以下内容是我对Chris Waugh的MovieClip的反馈内容,这是我第二次对外国网友的技术反馈。
Hi Chris,
Thank you for your Open-source spirit!Based on your great work,I implement it and make a little improvement to solve my practical MovieClip-printing problem. The major progress i have made is to work out a way of printing a MovieClip with Multi-frames only by one printjob sending.of course, i resolved the question of "printing the full width of the Movieclip ".Because swf stores content in the form of vectorgraph,what you need do is make sure "clip.height=printArea.height;clip.width=printArea.width;". It is a easy way.
1//MC printing Function
2private function printMovieClip(clip:MovieClip):void
4 var printJob:PrintJob=new PrintJob();
5 var printArea:Rectangle;
6 if (!printJob.start())
7 return;
8 //The page you choose to print ,"selectPages" is a mx:combox object i used to support printing one frame of MC
9 var printPage:int=selectPages.selectedItem.data;
10 if (printPage == 0) //print all frames of the MovieClip
11 {
12 for (var i:int=1; i <= clip.totalFrames; i++)
13 {
14 clip.gotoAndStop(i);
15 /* Resize movie clip to fit within page width */
16 clip.width=printJob.pageWidth;
17 clip.scaleY=clip.scaleX;
18 /* Store reference to print area in a new variable! Will save on scaling */
19 printArea=new Rectangle(0, 0, printJob.pageWidth, printJob.pageHeight);
20 //numPages=Math.ceil(clip.height / printJob.pageHeight);
21 /* Add pages to print job */
22 printJob.addPage(clip, printArea);
23 }
24 }
25 else //print the selected frame
26 {
//goto the selected frame firstly
27 clip.gotoAndStop(printPage);
28 /* Resize movie clip to fit within page width */
29 clip.width=printJob.pageWidth;
30 clip.scaleY=clip.scaleX;
31 printArea=new Rectangle(0, 0, printJob.pageWidth, printJob.pageHeight);
32 /* Add pages to print job */
33 printJob.addPage(clip, printArea);
34 }
36 /* Send print job to printer */
37 printJob.send();
38 /* Delete job from memory */
39 printJob=null;
41 }
If you want more information ,you want to look at my clip image and you understand a little chinese, welcome you visit my blog:http://www.cnblogs.com/wuhenke/archive/2009/11/17/1604923.html
best wishes!