) {
            LOGE("dequeueBuffer: ISurfaceTexture::requestBuffer failed: %d",
            return result;
    *buffer = gbuf.get();
    return OK;




posted on 2012-06-27 18:12  吴一达  阅读(301)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
