/** * Simple singlethreaded server for testing. * */ public class TSimpleServer extends TServer { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TSimpleServer.class.getName()); private boolean stopped_ = false; public TSimpleServer(AbstractServerArgs args) { super(args); } public void serve() { stopped_ = false; try { serverTransport_.listen(); // 开启监听 } catch (TTransportException ttx) { LOGGER.error("Error occurred during listening.", ttx); return; } // Run the preServe event if (eventHandler_ != null) { eventHandler_.preServe(); // 前处理切入 } setServing(true); while (!stopped_) { TTransport client = null; TProcessor processor = null; TTransport inputTransport = null; TTransport outputTransport = null; TProtocol inputProtocol = null; TProtocol outputProtocol = null; ServerContext connectionContext = null; try { client = serverTransport_.accept(); // 获得一个client transport if (client != null) { // 以下代码根据获取的client transport层层封装 processor = processorFactory_.getProcessor(client); // 根据client获取processor inputTransport = inputTransportFactory_.getTransport(client); // 根据client获取input transport outputTransport = outputTransportFactory_.getTransport(client); // 根据client获取output transport inputProtocol = inputProtocolFactory_.getProtocol(inputTransport); // 根据input transport获取input protocol outputProtocol = outputProtocolFactory_.getProtocol(outputTransport); // 根据output transport获取output protocol if (eventHandler_ != null) {// 处理前切入eventHandler根据input/output protocol生成connectionContext connectionContext = eventHandler_.createContext(inputProtocol, outputProtocol); } while (true) {// 一直循环处理同一个用户的请求,processor.process永远返回true,只有抛出异常时(即用户端主动关闭连接)才会继续接收下一个用户的请求。 if (eventHandler_ != null) {// 切入eventHandler处理前面生成的connectionContext eventHandler_.processContext(connectionContext, inputTransport, outputTransport); } if(!processor.process(inputProtocol, outputProtocol)) {// 调用processor对input/output protocol进行处理 break; } } } } catch (TTransportException ttx) { // Client died, just move on } catch (TException tx) { if (!stopped_) { LOGGER.error("Thrift error occurred during processing of message.", tx); } } catch (Exception x) { if (!stopped_) { LOGGER.error("Error occurred during processing of message.", x); } } if (eventHandler_ != null) { eventHandler_.deleteContext(connectionContext, inputProtocol, outputProtocol); } if (inputTransport != null) { inputTransport.close(); } if (outputTransport != null) { outputTransport.close(); } } setServing(false); } public void stop() { stopped_ = true; serverTransport_.interrupt(); } }
首先,开启监听,然后在处理之前面向切面切入前处理流程 eventHandler_.preServe();最后进入接收处理流程。
TProcessor为一单接口,仅含process方法。其子类thrift不再提供,而是根据用户自定义的thrift IDL文件自动生成。然而thrift提供了一个抽象类TBaseProcessor<I>封装了一些常用的实现,该类实现了TProcessor接口,框架自动生成的Processor都继承了该基类。
public abstract class TBaseProcessor<I> implements TProcessor { private final I iface; // 真正的处理函数实现 private final Map<String,ProcessFunction<I, ? extends TBase>> processMap; protected TBaseProcessor(I iface, Map<String, ProcessFunction<I, ? extends TBase>> processFunctionMap) { this.iface = iface; this.processMap = processFunctionMap; } public Map<String,ProcessFunction<I, ? extends TBase>> getProcessMapView() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(processMap); } @Override public boolean process(TProtocol in, TProtocol out) throws TException { TMessage msg = in.readMessageBegin(); // 获取请求信息,主要包含函数名信息。 ProcessFunction fn = processMap.get(; // 根据函数名信息获取相应的处理函数。 if (fn == null) { // 若没有相关的处理函数,写入异常并返回。 TProtocolUtil.skip(in, TType.STRUCT); in.readMessageEnd(); TApplicationException x = new TApplicationException(TApplicationException.UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Invalid method name: '""'"); out.writeMessageBegin(new TMessage(, TMessageType.EXCEPTION, msg.seqid)); x.write(out); out.writeMessageEnd(); out.getTransport().flush(); return true; } fn.process(msg.seqid, in, out, iface); // 处理请求 return true; } }
public abstract class ProcessFunction<I, T extends TBase> { private final String methodName; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProcessFunction.class.getName()); public ProcessFunction(String methodName) { this.methodName = methodName; } public final void process(int seqid, TProtocol iprot, TProtocol oprot, I iface) throws TException { T args = getEmptyArgsInstance(); // 获取一个空的参数封装 try {; // 从input protol中读取所有参数到args中 } catch (TProtocolException e) { iprot.readMessageEnd(); TApplicationException x = new TApplicationException(TApplicationException.PROTOCOL_ERROR, e.getMessage()); oprot.writeMessageBegin(new TMessage(getMethodName(), TMessageType.EXCEPTION, seqid)); x.write(oprot); oprot.writeMessageEnd(); oprot.getTransport().flush(); return; } iprot.readMessageEnd(); // 读取参数完毕 TBase result = null; try { result = getResult(iface, args); // 获取处理结果 } catch(Throwable th) { LOGGER.error("Internal error processing " + getMethodName(), th); TApplicationException x = new TApplicationException(TApplicationException.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error processing " + getMethodName()); oprot.writeMessageBegin(new TMessage(getMethodName(), TMessageType.EXCEPTION, seqid)); x.write(oprot); oprot.writeMessageEnd(); oprot.getTransport().flush(); return; } if(!isOneway()) {// true表示单向操作不许要返回信息,即函数为void类型。false表示需要返回值,则启用output protol写入结果。 oprot.writeMessageBegin(new TMessage(getMethodName(), TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)); result.write(oprot); oprot.writeMessageEnd(); oprot.getTransport().flush(); } } protected abstract boolean isOneway(); public abstract TBase getResult(I iface, T args) throws TException; public abstract T getEmptyArgsInstance(); public String getMethodName() { return methodName; } }
到此为止,基本了解了libthrift的大致框架。在处理函数中主要是与protocol打交道,protocol又是根据input/output transport生成,而input/output transport又是根据client transport生成。总形成三层结构,底层是client transport由server transport的accept函数获得,中层是input/output transport ,顶层是input/output protocol。然而三层之间并不是完全透明不可见的,典型如oprot.getTransport().flush() 对上层暴露了底层,也无伤大雅。