Sql2008 View sys.types
CREATE VIEW sys.types AS
SELECT name,
t.xtype AS system_type_id,
t.id AS user_type_id,
t.schid AS schema_id,
o.indepid AS principal_id,
t.length AS max_length,
t.prec AS precision,
t.scale AS scale,
convert(sysname, collationpropertyfromid(t.collationid, 'name')) AS collation_name,
sysconv(bit, 1 - (t.status & 1)) AS is_nullable, -- TYPE_NOTNULL
sysconv(bit, case when t.id > 256 then 1 else 0 end) AS is_user_defined, -- x_utypSSNAME
sysconv(bit, case when t.xtype = 240 then 1 else 0 end) AS is_assembly_type, -- XVT_UDT
t.dflt AS default_object_id,
t.chk AS rule_object_id,
sysconv(bit, case when t.xtype = 243 then 1 else 0 end) AS is_table_type -- XVT_TABLETYPE
FROM sys.sysscalartypes t
LEFT JOIN sys.syssingleobjrefs o ON o.depid = t.id AND o.class = 44 AND o.depsubid = 0 -- SRC_TYPETOOWNER
WHERE t.id <= 256 OR has_access('UT', t.id) = 1