


        一. 内核开发时LOG的使用。Android内核是基于Linux Kerne 2.36的,因此,Linux Kernel的LOG机制同样适合于Android内核,它就是有名的printk,与C语言的printf齐名。与printf类似,printk提供格式化输入功能,同时,它也具有所有LOG机制的特点--提供日志级别过虑功能。printk提供了8种日志级别(<linux/kernel.h>):

#define KERN_EMERG	"<0>" 	/* system is unusable 			*/
#define KERN_ALERT	"<1>" 	/* action must be taken immediately	*/
#define KERN_CRIT	"<2>" 	/* critical conditions			*/
#deinfe KERN_ERR	"<3>" 	/* error conditions			*/
#deinfe KERN_WARNING	"<4>" 	/* warning conditions			*/
#deinfe KERN_NOTICE	"<5>" 	/* normal but significant condition	*/
#deinfe KERN_INFO	"<6>" 	/* informational 			*/
#deinfe KERN_DEBUG	"<7>" 	/* debug-level messages 		*/

       printk(KERN_ALERT"This is the log printed by printk in linux kernel space.");


       在Android系统中,printk输出的日志信息保存在/proc/kmsg中,要查看/proc/kmsg的内容,参照在Ubuntu上下载、编译和安装Android最新内核源代码(Linux Kernel)一文,在后台中运行模拟器:

       USER-NAME@MACHINE-NAME:~/Android$ emulator &

       启动adb shell工具:

       USER-NAME@MACHINE-NAME:~/Android$ adb shell


       root@android:/ # cat  /proc/kmsg

       二. 用户空间程序开发时LOG的使用。Android系统在用户空间中提供了轻量级的logger日志系统,它是在内核中实现的一种设备驱动,与用户空间的logcat工具配合使用能够方便地跟踪调试程序。在Android系统中,分别为C/C++ 和Java语言提供两种不同的logger访问接口。C/C++日志接口一般是在编写硬件抽象层模块或者编写JNI方法时使用,而Java接口一般是在应用层编写APP时使用。


 * Android log priority values, in ascending priority order.
typedef enum android_LogPriority {
	ANDROID_LOG_DEFAULT,	/* only for SetMinPriority() */
	ANDROID_LOG_SILENT,	/* only for SetMinPriority(); must be last */
} android_LogPriority;

 * This is the local tag used for the following simplified
 * logging macros. You can change this preprocessor definition
 * before using the other macros to change the tag.
#ifndef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG NULL

 * Simplified macro to send a verbose log message using the current LOG_TAG.
#ifndef LOGV
#define LOGV(...)   ((void)0)
#define LOGV(...)   ((void)LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__))

 * Basic log message macro.
 * Example:
 *  LOG(LOG_WARN, NULL, "Failed with error %d", errno);
 * The second argument may be NULL or "" to indicate the "global" tag.
#ifndef LOG
#define LOG(priority, tag, ...) \
     LOG_PRI(ANDROID_##priority, tag, __VA_ARGS__)

 * Log macro that allows you to specify a number for priority.
#ifndef LOG_PRI
#define LOG_PRI(priority, tag, ...) \
     android_printLog(priority, tag, __VA_ARGS__)

 * ================================================================
 * The stuff in the rest of this file should not be used directly.
#define android_printLog(prio, tag, fmt...) \
     __android_log_print(prio, tag, fmt)

         #define LOG_TAG "MY LOG TAG"

         #include <cutils/log.h>


         LOGV("This is the log printed by LOGV in android user space.");



public final class Log {


	 * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.v.
	public static final int VERBOSE = 2;

	 * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.d.
	public static final int DEBUG = 3;

	 * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.i.
	public static final int INFO = 4;

	 * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.w.
	public static final int WARN = 5;

	 * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.e.
	public static final int ERROR = 6;

	 * Priority constant for the println method.
	public static final int ASSERT = 7;


	public static int v(String tag, String msg) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, VERBOSE, tag, msg);

	public static int v(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, VERBOSE, tag, msg + '\n' + getStackTraceString(tr));

	public static int d(String tag, String msg) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, DEBUG, tag, msg);

	public static int d(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, DEBUG, tag, msg + '\n' + getStackTraceString(tr));

	public static int i(String tag, String msg) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, INFO, tag, msg);

	public static int i(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, INFO, tag, msg + '\n' + getStackTraceString(tr));

	public static int w(String tag, String msg) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, WARN, tag, msg);

	public static int w(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, WARN, tag, msg + '\n' + getStackTraceString(tr));

	public static int w(String tag, Throwable tr) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, WARN, tag, getStackTraceString(tr));
	public static int e(String tag, String msg) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, ERROR, tag, msg);

	public static int e(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
		return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, ERROR, tag, msg + '\n' + getStackTraceString(tr));


	/**@hide */ public static native int println_native(int bufID,
		int priority, String tag, String msg);


        private static final String LOG_TAG = "MY_LOG_TAG";

        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "This is the log printed by Log.i in android user space.");




       USER-NAME@MACHINE-NAME:~/Android$ emulator &

       启动adb shell工具:

       USER-NAME@MACHINE-NAME:~/Android$ adb shell


       root@android:/ # logcat



posted on 2011-07-03 16:47  吴一达  阅读(196)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
