GStreamer 1.0 series序列示例

GStreamer 1.0 series序列示例

OpenEmbedded layer for GStreamer 1.0                

这layer层为GStreamer 1.0框架提供了非官方的支持,用于OpenEmbedded/Yocto。它用于GStreamer recipe backports,为早期的OE版本提供对更新GStreamer版本的支持,同时也作为尚未进入OE核心的最新升级(最近发布了一个新的GStreamer版本)。



  • URI: git://
  • branch: master
  • revision: HEAD

此外,the meta-multimedia and meta-oe layers of the meta-openembedded repo at git://是可选插件所必需的(见下文)。

Package names and coexistence with 0.10

由于1.0版本设计为能够在同一个系统中与0.10共存,GStreamer 1.0的配方命名反映了这一点。这些命名是:

  • gstreamer1.0
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-base
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
  • gstreamer1.0-libav
  • gstreamer1.0-omx
  • gstreamer1.0-rtsp-server
  • gstreamer1.0-vaapi

Building git versions

默认情况下,释放tarball是解包和构建的。但是,可以从GStreamer git存储库构建。一般来说,最好使用版本发布release,但是对于最前沿的特性,git版本可能是必要的。             


PREFERRED_VERSION_<packagename> = "git"

For example, to use git versions of all packages, add to local.conf:

PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0 = "git"

PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-base = "git"

PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-good = "git"

PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad = "git"

PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly = "git"

PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-libav = "git"

PREFERRED_VERSION_gstreamer1.0-omx = "git"

Enabling plugins with dependencies

默认情况下,在base/good/bad/unicky recipes中,只有依赖关系较少的插件和OE core支持的具有依赖关系的插件(即OE core中存在这些插件的配方)始终处于使能状态。

These are:

  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-base : gio-unix-2.0, ogg, pango, theora, vorbis
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-good : cairo, flac, gdk-pixbuf, gudev, jpeg, lame, libpng, mpg123, soup, speex, taglib, v4l2
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad : bz2, curl, dash, dtls, hls, neon, rsvg, sbc, smoothstreaming, sndfile, uvch264, webp
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly : a52dec, mpeg2dec
  • gstreamer1.0-libav : yasm
  • gstreamer1.0-vaapi : drm



PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-gstreamer1.0-plugins-good = "vpx wavpack"

注意,以这种方式启用插件后,必须确保插件依赖项的配方可用。在上面的例子中,vpx和wappack的配方必须存在。这通常意味着必须使用额外的additional OE layers层(通常是meta-OE或meta-multimedia)。             



  • gstreamer1.0
    • check : build unit test libraries
    • debug : enable debug build
    • tests : build test applications
    • valgrind : enable run-time valgrind detection
    • gst-tracer-hooks : enable tracing subsystem hooks
    • trace-historic : enable historic tracing subsystem
    • unwind: enables libunwind-based stack trace generation
    • dw: adds source lines and numbers to backtraces using the elfutils libdw library
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-base
    • cdparanoia : cdparanoia audio CD ripping plugin
    • ivorbis: Integer-only Vorbis decoding using the Tremor library
    • opus : Opus audio decoder plugin
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
    • `dv1394' : IEEE 1394 raw video source plugins
    • gtk : GTK+3 plugins
    • jack : JACK audio system plugins
    • libv4l2 : additional v4l2 plugins based on libv4l2
    • vpx : plugins for en- and decoding VP8 video streams, using Google's libvpx
    • wavpack : WavPack plugins
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
    • assrender : ASS/SSA subtitle renderer plugins
    • dc1394 : libdc1394 based video source plugin for IIDC cameras
    • faac : AAC encoding plugins using the FAAC library
    • faad : AAC decoding plugins using the FAAD library
    • flite : Flite speech synthesizer plugins
    • fluidsynth : FluidSynth plugins
    • kms : Video sink plugin using the Linux kernel mode setting API
    • libmms : Microsoft Multimedia Stream plugins
    • libssh2 : Enable libssh2 support in cURL plugins
    • lcms2 : Little CMS open source color management engine plugins
    • modplug : Decoder plugins for module files (MOD/S3M/XM/IT/..) using the ModPlug library
    • openal : OpenAL audio plugins
    • opencv : OpenCV image processing plugins
    • openjpeg : OpenJPEG-based JPEG2000 image decoder/encoder plugin
    • opusparse : Opus bitstream parser plugin
    • resindvd : DVD navigation and playback plugin
    • rtmp : Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) plugins
    • sctp : Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) plugin
    • srtp : RFC 3711 SRTP plugin
    • ttml : Timed Text Markup Language plugins
    • voaacenc : OpenCORE based AAC encoder plugin
    • voamrwbenc : OpenCORE based AMR wideband encoder plugin
    • webp : WebP plugins
  • gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
    • amrnb : OpenCORE based AMR narrowband decoder plugin
    • amrwb : OpenCORE based AMR wideband decoder plugin
    • cdio : Compact Disc audio plugins using libcdio
    • dvdread : DVD source plugins using libdvdread
    • x264 : h.264/AVC encoder plugin using libx264
  • gstreamer1.0-libav
    • libav : builds the package using the system's libav instead of the included one (not recommended unless you really know what you are doing!)
    • gpl : build the package in GPL mode (enables GPL elements)
    • valgrind : enable run-time valgrind detection
  • gstreamer1.0-vaapi
    • egl : use the EGL backend
    • glx : use the GLX backend
    • wayland : enable Wayland output sinks
    • X11 : enable X11 output sinks

OpenMAX IL support

gstreamer1.0-omx包增加了对OpenMAX-IL的支持。默认情况下,配方配置为使用OE Core附带的bellagio OpenMAX IL实现。BSP激励层添加.bbappend文件,这些文件设置GSTREAMER_1_0_OMX_目标变量,以使gstreamer1.0-OMX使用特定于设备的OpenMAX IL支持。目前,支持这些特定于设备的对象:

rpi : Raspberry Pi OpenMAX IL implementation


此外,如果写入了特定set的.bbappend文件,建议也在其中设置GSTREAMER_1_0_OMX_CORE_NAME的值。此值指定需要使用的OpenMAX核心(共享库)的文件名。对于Bellagio OpenMAX实现,它的值是:${libdir}/。gstreamer1.0-omx配方需要此值来调整gstomx.conf文件配置文件。

posted @ 2020-12-01 07:20  吴建明wujianming  阅读(379)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报