

  Each thread in a Cocoa application maintains its own stack of autorelease pool blocks.(Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide:Using Autorelease Pool Blocks)


  • autorelease pool 是栈的形式,and autorelease pool blocks can be nested
  • 主线程中也有自己的autorelease pool,这又牵扯出run loop。实际上,每次执行一次runloop时,就会释放当前autorelease pool中的对象。run loop 是ios中与线程有关的一个基础架构,用于处理事件循环的。



  The objective-c language defers as many decisions as it can from compile time and link time to runtime.


  • In Objective-C, messages aren't bound to method implentationss until runtime.



  Layer是Core Animation的核心。

  Layers are data objects that manage content provided by your app。

  A layer's content contains of a bitmap containing the visual data you want to display.有3种方法来设置它的content

  • 直接将一个对象分配给layer的content属性
  • 为layer指定个delegate对象,来delegate来draw它的content:displayLayer: 和drawLayer: inContent:
  • 子类一个layer,重写它的drawing方法:重写display或者drawInContext方法
posted @ 2014-03-01 16:20  Kalou  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报