用setTimeout 代替 setInterval实时拉取数据
setInterval(function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'xx', success: function( response ){ // do something with the response } }); }, 5000);
// new hotness (function loopsiloop(){ setTimeout(function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'xx', success: function( response ){ // do something with the response loopsiloop(); // recurse }, error: function(){ // do some error handling. you // should probably adjust the timeout // here. loopsiloop(); // recurse, if you'd like. } }); }, 5000); })();
如果我们能捕获到异常,可以限定异常大于10次时,我们将不再拉取数据,并且在异常 》1 且 《10 时,我们可以适当将间隔拉大,让服务器有休息的时间。
var failed = 0; (function loopsiloop( interval ){ interval = interval || 5000; // default polling to 1 second setTimeout(function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'foo.htm', success: function( response ){ // do something with the response loopsiloop(); // recurse }, error: function(){ // only recurse while there's less than 10 failed requests. // otherwise the server might be down or is experiencing issues. if( ++failed < 10 ){ // give the server some breathing room by // increasing the interval interval = interval + 1000; loopsiloop( interval ); } } }); }, interval); })();