3. Floating-Point Support
快速的本机浮点硬件是GPU的存在理由,并且在许多方面,它们在浮点实现方面都等于或优于CPU。全速支持异常可以根据每条指令指定直接舍入,特殊功能单元可为六种流行的单精度先验函数,提供高性能的近似函数。相比之下,x86 CPU在微代码中实现异常,其运行速度可能比在规范化浮点算子上运行的速度慢100倍。舍入方向是由一个控制字指定的,该控制字需要数十个时钟周期来更改,并且SSE指令集中唯一的超越逼近函数是用于倒数和倒数平方根的,给出必须用牛顿-微分精确的12位近似值。使用Raphson迭代之前。
3.1. Formats
Figure 2 Floating-point formats.
Table 7 Floating-Point Representations
Table 8 Floating-Point Extreme Values
- 四舍五入到最近(也称为“四舍五入”)
- 向零舍入(也称为“截断”或“斩”)
- 向下舍入(或“朝负无穷大舍入”)
- 向上舍入(或“朝正无穷大舍入”)
舍入取整法是迄今为止最常用的舍入模式,在每次操作后将中间值舍入为最接近的可表示浮点值。向上舍入和向下舍入(“定向舍入模式”)用于间隔算术,其中一对浮点值用于括住计算的中间结果。为了正确地将结果括起来,该间隔的下限值和上限值必须分别四舍五入为负无穷大(“向下”)和正无穷大(“ up”)。
Table 9 Intrinsics for Rounding
由于一半未在C编程语言中标准化,因此CUDA在__half2float()和__float2half()的接口中使用unsigned short。__float2half()仅支持舍入到最近舍入模式。
float __half2float( unsigned short );
unsigned short __float2half( float );
3.2. Single Precision (32-Bit)
对于具有2.x或更高版本的计算能力的设备,使用--prec-div = true编译代码时,除法运算符符合IEEE规定。对于具有计算能力1.x的设备或对于具有计算能力2.x的设备,当使用--prec-div = false编译代码时,除法运算符和__fdividef(x,y)具有相同的精度,
- 正弦和余弦
- 对数和指数
- 倒数和倒数平方根
Table 11 SFU Accuracy
Table 12 SFU Intrinsics
__saturate(x) returns 0 if x<0, 1 if x>1, and x otherwise.
3.3. Double Precision (64-Bit)
带有SM 1.3的CUDA中添加了双精度浮点支持(最早在GeForce GTX 280中实现),而SM 2.0则提供了大大改进的双精度支持(功能和性能)。CUDA对双精度的硬件支持具有全速异常功能,并且从SM 2.x开始,符合IEEE 754 c的本机融合乘法加法指令(FMAD)。2008年,仅执行一个舍入步骤。FMAD除了是本质上有用的操作之外,还可以使某些功能(与Newton-Raphson迭代收敛)完全准确。
3.4. Half Precision (16-Bit)
float __halftofloat( unsigned short );
unsigned short __floattohalf( float );
这些内部函数使用unsigned short,因为C语言尚未标准化半浮点类型。
3.5. Case Study: float→half Conversion
研究float → half转换操作,了解浮点编码和舍入细节的有用方法。这是一个简单的一元运算,可以专注于编码和舍入,而不会被浮点运算的细节和中间表示的精度所分散。
当从float转换为half时,对于任何太大而无法表示的float的正确输出是half infinity。任何太小而不能代表一半(甚至是反常的一半)的浮点数都必须固定为0.0。舍入为0.0的一半的最大浮点数为0x32FFFFFF或2.98,而舍入为无穷大的一半的最小浮点数为65520.0。此范围内的float值可以通过传播符号位转换为一半,重新偏置指数(因为float的8位指数偏差为127,一半的5位指数偏差为15),然后将float的尾数四舍五入到最接近的一半尾数。在所有情况下,舍入都是简单的,除非输入值恰好落在两个可能的输出值之间。在这种情况下,IEEE标准指定四舍五入到“最近的偶数”值。在十进制算术中,这意味着四舍五入为1.5到2.0,但也四舍五入为2.5到2.0,以及(例如)四舍五入到0.5到0.0。
清单3中使用的宏LG_MAKE_MASK创建具有给定位数的掩码:#define LG_MAKE_MASK(bits)((1 << bits)-1)。联合用于治疗相同的32位值作为浮子和无符号整型; 诸如*((float *)(&u))之类的习惯用法不是可移植的。该例程首先传播输入符号位并将其屏蔽掉。
Figure 3 Rounding mask (half).
