An easier way to register the Assemblies' Instrumentation In Enterprise Library I know that we have a link on the start menu to run the batch file that registers all the assemblies instrumentation, b... 阅读全文
随笔分类 - Enterprise Library使用手记
Security Database Console with Authorization Rules
2005-06-13 18:26 by 无常, 1257 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
entlib默认是把所有授权的配置都放在.config文件中的,也没提供有保存到数据库中的组件。那只能自己动手了。幸好已经有前人做了这个工作。down回来编译就行了。RAR包中还带有生成相关表和储存过程的SQL脚本。This sample extends the existing Security Database Console to support Authorization Rules wi... 阅读全文
SaltEnabled= False 与 SaltEnabled= true
2005-06-02 23:33 by 无常, 719 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
刚才测试时无意发现Cryptography Application Block默认配置SaltEnabled= true,每次用下面这段代码返回的散列码都不一样。 this.textBox4.Text = System.BitConverter.ToString( p ); this.textBox5.Text = System.BitConver... 阅读全文