wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MvsCode/frps-onekey/master/install-frps.sh -O ./install-frps.sh chmod 700 ./install-frps.sh ./install-frps.sh install
- FRP常用命令:
开启FRP:frps start
停止FRP:frps stop
重启FRP:frps restart
[common] server_addr = aaa.naiyou99.tk #填写自己的服务器IP或者已解析的域名 server_port = 5443 #服务器提供的端口号 token = qZYd64GV1qmMhU85 #服务器提供的token
[HomePC1] #这里对应你的客户端名称,可以自定义,每一个客户端名称不能重复 type = tcp #tcp协议 local_ip = #填写内网IP,为本机IP local_port = 3389 #内网主机端口,确保端口已放行 remote_port = 33389 #远程端口/服务器端端口,确保端口已放行
[HomePC2] # 为避免错误,一定需更改为比较特殊的名称,不能和服务器端其他配置重名. type = http #http协议 local_ip = #软路由IP地址 local_port = 80 #软路由默认端口
remote_port = 43389 #远程端口/服务器端端口,确保端口已放行
frpc.exe -c ./frpc.ini
7.然后就可以使用公网IP:remote_port 访问了。(remote_port 为客户端配置的每个映射服务的外网端口)
#!/bin/bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin ###export### export PATH export FRPS_VER=0.51.3 export FRPS_INIT="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MvsCode/frps-onekey/master/frps.init" export gitee_download_url="https://gitee.com/Mvscode/frps-onekey/releases/download" export github_download_url="https://github.com/fatedier/frp/releases/download" #====================================================================== # System Required: CentOS Debian Ubuntu or Fedora(32bit/64bit) # Description: A tool to auto-compile & install frps on Linux # Author : anonymity #====================================================================== program_name="frps" version="20230814" str_program_dir="/usr/local/${program_name}" program_init="/etc/init.d/${program_name}" program_config_file="frps.ini" ver_file="/tmp/.frp_ver.sh" str_install_shell="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mvscode/frps-onekey/master/install-frps.sh" shell_update(){ fun_clangcn "clear" echo "Check updates for shell..." remote_shell_version=`wget --no-check-certificate -qO- ${str_install_shell} | sed -n '/'^version'/p' | cut -d\" -f2` if [ ! -z ${remote_shell_version} ]; then if [[ "${version}" != "${remote_shell_version}" ]];then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Found a new version,update now!!!${COLOR_END}" echo echo -n "Update shell ..." if ! wget --no-check-certificate -qO $0 ${str_install_shell}; then echo -e " [${COLOR_RED}failed${COLOR_END}]" echo exit 1 else echo -e " [${COLOR_GREEN}OK${COLOR_END}]" echo echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Please Re-run${COLOR_END} ${COLOR_PINK}$0 ${clang_action}${COLOR_END}" echo exit 1 fi exit 1 fi fi } fun_clangcn(){ local clear_flag="" clear_flag=$1 if [[ ${clear_flag} == "clear" ]]; then clear fi echo "" echo "+------------------------------------------------------------+" echo "| frps for Linux Server, Author anonymity |" echo "| A tool to auto-compile & install frps on Linux |" echo "+------------------------------------------------------------+" echo "" } fun_set_text_color(){ COLOR_RED='\E[1;31m' COLOR_GREEN='\E[1;32m' COLOR_YELOW='\E[1;33m' COLOR_BLUE='\E[1;34m' COLOR_PINK='\E[1;35m' COLOR_PINKBACK_WHITEFONT='\033[45;37m' COLOR_GREEN_LIGHTNING='\033[32m \033[05m' COLOR_END='\E[0m' } # Check if user is root rootness(){ if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then fun_clangcn echo "Error:This script must be run as root!" 1>&2 exit 1 fi } get_char(){ SAVEDSTTY=`stty -g` stty -echo stty cbreak dd if=/dev/tty bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null stty -raw stty echo stty $SAVEDSTTY } # Check OS checkos(){ if grep -Eqi "CentOS" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "CentOS" /etc/*-release; then OS=CentOS elif grep -Eqi "Debian" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Debian" /etc/*-release; then OS=Debian elif grep -Eqi "Ubuntu" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Ubuntu" /etc/*-release; then OS=Ubuntu elif grep -Eqi "Fedora" /etc/issue || grep -Eq "Fedora" /etc/*-release; then OS=Fedora else echo "Not support OS, Please reinstall OS and retry!" exit 1 fi } # Get version getversion(){ if [[ -s /etc/redhat-release ]];then grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/redhat-release else grep -oE "[0-9.]+" /etc/issue fi } # CentOS version centosversion(){ local code=$1 local version="`getversion`" local main_ver=${version%%.