Figure 4 Round-to-nearest-even (half).
Listing 3. ConvertToHalf().
* exponent shift and mantissa bit count are the same.
* When we are shifting, we use [f16|f32]ExpShift
* When referencing the number of bits in the mantissa,
* we use [f16|f32]MantissaBits
const int f16ExpShift = 10;
const int f16MantissaBits = 10;
const int f16ExpBias = 15;
const int f16MinExp = -14;
const int f16MaxExp = 15;
const int f16SignMask = 0x8000;
const int f32ExpShift = 23;
const int f32MantissaBits = 23;
const int f32ExpBias = 127;
const int f32SignMask = 0x80000000;
unsigned short
ConvertFloatToHalf( float f )
* Use a volatile union to portably coerce
* 32-bit float into 32-bit integer
volatile union {
float f;
unsigned int u;
} uf;
uf.f = f;
// return value: start by propagating the sign bit.
unsigned short w = (uf.u >> 16) & f16SignMask;
// Extract input magnitude and exponent
unsigned int mag = uf.u & ~f32SignMask;
int exp = (int) (mag >> f32ExpShift) - f32ExpBias;
// Handle float32 Inf or NaN
if ( exp == f32ExpBias+1 ) { // INF or NaN
if ( mag & LG_MAKE_MASK(f32MantissaBits) )
return 0x7fff; // NaN
// INF - propagate sign
return w|0x7c00;
* clamp float32 values that are not representable by float16
// min float32 magnitude that rounds to float16 infinity
unsigned int f32MinRInfin = (f16MaxExp+f32ExpBias) <<
f32MinRInfin |= LG_MAKE_MASK( f16MantissaBits+1 ) <<
if (mag > f32MinRInfin)
mag = f32MinRInfin;
// max float32 magnitude that rounds to float16 0.0
unsigned int f32MaxRf16_zero = f16MinExp+f32ExpBias
f32MaxRf16_zero <<= f32ExpShift;
f32MaxRf16_zero |= LG_MAKE_MASK( f32MantissaBits );
if (mag < f32MaxRf16_zero)
mag = f32MaxRf16_zero;
* compute exp again, in case mag was clamped above
exp = (mag >> f32ExpShift) - f32ExpBias;
// min float32 magnitude that converts to float16 normal
unsigned int f32Minf16Normal = ((f16MinExp+f32ExpBias)<<
f32Minf16Normal |= LG_MAKE_MASK( f32MantissaBits );
if ( mag >= f32Minf16Normal ) {
// Case 1: float16 normal
// Modify exponent to be biased for float16, not float32
mag += (unsigned int) ((f16ExpBias-f32ExpBias)<<
int RelativeShift = f32ExpShift-f16ExpShift;
// add rounding bias
mag += LG_MAKE_MASK(RelativeShift-1);
// round-to-nearest even
mag += (mag >> RelativeShift) & 1;
w |= mag >> RelativeShift;
else {
* Case 2: float16 denormal
// mask off exponent bits - now fraction only
mag &= LG_MAKE_MASK(f32MantissaBits);
// make implicit 1 explicit
mag |= (1<<f32ExpShift);
