MVC 验证和异常处理 手工激活验证

不管是通过action参数获取一个model,或者是手工calling UpdateModel()还是TryUpdateModel(),默认的DefaultModelBinder都将自动执行合法验证。但是,你用其他的方法更新model时,自动验证则会跳过。例如:

public ActionResult MakeBooking(string clientName, DateTime? appointmentDate,

                                bool acceptsTerms)


    var appt = new Appointment {

        ClientName = clientName,

        AppointmentDate = appointmentDate.GetValueOrDefault()


    if (!acceptsTerms)

        ModelState.AddModelError("acceptsTerms", "You must accept the terms");

    if (ModelState.IsValid) {

        // To do: Actually save the appointment to the database or whatever


        return View("Completed", appt);



        return View(); // Re-renders the same view so the user can fix the errors



•  ValidateModel() 验证,如果不合法,将登记错误,并抛出 InvalidOperationException异常


•  TryValidateModel()  相对ValidateModel区别在于不抛出异常,只是返回和ModeState.IsValide一样的值。

posted on 2011-03-04 21:55  arg  阅读(416)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
