







package com.common.utils;

import io.protostuff.LinkedBuffer;
import io.protostuff.ProtostuffIOUtil;
import io.protostuff.Schema;
import io.protostuff.runtime.RuntimeSchema;

 * @desc protobuf序列化反序列化工具
 * @author wulm
public class ProtostuffUtil{

     * @desc protostuff 目前不支持直接序列化List等对象,需要使用普通的POJO包装一下
     * @author wulm
    private static class SerializeData {
        private Object target;

        public Object getTarget() {
            return target;

        public void setTarget(Object target) {
   = target;

    private static final ThreadLocal<LinkedBuffer> BUFFER_THREAD_LOCAL = ThreadLocal
            .withInitial(() -> LinkedBuffer.allocate(512));

     * @desc 序列化
     * @auth wulm
    public static byte[] serialize(Object obj) {
        SerializeData data = new SerializeData();

        // this is lazily created and cached by RuntimeSchema
        // so its safe to call RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Foo.class) over and over
        // The getSchema method is also thread-safe
        Schema<SerializeData> schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema((Class<SerializeData>) data.getClass());

        // Re-use (manage) this buffer to avoid allocating on every serialization
        // LinkedBuffer buffer = LinkedBuffer.allocate(512);
        LinkedBuffer buffer = BUFFER_THREAD_LOCAL.get();

        // ser
        try {
            return ProtostuffIOUtil.toByteArray(data, schema, buffer);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } finally {


     * @desc 反序列化
     * @auth wulm
    public static <T> T deserialize(byte[] data, Class<T> cls) {
        Schema<SerializeData> schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(SerializeData.class);
        // deser
        SerializeData message = schema.newMessage();
        ProtostuffIOUtil.mergeFrom(data, message, schema);

        return (T) message.getTarget();

    // public static class Aaa {
    // public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Aaa aaa = new Aaa();
    // aaa.setA("你好呀");
    // aaa.setB("我是佩琪");
    // aaa.setC("你好");
    // aaa.setD("我是猪爸爸");
    // List<Aaa> list = new ArrayList<>();
    // list.add(aaa);
    // byte[] serialize = ProtostuffUtil.serialize(list);
    // List<Aaa> bb = ProtostuffUtil.deserialize(serialize,
    // List.class);
    // System.out.println(JacksonUtils.writeValueAsString(bb));
    // }
    // private String a;
    // private String b;
    // private String c;
    // private String d;
    // public String getA() {
    // return a;
    // }
    // public void setA(String a) {
    // this.a = a;
    // }
    // public String getB() {
    // return b;
    // }
    // public void setB(String b) {
    // this.b = b;
    // }
    // public String getC() {
    // return c;
    // }
    // public void setC(String c) {
    // this.c = c;
    // }
    // public String getD() {
    // return d;
    // }
    // public void setD(String d) {
    // this.d = d;
    // }
    // }





posted on 2018-09-04 20:36  花开浪漫拾  阅读(2759)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报