int RelativeShift = f32ExpShift-f16ExpShift+f16MinExp-exp;
// add rounding bias
mag += LG_MAKE_MASK(RelativeShift-1);
// round-to-nearest even
mag += (mag >> RelativeShift) & 1;
w |= mag >> RelativeShift;
return w;
实际上,开发人员应使用__floattohalf()内在函数将float转换为一半,编译器会将其转换为单个F2F机器指令。提供此示例例程的目的纯粹,为了帮助理解浮点布局和舍入。同样,检查所有INF / NAN和非标准值的特殊情况代码,有助于说明IEEE规范的这些功能,自诞生以来就一直引起争议:使硬件变慢,成本更高,或者由于增加的硅片面积和工程设计而使硬件变慢验证工作。
3.6. Math Library
表13列出了数学库函数以及每个函数的最大误差(单位为ulps)。在float上操作的大多数函数的函数名称后均带有“ f”,例如,计算正弦函数的函数如下。
double sin( double angle );
float sinf( float angle );
Table 13 Math Library
32 |
64 |
x+y |
Addition |
x+y |
01 |
0 |
x/y |
Multiplication |
x*y |
01 |
0 |
x/y |
Division |
x/y |
22 |
0 |
1/x |
Reciprocal |
1/x |
12 |
0 |
acos[f](x) |
Inverse cosine |
cos–1 x |
3 |
2 |
acosh[f](x) |
Inverse hyperbolic cosine |
4 |
2 |
asin[f](x) |
Inverse sine |
sin–1x |
4 |
2 |
asinh[f](x) |
Inverse hyperbolic sine |
3 |
2 |
atan[f](x) |
Inverse tangent |
tan–1x |
2 |
2 |
atan2[f](y,x) |
Inverse tangent of y/x |
3 |
2 |
atanh[f](x) |
Inverse hyperbolic tangent |
tanh–1 |
3 |
2 |
cbrt[f](x) |
Cube root |
1 |
1 |
ceil[f](x) |
“Ceiling,” nearest integer greater than or equal to x |
⌊x⌋ |
0 |
copysign[f](x,y) |
Sign of y, magnitude of x |
n/a |
cos[f](x) |
Cosine |
cos x |
2 |
1 |
cosh[f](x) |
Hyperbolic cosine |
2 |
cospi[f](x) |
Cosine, scaled byΠ |
cosΠx |
2 |
erf[f](x) |
Error function |
3 |
2 |
erfc[f](x) |
Complementary error function |
6 |
4 |
erfcinv[f](y) |
Inverse complementary error function |
Return x for which y=1-erff(x) |
7 |
8 |
erfcx[f](x) |
Scaled error function |
ex2[erff(x)) |
6 |
3 |
erfinv[f](y) |
Inverse error function |
Return x for which y=erff(x) |
3 |
5 |
exp[f](x) |
Natural exponent |
ex |
2 |
1 |
exp10[f](x) |
Exponent (base 10) |
10x |
2 |
1 |
exp2[f](x) |
Exponent (base 2) |
2x |
2 |
1 |
expm1[f](x) |
Natural exponent, minus one |
ex–1 |
1 |
1 |
fabs[f](x) |
Absolute value |
|x| |
0 |
0 |
fdim[f](x,y) |
Positive difference |
x–1,x>y+0,x≤NAN,X or y NAN |
0 |
0 |
floor[f](x) |
“Floor,” nearest integer less than or equal to x |
⌊x⌋ |
0 |
0 |
fma[f](x,y,z) |
Multiply-add |
xy + z |
0 |
0 |
fmax[f](x,y) |
Maximum |
x, x y or isNaN(y)y, otherwise |
0 |
0 |
fmin[f](x,y) |
Minimum |
x, x y or isNaN(y)y, otherwise |
0 |
0 |
fmod[f](x,y) |
Floating-point remainder |
0 |
0 |
frexp[f](x,exp) |
Fractional component |
0 |
0 |
hypot[f](x,y) |
Length of hypotenuse |
3 |
2 |
ilogb[f](x) |
Get exponent |
0 |
0 |
isfinite(x) |
Nonzero if x is not ±INF |