*} if [ $main_ver == $code ];then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Check OS bit check_os_bit(){ ARCHS="" if [[ `getconf WORD_BIT` = '32' && `getconf LONG_BIT` = '64' ]] ; then Is_64bit='y' ARCHS="amd64" else Is_64bit='n' ARCHS="386" fi } check_centosversion(){ if centosversion 5; then echo "Not support CentOS 5.x, please change to CentOS 6,7 or Debian or Ubuntu or Fedora and try again." exit 1 fi } # Disable selinux disable_selinux(){ if [ -s /etc/selinux/config ] && grep 'SELINUX=enforcing' /etc/selinux/config; then sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config setenforce 0 fi } pre_install_packs(){ local wget_flag='' local killall_flag='' local netstat_flag='' wget --version > /dev/null 2>&1 wget_flag=$? killall -V >/dev/null 2>&1 killall_flag=$? netstat --version >/dev/null 2>&1 netstat_flag=$? if [[ ${wget_flag} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${killall_flag} -gt 1 ]] || [[ ${netstat_flag} -gt 6 ]];then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN} Install support packs...${COLOR_END}" if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then yum install -y wget psmisc net-tools else apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install wget psmisc net-tools fi fi } # Random password fun_randstr(){ strNum=$1 [ -z "${strNum}" ] && strNum="16" strRandomPass="" strRandomPass=`tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w ${strNum} | head -n1` echo ${strRandomPass} } fun_getServer(){ def_server_url="github" echo "" echo -e "Please select ${program_name} download url:" echo -e "[1].gitee" echo -e "[2].github (default)" read -e -p "Enter your choice (1, 2 or exit. default [${def_server_url}]): " set_server_url [ -z "${set_server_url}" ] && set_server_url="${def_server_url}" case "${set_server_url}" in 1|[Ga][Ii][Tt][Ee][Ee]) program_download_url=${gitee_download_url} ;; 2|[Gg][Ii][Tt][Hh][Uu][Bb]) program_download_url=${github_download_url} ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) program_download_url=${github_download_url} ;; esac echo "-----------------------------------" echo -e " Your select: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_server_url}${COLOR_END} " echo "-----------------------------------" } fun_getVer(){ echo -e "Loading network version for ${program_name}, please wait..." program_latest_filename="frp_${FRPS_VER}_linux_${ARCHS}.tar.gz" program_latest_file_url="${program_download_url}/v${FRPS_VER}/${program_latest_filename}" if [ -z "${program_latest_filename}" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Load network version failed!!!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${program_name} Latest release file ${COLOR_GREEN}${program_latest_filename}${COLOR_END}" fi } fun_download_file(){ # download if [ ! -s ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} ]; then rm -fr ${program_latest_filename} frp_${FRPS_VER}_linux_${ARCHS} if ! wget -q ${program_latest_file_url} -O ${program_latest_filename}; then echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}failed${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi tar xzf ${program_latest_filename} mv frp_${FRPS_VER}_linux_${ARCHS}/frps ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} rm -fr ${program_latest_filename} frp_${FRPS_VER}_linux_${ARCHS} fi chown root:root -R ${str_program_dir} if [ -s ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} ]; then [ ! -x ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} ] && chmod 755 ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} else echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}failed${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi } function __readINI() { INIFILE=$1; SECTION=$2; ITEM=$3 _readIni=`awk -F '=' '/\['$SECTION'\]/{a=1}a==1&&$1~/'$ITEM'/{print $2;exit}' $INIFILE` echo ${_readIni} } # Check port fun_check_port(){ port_flag="" strCheckPort="" input_port="" port_flag="$1" strCheckPort="$2" if [ ${strCheckPort} -ge 1 ] && [ ${strCheckPort} -le 65535 ]; then checkServerPort=`netstat -ntulp | grep "\b:${strCheckPort}\b"` if [ -n "${checkServerPort}" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${COLOR_RED}Error:${COLOR_END} Port ${COLOR_GREEN}${strCheckPort}${COLOR_END} is ${COLOR_PINK}used${COLOR_END},view relevant port:" netstat -ntulp | grep "\b:${strCheckPort}\b" fun_input_${port_flag}_port else input_port="${strCheckPort}" fi else echo "Input error! Please input correct numbers." fun_input_${port_flag}_port fi } fun_check_number(){ num_flag="" strMaxNum="" strCheckNum="" input_number="" num_flag="$1" strMaxNum="$2" strCheckNum="$3" if [ ${strCheckNum} -ge 1 ] && [ ${strCheckNum} -le ${strMaxNum} ]; then input_number="${strCheckNum}" else echo "Input error! Please input correct numbers." fun_input_${num_flag} fi } # input configuration data fun_input_bind_port(){ def_server_port="5443" echo "" echo -n -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}bind_port${COLOR_END} [1-65535]" read -e -p "(Default Server Port: ${def_server_port}):" serverport [ -z "${serverport}" ] && serverport="${def_server_port}" fun_check_port "bind" "${serverport}" } fun_input_dashboard_port(){ def_dashboard_port="6443" echo "" echo -n -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}dashboard_port${COLOR_END} [1-65535]" read -e -p "(Default : ${def_dashboard_port}):" input_dashboard_port [ -z "${input_dashboard_port}" ] && input_dashboard_port="${def_dashboard_port}" fun_check_port "dashboard" "${input_dashboard_port}" } fun_input_vhost_http_port(){ def_vhost_http_port="80" echo "" echo -n -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}vhost_http_port${COLOR_END} [1-65535]" read -e -p "(Default : ${def_vhost_http_port}):" input_vhost_http_port [ -z "${input_vhost_http_port}" ] && input_vhost_http_port="${def_vhost_http_port}" fun_check_port "vhost_http" "${input_vhost_http_port}" } fun_input_vhost_https_port(){ def_vhost_https_port="443" echo "" echo -n -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}vhost_https_port${COLOR_END} [1-65535]" read -e -p "(Default : ${def_vhost_https_port}):" input_vhost_https_port [ -z "${input_vhost_https_port}" ] && input_vhost_https_port="${def_vhost_https_port}" fun_check_port "vhost_https" "${input_vhost_https_port}" } fun_input_log_max_days(){ def_max_days="30" def_log_max_days="3" echo "" echo -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}log_max_days${COLOR_END} [1-${def_max_days}]" read -e -p "(Default : ${def_log_max_days} day):" input_log_max_days [ -z "${input_log_max_days}" ] && input_log_max_days="${def_log_max_days}" fun_check_number "log_max_days" "${def_max_days}" "${input_log_max_days}" } fun_input_max_pool_count(){ def_max_pool="200" def_max_pool_count="50" echo "" echo -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}max_pool_count${COLOR_END} [1-${def_max_pool}]" read -e -p "(Default : ${def_max_pool_count}):" input_max_pool_count [ -z "${input_max_pool_count}" ] && input_max_pool_count="${def_max_pool_count}" fun_check_number "max_pool_count" "${def_max_pool}" "${input_max_pool_count}" } fun_input_dashboard_user(){ def_dashboard_user="admin" echo "" echo -n -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}dashboard_user${COLOR_END}" read -e -p "(Default : ${def_dashboard_user}):" input_dashboard_user [ -z "${input_dashboard_user}" ] && input_dashboard_user="${def_dashboard_user}" } fun_input_dashboard_pwd(){ def_dashboard_pwd=`fun_randstr 8` echo "" echo -n -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}dashboard_pwd${COLOR_END}" read -e -p "(Default : ${def_dashboard_pwd}):" input_dashboard_pwd [ -z "${input_dashboard_pwd}" ] && input_dashboard_pwd="${def_dashboard_pwd}" } fun_input_token(){ def_token=`fun_randstr 16` echo "" echo -n -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}token${COLOR_END}" read -e -p "(Default : ${def_token}):" input_token [ -z "${input_token}" ] && input_token="${def_token}" } fun_input_subdomain_host(){ def_subdomain_host=${defIP} echo "" echo -n -e "Please input ${program_name} ${COLOR_GREEN}subdomain_host${COLOR_END}" read -e -p "(Default : ${def_subdomain_host}):" input_subdomain_host [ -z "${input_subdomain_host}" ] && input_subdomain_host="${def_subdomain_host}" } pre_install_clang(){ fun_clangcn echo -e "Check your server setting, please wait..." disable_selinux if [ -s ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} ] && [ -s ${program_init} ]; then echo "${program_name} is installed!" else clear fun_clangcn fun_getServer fun_getVer echo -e "Loading You Server IP, please wait..." defIP=$(wget -qO- ip.clang.cn | sed -r 's/\r//') echo -e "You Server IP:${COLOR_GREEN}${defIP}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "————————————————————————————————————————————" echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}Please input your server setting:${COLOR_END}" echo -e "————————————————————————————————————————————" fun_input_bind_port [ -n "${input_port}" ] && set_bind_port="${input_port}" echo -e "${program_name} bind_port: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_bind_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" fun_input_vhost_http_port [ -n "${input_port}" ] && set_vhost_http_port="${input_port}" echo -e "${program_name} vhost_http_port: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_vhost_http_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" fun_input_vhost_https_port [ -n "${input_port}" ] && set_vhost_https_port="${input_port}" echo -e "${program_name} vhost_https_port: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_vhost_https_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" fun_input_dashboard_port [ -n "${input_port}" ] && set_dashboard_port="${input_port}" echo -e "${program_name} dashboard_port: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_dashboard_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" fun_input_dashboard_user [ -n "${input_dashboard_user}" ] && set_dashboard_user="${input_dashboard_user}" echo -e "${program_name} dashboard_user: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_dashboard_user}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" fun_input_dashboard_pwd [ -n "${input_dashboard_pwd}" ] && set_dashboard_pwd="${input_dashboard_pwd}" echo -e "${program_name} dashboard_pwd: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_dashboard_pwd}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" fun_input_token [ -n "${input_token}" ] && set_token="${input_token}" echo -e "${program_name} token: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_token}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" fun_input_subdomain_host [ -n "${input_subdomain_host}" ] && set_subdomain_host="${input_subdomain_host}" echo -e "${program_name} subdomain_host: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_subdomain_host}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" fun_input_max_pool_count [ -n "${input_number}" ] && set_max_pool_count="${input_number}" echo -e "${program_name} max_pool_count: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_max_pool_count}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" echo -e "Please select ${COLOR_GREEN}log_level${COLOR_END}" echo "1: info (default)" echo "2: warn" echo "3: error" echo "4: debug" echo "-------------------------" read -e -p "Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4 or exit. default [1]): " str_log_level case "${str_log_level}" in 1|[Ii][Nn][Ff][Oo]) str_log_level="info" ;; 2|[Ww][Aa][Rr][Nn]) str_log_level="warn" ;; 3|[Ee][Rr][Rr][Oo][Rr]) str_log_level="error" ;; 4|[Dd][Ee][Bb][Uu][Gg]) str_log_level="debug" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) str_log_level="info" ;; esac echo -e "log_level: ${COLOR_YELOW}${str_log_level}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" fun_input_log_max_days [ -n "${input_number}" ] && set_log_max_days="${input_number}" echo -e "${program_name} log_max_days: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_log_max_days}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" echo -e "Please select ${COLOR_GREEN}log_file${COLOR_END}" echo "1: enable (default)" echo "2: disable" echo "-------------------------" read -e -p "Enter your choice (1, 2 or exit. default [1]): " str_log_file case "${str_log_file}" in 1|[yY]|[yY][eE][sS]|[oO][nN]|[tT][rR][uU][eE]|[eE][nN][aA][bB][lL][eE]) str_log_file="./frps.log" str_log_file_flag="enable" ;; 0|2|[nN]|[nN][oO]|[oO][fF][fF]|[fF][aA][lL][sS][eE]|[dD][iI][sS][aA][bB][lL][eE]) str_log_file="/dev/null" str_log_file_flag="disable" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) str_log_file="./frps.log" str_log_file_flag="enable" ;; esac echo -e "log_file: ${COLOR_YELOW}${str_log_file_flag}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" echo -e "Please select ${COLOR_GREEN}tcp_mux${COLOR_END}" echo "1: enable (default)" echo "2: disable" echo "-------------------------" read -e -p "Enter your choice (1, 2 or exit. default [1]): " str_tcp_mux case "${str_tcp_mux}" in 1|[yY]|[yY][eE][sS]|[oO][nN]|[tT][rR][uU][eE]|[eE][nN][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_tcp_mux="true" ;; 0|2|[nN]|[nN][oO]|[oO][fF][fF]|[fF][aA][lL][sS][eE]|[dD][iI][sS][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_tcp_mux="false" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_tcp_mux="true" ;; esac echo -e "tcp_mux: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_tcp_mux}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" echo -e "Please select ${COLOR_GREEN}kcp support${COLOR_END}" echo "1: enable (default)" echo "2: disable" echo "-------------------------" read -e -p "Enter your choice (1, 2 or exit. default [1]): " str_kcp case "${str_kcp}" in 1|[yY]|[yY][eE][sS]|[oO][nN]|[tT][rR][uU][eE]|[eE][nN][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_kcp="true" ;; 0|2|[nN]|[nN][oO]|[oO][fF][fF]|[fF][aA][lL][sS][eE]|[dD][iI][sS][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_kcp="false" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_kcp="true" ;; esac