设计模式完结(15) -- 解释器模式 -- 自定义语言的实现模式

expression ::= direction action distance | composite //表达式
composite ::= expression 'and' expression //复合表达式
direction ::= 'up' | 'down' | 'left' | 'right' //移动方向
action ::= 'move' | 'run' //移动方式
distance ::= an integer //移动距离




abstract class AbstractExpression {
       public  abstract void interpret(Context ctx);

class TerminalExpression extends  AbstractExpression {
       public  void interpret(Context ctx) {

class NonterminalExpression extends  AbstractExpression {
       private  AbstractExpression left;
       private  AbstractExpression right;

       public  NonterminalExpression(AbstractExpression left,AbstractExpression right) {

       public void interpret(Context ctx) {




lass Context {
     private HashMap map = new HashMap();
     public void assign(String key, String value) {
public String  lookup(String key) {






import java.util.*;  

abstract class AbstractNode {  
    public abstract String interpret();  

class AndNode extends AbstractNode {  
    private AbstractNode left; //And的左表达式  
    private AbstractNode right; //And的右表达式  

    public AndNode(AbstractNode left, AbstractNode right) {  
        this.left = left;  
        this.right = right;  

    public String interpret() {  
        return left.interpret() + "再" + right.interpret();  

class SentenceNode extends AbstractNode {  
    private AbstractNode direction;  
    private AbstractNode action;  
    private AbstractNode distance;  

    public SentenceNode(AbstractNode direction,AbstractNode action,AbstractNode distance) {  
        this.direction = direction;  
        this.action = action;  
        this.distance = distance;  

    public String interpret() {  
        return direction.interpret() + action.interpret() + distance.interpret();  

class DirectionNode extends AbstractNode {  
    private String direction;  

    public DirectionNode(String direction) {  
        this.direction = direction;  

    public String interpret() {  
        if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("up")) {  
            return "向上";  
        else if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("down")) {  
            return "向下";  
        else if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) {  
            return "向左";  
        else if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) {  
            return "向右";  
        else {  
            return "无效指令";  

class ActionNode extends AbstractNode {  
    private String action;  

    public ActionNode(String action) {  
        this.action = action;  

    public String interpret() {  
        if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("move")) {  
            return "移动";  
        else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("run")) {  
            return "快速移动";  
        else {  
            return "无效指令";  

class DistanceNode extends AbstractNode {  
    private String distance;  

    public DistanceNode(String distance) {  
        this.distance = distance;  

    public String interpret() {  
        return this.distance;  

class InstructionHandler {  
    private String instruction;  
    private AbstractNode node;  

    public void handle(String instruction) {  
        AbstractNode left = null, right = null;  
        AbstractNode direction = null, action = null, distance = null;  
        Stack stack = new Stack(); //声明一个栈对象用于存储抽象语法树  
        String[] words = instruction.split(" "); //以空格分隔指令字符串  
        for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {  
if (words[i].equalsIgnoreCase("and")) {
left = (AbstractNode)stack.pop(); //弹出栈顶表达式作为左表达式 String word1= words[++i]; direction = new DirectionNode(word1); String word2 = words[++i]; action = new ActionNode(word2); String word3 = words[++i]; distance = new DistanceNode(word3); right = new SentenceNode(direction,action,distance); //右表达式 stack.push(new AndNode(left,right)); //将新表达式压入栈中 } //如果是从头开始进行解释,则将前三个单词组成一个简单句子SentenceNode并将该句子压入栈中 else { String word1 = words[i]; direction = new DirectionNode(word1); String word2 = words[++i]; action = new ActionNode(word2); String word3 = words[++i]; distance = new DistanceNode(word3); left = new SentenceNode(direction,action,distance); stack.push(left); //将新表达式压入栈中 } } this.node = (AbstractNode)stack.pop(); //将全部表达式从栈中弹出 } public String output() { String result = node.interpret(); //解释表达式 return result; } } class Client { public static void main(String args[]) { String instruction = "up move 5 and down run 10 and left move 5"; InstructionHandler handler = new InstructionHandler(); handler.handle(instruction); String outString; outString = handler.output(); System.out.println(outString); } }


posted @ 2017-04-11 17:05  上台阶  阅读(211)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报