TUXEDO启动常见错误和解决方法 动常见错误和解决方法


Booting all admin and server processes in /home/ibs/etc/TUXCONFIG INFO: Oracle Tuxedo, Version, 64-bit, Patch Level (none)

Booting admin processes ...

exec BBL -A :         Failed.

tmboot: WARN: No BBL available on site cbs.         Will not attempt to boot server processes on that site.

Booting server processes ...

0 processes started.






序号 问题描述 可能的解决方法
1 tmboot: internal error: CMDTUX_CAT:4578: ERROR: Unlicensed System Binary 查看$TUXDIR/udataobj/lic.txt 文件及权限
2 exec BBL -A :       Failed. tmboot: WARN: No BBL available on site BSX0. Will not attempt to boot server processes on that site. 重新创建TLOG,查看ubb文件中的TUXDIR路径是否正确。命令为:crdl –b 3000 –z “/BSMesWare/BSM1/Ulog/TLOG” 或者可能IPCKEY重复
3 Could not load program TMS_ORA: Dependent module libclntsh.a(shr.o) could not be loaded. Could not load module libclntsh.a(shr.o). 查看环境变量中的LIBPATH,是否包含$ORACLE_HOME/lib 查看环境变量中的ORACLE相关的路径是否正确 查看$TUXDIR/udataobj/RM文件中的Oracle配置,尝试重建TMS_ORA,新建命令:buildtms -o TMS_ORA -r Oracle_XA
4 CMDTUX_CAT:819: INFO: Process id=675936 Assume started (pipe). 两个环境xlC的版本是否一致 缺少程序需要的动态库 两个环境的Oracle的版本是否一致
5 exec TMS_ORA -A :       Failed. 配置的数据库用户名和账号等是否正确 是否授权,授权语句:grant select on dba_pending_transactions to public (此语句需要使用SYS来执行)
6 exec TMS_ORA -A :       Could not load program TMS_ORA:       The l_nimpid field in the .loader section header is not positive. Examine the .loader section header with the 'dump -Hv' command. CMDTUX_CAT:819: INFO: Process id=148314 Assume started (pipe). TMS_ORA文件可能有问题 查找$APPDIR目录下面是否存在TMS_ORA,有则删除 尝试重建TMS_ORA
7 tmboot –y的时候,有些SERVER启动了,有些SERVER启动失败了 exec p_es_80 -A :       process id=659534 ... Started. exec p_es_100 -A :      Failed. 检查UBB配置文件中的MAXSERVERS 和 MAXSERVICES 检查操作系统或者数据库的进程数是否足够
8 exec TMS_ORA –A      CMDTUX_CAT:816: ERROR: Cannot exec, executable file not found 重新建立TMS_ORA,$TUXDIR/udataobj
posted @ 2013-09-30 14:54  wuxi812  阅读(7367)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报