echo -e "kcp support: ${COLOR_YELOW}${set_kcp}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "" echo "============== Check your input ==============" echo -e "You Server IP : ${COLOR_GREEN}${defIP}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Bind port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_bind_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "kcp support : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_kcp}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "vhost http port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_vhost_http_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "vhost https port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_vhost_https_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Dashboard port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_dashboard_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Dashboard user : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_dashboard_user}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Dashboard password : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_dashboard_pwd}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "token : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_token}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "subdomain_host : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_subdomain_host}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "tcp_mux : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_tcp_mux}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Max Pool count : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_max_pool_count}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Log level : ${COLOR_GREEN}${str_log_level}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Log max days : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_log_max_days}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Log file : ${COLOR_GREEN}${str_log_file_flag}${COLOR_END}" echo "==============================================" echo "" echo "Press any key to start...or Press Ctrl+c to cancel" char=`get_char` install_program_server_clang fi } # ====== install server ====== install_program_server_clang(){ [ ! -d ${str_program_dir} ] && mkdir -p ${str_program_dir} cd ${str_program_dir} echo "${program_name} install path:$PWD" echo -n "config file for ${program_name} ..." # Config file if [[ "${set_kcp}" == "false" ]]; then cat > ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}<<-EOF # [common] is integral section [common] # A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed # in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80" bind_addr = bind_port = ${set_bind_port} # udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port' # if not set, kcp is disabled in frps #kcp_bind_port = ${set_bind_port} # if you want to configure or reload frps by dashboard, dashboard_port must be set dashboard_port = ${set_dashboard_port} # dashboard assets directory(only for debug mode) dashboard_user = ${set_dashboard_user} dashboard_pwd = ${set_dashboard_pwd} # assets_dir = ./static vhost_http_port = ${set_vhost_http_port} vhost_https_port = ${set_vhost_https_port} # console or real logFile path like ./frps.log log_file = ${str_log_file} # debug, info, warn, error log_level = ${str_log_level} log_max_days = ${set_log_max_days} # auth token token = ${set_token} # It is convenient to use subdomain configure for http、https type when many people use one frps server together. subdomain_host = ${set_subdomain_host} # only allow frpc to bind ports you list, if you set nothing, there won't be any limit #allow_ports = 1-65535 # pool_count in each proxy will change to max_pool_count if they exceed the maximum value max_pool_count = ${set_max_pool_count} # if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true tcp_mux = ${set_tcp_mux} EOF else cat > ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}<<-EOF # [common] is integral section [common] # A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed # in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80" bind_addr = bind_port = ${set_bind_port} # udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port' # if not set, kcp is disabled in frps kcp_bind_port = ${set_bind_port} # if you want to configure or reload frps by dashboard, dashboard_port must be set dashboard_port = ${set_dashboard_port} # dashboard assets directory(only for debug mode) dashboard_user = ${set_dashboard_user} dashboard_pwd = ${set_dashboard_pwd} # assets_dir = ./static