use ziranzaihai

SELECT *  into liutonado

 FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

'Excel 8.0;Database=E:\zrzh\yyyy-tonado.xls;HDR=YES;IMEX=1', sheet1$ )


select 数据来源,灾害类型,灾害发生年,灾害发生月,灾害发生日,灾害开始时间,灾害结束时间,省_Name as 观测省,市_Name as 观测市,县_Name as 观测县,观测站名,观测站号,乡镇_Name as 发生地,a.value,POINT_X as 经度,POINT_Y as 纬度 ,


into windtemp

from dbo.liuwind a ,dbo.Town_New b 

where b.乡镇_Name like a.发生地+'%' 

and  b.县_Name like '%'+a. 观测县+'%'


select 数据来源,灾害类型,灾害发生年,灾害发生月,灾害发生日,灾害开始时间,灾害结束时间,省_Name as 观测省,市_Name as 观测市,县_Name as 观测县,观测站名,观测站号,乡镇_Name as 发生地,a.value,POINT_X as 经度,POINT_Y as 纬度 ,


into windtemp2

from dbo.liuwind a ,dbo.Town_New b 

where b.乡镇_Name like a.发生地+'%' 

and  b.市_Name like a.观测市+'%' 

select * from windtemp

insert into windtemp

select * from windtemp2 where 发生地  not in (select 发生地  from windtemp)

select * into yyyy_wind from windtemp



select 数据来源,灾害类型,灾害发生年,灾害发生月,灾害发生日,开始时间 as 灾害开始时间,结束时间 as 灾害结束时间,省_Name as 观测省,市_Name as 观测市,县_Name as 观测县,观测站名,观测站号,乡镇_Name as 发生地,测站风速,POINT_X as 经度,POINT_Y as 纬度 ,


into tonadotemp

from dbo.liutonado a ,dbo.Town_New b 

where b.乡镇_Name like a.灾害发生地点+'%' 

and  b.县_Name like '%'+a. 观测县+'%'


select 数据来源,灾害类型,灾害发生年,灾害发生月,灾害发生日,开始时间 as 灾害开始时间,结束时间 as 灾害结束时间,省_Name as 观测省,市_Name as 观测市,县_Name as 观测县,观测站名,观测站号,乡镇_Name as 发生地,测站风速,POINT_X as 经度,POINT_Y as 纬度 ,


into tonadotemp2

from dbo.liutonado a ,dbo.Town_New b 

where b.乡镇_Name like a.灾害发生地点+'%' 

and  b.市_Name like a.观测市+'%' 

select * from tonadotemp

insert into tonadotemp

select * from tonadotemp2 where 发生地  not in (select 发生地  from tonadotemp)



-----alter   table   test   add   id   int   identity(1,1) 




alter   table   tonadotemp   add   开始时间   varchar(255)

alter   table   tonadotemp   add   结束时间   varchar(255)

update tonadotemp set 开始时间=CONVERT(varchar,灾害开始时间,108)

update tonadotemp set 结束时间=CONVERT(varchar,灾害结束时间,108)

alter   table   tonadotemp drop column 灾害开始时间

alter   table   tonadotemp drop column 灾害结束时间


select * from yyyy_wind




select * from tonadotemp where 观测站名 =''



select * from tonadotemp 

where  经济损失 Is Not NULL

and 农业损失 IS NULL


-----------------讲写在一起的yyyy-mm-dd 分开


select datepart (year,column_name) from Table_name

select datepart (month,column_name) from Table_name

select datepart (day,column_name) from Table_name







select getdate()

2004-09-12 11:06:08.177

select CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 120 )
2004-09-12 11:06:08

select replace(replace(replace(CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 120 ),'-',''),' ',''),':','')

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 111 )

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 112 )

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 102 )

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 101 )

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 103 )

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 104 )

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 105 )

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 106 )
12 09 2004

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 107 )
09 12, 2004

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 108 )

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 109 )
09 12 2004 1

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 110 )

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 113 )
12 09 2004 1

select CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 114 )


posted on 2009-03-04 21:06  秋波渡  阅读(1551)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报