n/a |
isinf(x) |
Nonzero if x is ±INF |
n/a |
isnan(x) |
Nonzero if x is a NaN |
n/a |
j0[f](x) |
Bessel function of the first kind (n=0) |
J0(x) |
93 |
73 |
j1[f](x) |
Bessel function of the first kind (n=1) |
J1(x) |
93 |
73 |
jn[f](n,x) |
Bessel function of the first kind |
Jn(x) |
* |
ldexp[f](x,exp) |
Scale by power of 2 |
x2exp |
0 |
0 |
lgamma[f](x) |
Logarithm of gamma function |
ln(Γ(x)) |
64 |
44 |
llrint[f](x) |
Round to long long |
0 |
0 |
llround[f](x) |
Round to long long |
0 |
0 |
lrint[f](x) |
Round to long |
0 |
* |
lround[f](x) |
Round to long |
0 |
0 |
log[f](x) |
Natural logarithm |
ln(x) |
1 |
1 |
log10[f](x) |
Logarithm (base 10) |
log10 x |
3 |
1 |
log1p[f](x) |
Natural logarithm of x+1 |
ln(x + 1) |
2 |
1 |
log2[f](x) |
Logarithm (base 2) |
log2 x |
3 |
1 |
logb[f](x) |
Get exponent |
0 |
0 |
modff(x,iptr) |
Split fractional and integer parts |
0 |
0 |
nan[f](cptr) |
Returns NaN |
NaN |
n/a |
nearbyint[f](x) |
Round to integer |
0 |
0 |
nextafter[f](x,y) |
Returns the FP value closest to x in the direction of y |
n/a |
normcdf[f](x) |
Normal cumulative distribution |
6 |
5 |
normcdinv[f](x) |
Inverse normal cumulative distribution |
5 |
8 |
pow[f](x,y) |
Power function |
xy |
8 |
2 |
rcbrt[f](x) |
Inverse cube root |
2 |
1 |
remainder[f](x,y) |
Remainder |
0 |
0 |
remquo[f](x,y,iptr) |
Remainder (also returns quotient) |
0 |
0 |
rsqrt[f](x) |
rsqrt[f](x) Reciprocal |
2 |
1 |
rint[f](x) |
Round to nearest int |
0 |
0 |
round[f](x) |
Round to nearest int |
0 |
0 |
scalbln[f](x,n) |
Scale x by 2n (n is long int) |
x2n |
0 |
0 |
scalbn[f](x,n) |
Scale x by 2n (n is int) |
x2n |
0 |
0 |
signbit(x) |
Nonzero if x is negative |
n/a |
0 |
sin[f](x) |
Sine |
sin x |
2 |
1 |
sincos[f](x,s,c) |
Sine and cosine |
*s=sin(x);*c=cos(x); |
2 |
1 |
sincospi[f](x,s,c) |
Sine and cosine |
*s=sin(Πx);*c=cos(Πx); |
2 |
1 |
sinh[f](x) |
Hyperbolic sine |
3 |
1 |
Sine, scaled by Π |
sin Πx |
2 |
1 |
sqrt[f](x) |
Square root |
36 |
0 |
tan[f](x) |
Tangent |
tan x |
4 |
2 |
tanh[f](x) |
Hyperbolic tangent |
2 |
1 |
tgamma[f](x) |
True gamma function |
γ(x) |
11 |
8 |
trunc[f](x) |
Truncate (round to integer toward zero) |
0 |
0 |
y0[f](x) |
Bessel function of the second kind (n=0) |
Y0(x) |
93 |
73 |
y1[f](x) |
Bessel function of the second kind (n=1) |
Y1(x) |
93 |
73 |
yn[f](n,x) |
Bessel function of the second kind |
Yn(x) |
.. |
这些在表13中表示为例如sin [f]。
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