vhost_http_port = ${set_vhost_http_port} vhost_https_port = ${set_vhost_https_port} # console or real logFile path like ./frps.log log_file = ${str_log_file} # debug, info, warn, error log_level = ${str_log_level} log_max_days = ${set_log_max_days} # auth token token = ${set_token} # It is convenient to use subdomain configure for http、https type when many people use one frps server together. subdomain_host = ${set_subdomain_host} # only allow frpc to bind ports you list, if you set nothing, there won't be any limit #allow_ports = 1-65535 # pool_count in each proxy will change to max_pool_count if they exceed the maximum value max_pool_count = ${set_max_pool_count} # if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true tcp_mux = ${set_tcp_mux} EOF fi echo " done" echo -n "download ${program_name} ..." rm -f ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} ${program_init} fun_download_file echo " done" echo -n "download ${program_init}..." if [ ! -s ${program_init} ]; then if ! wget -q ${FRPS_INIT} -O ${program_init}; then echo -e " ${COLOR_RED}failed${COLOR_END}" exit 1 fi fi [ ! -x ${program_init} ] && chmod +x ${program_init} echo " done" echo -n "setting ${program_name} boot..." [ ! -x ${program_init} ] && chmod +x ${program_init} if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then chmod +x ${program_init} chkconfig --add ${program_name} else chmod +x ${program_init} update-rc.d -f ${program_name} defaults fi echo " done" [ -s ${program_init} ] && ln -s ${program_init} /usr/bin/${program_name} ${program_init} start fun_clangcn #install successfully echo "" echo "Congratulations, ${program_name} install completed!" echo "================================================" echo -e "You Server IP : ${COLOR_GREEN}${defIP}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Bind port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_bind_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "KCP support : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_kcp}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "vhost http port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_vhost_http_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "vhost https port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_vhost_https_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Dashboard port : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_dashboard_port}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "token : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_token}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "subdomain_host : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_subdomain_host}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "tcp_mux : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_tcp_mux}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Max Pool count : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_max_pool_count}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Log level : ${COLOR_GREEN}${str_log_level}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Log max days : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_log_max_days}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Log file : ${COLOR_GREEN}${str_log_file_flag}${COLOR_END}" echo "================================================" echo -e "${program_name} Dashboard : ${COLOR_GREEN}http://${set_subdomain_host}:${set_dashboard_port}/${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Dashboard user : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_dashboard_user}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "Dashboard password : ${COLOR_GREEN}${set_dashboard_pwd}${COLOR_END}" echo "================================================" echo "" echo -e "${program_name} status manage : ${COLOR_PINKBACK_WHITEFONT}${program_name}${COLOR_END} {${COLOR_GREEN}start|stop|restart|status|config|version${COLOR_END}}" echo -e "Example:" echo -e " start: ${COLOR_PINK}${program_name}${COLOR_END} ${COLOR_GREEN}start${COLOR_END}" echo -e " stop: ${COLOR_PINK}${program_name}${COLOR_END} ${COLOR_GREEN}stop${COLOR_END}" echo -e "restart: ${COLOR_PINK}${program_name}${COLOR_END} ${COLOR_GREEN}restart${COLOR_END}" exit 0 } ############################### configure ################################## configure_program_server_clang(){ if [ -s ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} ]; then vi ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} else echo "${program_name} configuration file not found!" exit 1 fi } ############################### uninstall ################################## uninstall_program_server_clang(){ fun_clangcn if [ -s ${program_init} ] || [ -s ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} ] ; then echo "============== Uninstall ${program_name} ==============" str_uninstall="n" echo -n -e "${COLOR_YELOW}You want to uninstall?${COLOR_END}" read -e -p "[Y/N]:" str_uninstall case "${str_uninstall}" in [yY]|[yY][eE][sS]) echo "" echo "You select [Yes], press any key to continue." str_uninstall="y" char=`get_char` ;; *) echo "" str_uninstall="n" esac if [ "${str_uninstall}" == 'n' ]; then echo "You select [No],shell exit!" else checkos ${program_init} stop if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then chkconfig --del ${program_name} else update-rc.d -f ${program_name} remove fi rm -f ${program_init} /var/run/${program_name}.pid /usr/bin/${program_name} rm -fr ${str_program_dir} echo "${program_name} uninstall success!" fi else echo "${program_name} Not install!" fi exit 0 } ############################### update ################################## update_config_clang(){ if [ ! -r "${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}" ]; then echo "config file ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} not found." else search_dashboard_user=`grep "dashboard_user" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` search_dashboard_pwd=`grep "dashboard_pwd" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` search_kcp_bind_port=`grep "kcp_bind_port" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` search_tcp_mux=`grep "tcp_mux" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` search_token=`grep "privilege_token" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` search_allow_ports=`grep "privilege_allow_ports" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` if [ -z "${search_dashboard_user}" ] || [ -z "${search_dashboard_pwd}" ] || [ -z "${search_kcp_bind_port}" ] || [ -z "${search_tcp_mux}" ] || [ ! -z "${search_token}" ] || [ ! -z "${search_allow_ports}" ];then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Configuration files need to be updated, now setting:${COLOR_END}" echo "" if [ ! -z "${search_token}" ];then sed -i "s/privilege_token/token/" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} fi if [ -z "${search_dashboard_user}" ] && [ -z "${search_dashboard_pwd}" ];then def_dashboard_user_update="admin" read -e -p "Please input dashboard_user (Default: ${def_dashboard_user_update}):" set_dashboard_user_update [ -z "${set_dashboard_user_update}" ] && set_dashboard_user_update="${def_dashboard_user_update}" echo "${program_name} dashboard_user: ${set_dashboard_user_update}" echo "" def_dashboard_pwd_update=`fun_randstr 8` read -e -p "Please input dashboard_pwd (Default: ${def_dashboard_pwd_update}):" set_dashboard_pwd_update [ -z "${set_dashboard_pwd_update}" ] && set_dashboard_pwd_update="${def_dashboard_pwd_update}" echo "${program_name} dashboard_pwd: ${set_dashboard_pwd_update}" echo "" sed -i "/dashboard_port =.*/a\dashboard_user = ${set_dashboard_user_update}\ndashboard_pwd = ${set_dashboard_pwd_update}\n" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} fi if [ -z "${search_kcp_bind_port}" ];then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Please select kcp support${COLOR_END}" echo "1: enable (default)" echo "2: disable" echo "-------------------------" read -e -p "Enter your choice (1, 2 or exit. default [1]): " str_kcp case "${str_kcp}" in 1|[yY]|[yY][eE][sS]|[oO][nN]|[tT][rR][uU][eE]|[eE][nN][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_kcp="true" ;; 0|2|[nN]|[nN][oO]|[oO][fF][fF]|[fF][aA][lL][sS][eE]|[dD][iI][sS][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_kcp="false" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_kcp="true" ;; esac echo "kcp support: ${set_kcp}" def_kcp_bind_port=( $( __readINI ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} common bind_port ) ) if [[ "${set_kcp}" == "false" ]]; then sed -i "/^bind_port =.*/a\# udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port'\n# if not set, kcp is disabled in frps\n#kcp_bind_port = ${def_kcp_bind_port}\n" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} else sed -i "/^bind_port =.*/a\# udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port'\n# if not set, kcp is disabled in frps\nkcp_bind_port = ${def_kcp_bind_port}\n" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} fi fi if [ -z "${search_tcp_mux}" ];then echo "# Please select tcp_mux " echo "1: enable (default)" echo "2: disable" echo "-------------------------" read -e -p "Enter your choice (1, 2 or exit. default [1]): " str_tcp_mux case "${str_tcp_mux}" in 1|[yY]|[yY][eE][sS]|[oO][nN]|[tT][rR][uU][eE]|[eE][nN][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_tcp_mux="true" ;; 0|2|[nN]|[nN][oO]|[oO][fF][fF]|[fF][aA][lL][sS][eE]|[dD][iI][sS][aA][bB][lL][eE]) set_tcp_mux="false" ;; [eE][xX][iI][tT]) exit 1 ;; *) set_tcp_mux="true" ;; esac echo "tcp_mux: ${set_tcp_mux}" sed -i "/^privilege_mode = true/d" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} sed -i "/^token =.*/a\# if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true\ntcp_mux = ${set_tcp_mux}\n" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} fi if [ ! -z "${search_allow_ports}" ];then sed -i "s/privilege_allow_ports/allow_ports/" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file} fi fi verify_dashboard_user=`grep "^dashboard_user" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` verify_dashboard_pwd=`grep "^dashboard_pwd" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` verify_kcp_bind_port=`grep "kcp_bind_port" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` verify_tcp_mux=`grep "^tcp_mux" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` verify_token=`grep "privilege_token" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` verify_allow_ports=`grep "privilege_allow_ports" ${str_program_dir}/${program_config_file}` if [ ! -z "${verify_dashboard_user}" ] && [ ! -z "${verify_dashboard_pwd}" ] && [ ! -z "${verify_kcp_bind_port}" ] && [ ! -z "${verify_tcp_mux}" ] && [ -z "${verify_token}" ] && [ -z "${verify_allow_ports}" ];then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}update configuration file successfully!!!${COLOR_END}" else echo -e "${COLOR_RED}update configuration file error!!!${COLOR_END}" fi fi } update_program_server_clang(){ fun_clangcn "clear" if [ -s ${program_init} ] || [ -s ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} ] ; then echo "============== Update ${program_name} ==============" update_config_clang checkos check_centosversion check_os_bit fun_getVer remote_init_version=`wget -qO- ${FRPS_INIT} | sed -n '/'^version'/p' | cut -d\" -f2` local_init_version=`sed -n '/'^version'/p' ${program_init} | cut -d\" -f2` install_shell=${strPath} if [ ! -z ${remote_init_version} ];then if [[ "${local_init_version}" != "${remote_init_version}" ]];then echo "========== Update ${program_name} ${program_init} ==========" if ! wget ${FRPS_INIT} -O ${program_init}; then echo "Failed to download ${program_name}.init file!" exit 1 else echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}${program_init} Update successfully !!!${COLOR_END}" fi fi fi [ ! -d ${str_program_dir} ] && mkdir -p ${str_program_dir} echo -e "Loading network version for ${program_name}, please wait..." fun_getServer fun_getVer >/dev/null 2>&1 local_program_version=`${str_program_dir}/${program_name} --version` echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}${program_name} local version ${local_program_version}${COLOR_END}" echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}${program_name} remote version ${FRPS_VER}${COLOR_END}" if [[ "${local_program_version}" != "${FRPS_VER}" ]];then echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}Found a new version,update now!!!${COLOR_END}" ${program_init} stop sleep 1 rm -f /usr/bin/${program_name} ${str_program_dir}/${program_name} fun_download_file if [ "${OS}" == 'CentOS' ]; then chmod +x ${program_init} chkconfig --add ${program_name} else chmod +x ${program_init} update-rc.d -f ${program_name} defaults fi [ -s ${program_init} ] && ln -s ${program_init} /usr/bin/${program_name} [ ! -x ${program_init} ] && chmod 755 ${program_init} ${program_init} start echo "${program_name} version `${str_program_dir}/${program_name} --version`" echo "${program_name} update success!" else echo -e "no need to update !!!${COLOR_END}" fi else echo "${program_name} Not install!" fi exit 0 } clear strPath=`pwd` rootness fun_set_text_color checkos check_centosversion check_os_bit pre_install_packs shell_update # Initialization action=$1 [ -z $1 ] case "$action" in install) pre_install_clang 2>&1 | tee /root/${program_name}-install.log ;; config) configure_program_server_clang ;; uninstall) uninstall_program_server_clang 2>&1 | tee /root/${program_name}-uninstall.log ;; update) update_program_server_clang 2>&1 | tee /root/${program_name}-update.log ;; *) fun_clangcn echo "Arguments error! [${action} ]" echo "Usage: `basename $0` {install|uninstall|update|config}" RET_VAL=1 ;; esac